Shulman is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname that literally means "shul-man". A shul is another name for a synagogue, a Jewish house of worship, and the name was usually given to the head of the synagogue or the synagogue's rabbi. It can also appear as a result of double transliteration, to and from the Cyrillic alphabet, of the German surname "Schulmann".
Friedman, Friedmann, and Freedman are surnames of German origin, and from the 17th century were also adopted by Ashkenazi Jews. It is the 9th most common surname in Israel and most common exclusively Ashkenazi name. They may refer to:
Donaldson is a Scottish and Irish patronymic surname meaning "son of Donald". It is a simpler Anglicized variant for the name MacDonald. Notable people with the surname include:
Cunningham is a surname of Scottish origin, see Clan Cunningham.
Michael Scott, Michael Scot, or Mike Scott may refer to:
Mann is a German, Dutch, Jewish (Ashkenazic), English, Irish or Scottish surname, of Germanic origin. It means 'man', 'person', 'husband'. In the runic alphabet, the meaning 'man', 'human', is represented by the single character ᛗ.
Delaney is an Irish surname derived from the Gaelic Ó Dubhshláine, Dubh meaning black and Sláine for the River Sláine (Slaney). DeLaney is also of Norman origin. Variants include Delaney, Delany and Dulaney.
Lamb is a surname, and may refer to
Dixon, as is common in England, or Dickson, is a patronymic surname, originating from Thomas de Keith, upon his the ennoblement in 1307. He was the son of Richard Keith in 1307, son of Hervey de Keith, Earl Marischal of Scotland, and Margaret, daughter of the 3rd Lord of Douglas.
Isaacs is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Levi or Lévi is a Jewish surname. It is a transliteration of the Hebrew word לוי. Another spelling of the name is Levy. According to Jewish tradition, people with the surname have patrilineal descent from the Levites of the Bible. In 2019, it was revealed as the second most common surname in Israel.
Gould is a surname, a variant of "Gold"
Jeremy is an English given name, deriving from the name Jeremiah. The name Jeremy is of Hebrew origin and means "God will uplift" or "appointed by God". It is derived from the Hebrew name Yirmeyahu (יִרְמְיָהוּ), which carries the same meaning. Jeremy is a common English form of the name Jeremiah, often used in English-speaking countries, as "Jeremy" is the anglicized and diminutive form of the given name "Jeremiah."
Jackson is a common surname of Scottish, Irish and English origin eventually becoming a common American surname also. In 1980, Jackson was the 24th most common surname in England and Wales. In the 1990 United States Census, Jackson was the thirteenth most frequently reported surname, accounting for 0.3% of the population.
Kelly is a surname of Irish origin. The name is a partially anglicised version of older Irish names and has numerous origins, most notably from the Ui Maine. In some cases it is derived from toponyms located in Ireland and Great Britain; in other cases it is derived from patronyms in the Irish language.
Alexander is a surname originating in Scotland, originally an Anglicised form of the Scottish Gaelic MacAlasdair. It is a somewhat common Scottish name, and the region of Scotland where it traditionally is most commonly found is in the Highlands region of Scotland.
Townsend is a topographic surname of Yorkshire and Norfolk origin, indicating residence at the extremity of a city or burgh Popular variants are Townshend, and Townend.
Fox is a surname originating in England and Ireland. Variants include Foxe and Foxx.
Levy or Lévy is a surname generally of Hebrew origin. It is a transliteration of the Hebrew לוי meaning "joining". Another spelling of the surname—among multiple other spellings—is Levi or Lévi.
Walton is a toponymic surname or placename of Anglo-Saxon origins. It derives from a place with the suffix tun and one of the prefixes wald, walesc ('foreigner') or walh. First recorded as a surname in Oxfordshire in the person of Odo de Wolton on the Hundred Rolls in 1273. People with the name include: