This article may be too technical for most readers to understand.(December 2012) |
The simple chemical reacting system (SCRS) is one of the combustion models for computational fluid dynamics. This model helps us to determine the process of combustion which is a vital phenomenon used in many engineering applications like aircraft engines, internal combustion engines, rocket engines, industrial furnaces, and power station combustors. The simple chemical reacting system (SCRS) refers the global nature of the combustion process considering only the final species concentrations. The detailed kinetics of the process is generally neglected and it postulates that combustion does proceed via a global one-step without intermediates. [1] Infinitely fast chemical reaction is assumed with oxidants reacting in stoichiometric proportions to form products. SCRS considers the reaction to be irreversible i.e. rate of reverse reaction is presumed to be very low. [2]
1 kg of fuel + s kg of oxidant → (1 + s) kg of products
For the combustion of the methane gas the equation becomes
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
1 mole of CH4 + 2 moles of O2 → 1 mole of CO2 + 2 moles of H2O
The stoichiometric proportions of the above equation is given by
1 kg of CH4 + (64/16) kg of O2 → (1+ 64/16) kg of products
The transport equations for the fuel and oxygen mass fractions are
Now consider a variable ‘’ defined by
Also the mass transport coefficients, appearing in the transport equations are assumed to be a constant and are equal to ‘RΦ’
Now the transport equations of fuel and oxygen can be written as
Assuming the reaction to be one step, infinitely fast we can conclude
Now the transport equation reduces to
Now defining the mixture fraction ‘f’, a non-dimensional variable in terms of ‘Φ’ we get
Where the suffix ‘1’ denotes the fuel stream and ‘0’ denotes oxygen stream.
If the mixture contains only oxygen the mixture fraction ‘f’ is given by the value ‘0’ and if it contains only fuel it is given by ‘1’.
Now substituting the value of ‘Φ’ in the above mixture fraction equation we get
In a fuel stream [mfu]1 = 1, [mox]1 = 0 and in an oxygen stream [mfu]0 = 0, [mox]0 = 1
Simplifying the above equation we get
Now defining a new variable ‘fst’, a stoichiometric mixture where there is no oxygen and fuel present in the products is given by
At fast chemical reactions
1. If there is excess of oxygen present in the reactants, there will be no fuel left in the products. Then mfu = 0, mox > 0 and f < fst is given by
2. If there is excess of fuel present in the reactants, there will be no oxygen left in the products. Then mfu > 0, mox = 0 and f > fst is given by
Here ‘Φ’ is a passive scalar and it obeys the scalar transport equation. Also the mixture fraction ‘f’ is linearly related to ‘Φ ’, so it is also a passive scalar and obeys the scalar transport equation. Now the transport equation can be written as
From the initial known masses of the oxygen and fuel, we can find out the masses of these values after combustion given by
There are many inert gases included with the oxygen that do not take part in the reaction. The mass fraction of these inert gases after combustion for any value of ‘f’ can be obtained from the formula
min = min, 0( 1 – f) + min, 1. f
Similarly the mass fraction of the products of combustion is obtained from
mpr = 1 – (mfu + min + mox)
The following assumptions are made in the SCRS:
1. Single step reaction between the reactants excluding the intermediate steps. [1] [3]
2. A reactant which is in excess in mass fraction consumes all the other reactants stoichiometrically to form products. [3]
The above assumptions resolve the relations between mixture fraction f and all the mass fractions. So we need to solve only one partial differential equation to calculate combustion flows rather than calculating individual partial differential equations for the mass fraction.
In fluid dynamics, potential flow describes the velocity field as the gradient of a scalar function: the velocity potential. As a result, a potential flow is characterized by an irrotational velocity field, which is a valid approximation for several applications. The irrotationality of a potential flow is due to the curl of the gradient of a scalar always being equal to zero.
The primitive equations are a set of nonlinear partial differential equations that are used to approximate global atmospheric flow and are used in most atmospheric models. They consist of three main sets of balance equations:
In theoretical physics, the Batalin–Vilkovisky (BV) formalism was developed as a method for determining the ghost structure for Lagrangian gauge theories, such as gravity and supergravity, whose corresponding Hamiltonian formulation has constraints not related to a Lie algebra. The BV formalism, based on an action that contains both fields and "antifields", can be thought of as a vast generalization of the original BRST formalism for pure Yang–Mills theory to an arbitrary Lagrangian gauge theory. Other names for the Batalin–Vilkovisky formalism are field-antifield formalism, Lagrangian BRST formalism, or BV–BRST formalism. It should not be confused with the Batalin–Fradkin–Vilkovisky (BFV) formalism, which is the Hamiltonian counterpart.
In gas dynamics, Chaplygin's equation, named after Sergei Alekseevich Chaplygin (1902), is a partial differential equation useful in the study of transonic flow. It is
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Air–fuel ratio (AFR) is the mass ratio of air to a solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel present in a combustion process. The combustion may take place in a controlled manner such as in an internal combustion engine or industrial furnace, or may result in an explosion.
A premixed flame is a flame formed under certain conditions during the combustion of a premixed charge of fuel and oxidiser. Since the fuel and oxidiser—the key chemical reactants of combustion—are available throughout a homogeneous stoichiometric premixed charge, the combustion process once initiated sustains itself by way of its own heat release. The majority of the chemical transformation in such a combustion process occurs primarily in a thin interfacial region which separates the unburned and the burned gases. The premixed flame interface propagates through the mixture until the entire charge is depleted. The propagation speed of a premixed flame is known as the flame speed which depends on the convection-diffusion-reaction balance within the flame, i.e. on its inner chemical structure. The premixed flame is characterised as laminar or turbulent depending on the velocity distribution in the unburned pre-mixture.
In numerical methods, total variation diminishing (TVD) is a property of certain discretization schemes used to solve hyperbolic partial differential equations. The most notable application of this method is in computational fluid dynamics. The concept of TVD was introduced by Ami Harten.
Sediment transport is the movement of solid particles (sediment), typically due to a combination of gravity acting on the sediment, and/or the movement of the fluid in which the sediment is entrained. Sediment transport occurs in natural systems where the particles are clastic rocks, mud, or clay; the fluid is air, water, or ice; and the force of gravity acts to move the particles along the sloping surface on which they are resting. Sediment transport due to fluid motion occurs in rivers, oceans, lakes, seas, and other bodies of water due to currents and tides. Transport is also caused by glaciers as they flow, and on terrestrial surfaces under the influence of wind. Sediment transport due only to gravity can occur on sloping surfaces in general, including hillslopes, scarps, cliffs, and the continental shelf—continental slope boundary.
The Cauchy momentum equation is a vector partial differential equation put forth by Cauchy that describes the non-relativistic momentum transport in any continuum.
The multiphase particle-in-cell method (MP-PIC) is a numerical method for modeling particle-fluid and particle-particle interactions in a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculation. The MP-PIC method achieves greater stability than its particle-in-cell predecessor by simultaneously treating the solid particles as computational particles and as a continuum. In the MP-PIC approach, the particle properties are mapped from the Lagrangian coordinates to an Eulerian grid through the use of interpolation functions. After evaluation of the continuum derivative terms, the particle properties are mapped back to the individual particles. This method has proven to be stable in dense particle flows, computationally efficient, and physically accurate. This has allowed the MP-PIC method to be used as particle-flow solver for the simulation of industrial-scale chemical processes involving particle-fluid flows.
The hybrid difference scheme is a method used in the numerical solution for convection–diffusion problems. It was first introduced by Spalding (1970). It is a combination of central difference scheme and upwind difference scheme as it exploits the favorable properties of both of these schemes.
Blade element momentum theory is a theory that combines both blade element theory and momentum theory. It is used to calculate the local forces on a propeller or wind-turbine blade. Blade element theory is combined with momentum theory to alleviate some of the difficulties in calculating the induced velocities at the rotor.
The Finite volume method in computational fluid dynamics is a discretization technique for partial differential equations that arise from physical conservation laws. These equations can be different in nature, e.g. elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic. The first well-documented use of this method was by Evans and Harlow (1957) at Los Alamos. The general equation for steady diffusion can be easily be derived from the general transport equation for property Φ by deleting transient and convective terms.
In applied mathematics, the central differencing scheme is a finite difference method that optimizes the approximation for the differential operator in the central node of the considered patch and provides numerical solutions to differential equations. It is one of the schemes used to solve the integrated convection–diffusion equation and to calculate the transported property Φ at the e and w faces, where e and w are short for east and west. The method's advantages are that it is easy to understand and implement, at least for simple material relations; and that its convergence rate is faster than some other finite differencing methods, such as forward and backward differencing. The right side of the convection-diffusion equation, which basically highlights the diffusion terms, can be represented using central difference approximation. To simplify the solution and analysis, linear interpolation can be used logically to compute the cell face values for the left side of this equation, which is nothing but the convective terms. Therefore, cell face values of property for a uniform grid can be written as:
Unsteady flows are characterized as flows in which the properties of the fluid are time dependent. It gets reflected in the governing equations as the time derivative of the properties are absent. For Studying Finite-volume method for unsteady flow there is some governing equations >
In fluid mechanics, fluid flow through porous media is the manner in which fluids behave when flowing through a porous medium, for example sponge or wood, or when filtering water using sand or another porous material. As commonly observed, some fluid flows through the media while some mass of the fluid is stored in the pores present in the media.
Finite volume method (FVM) is a numerical method. FVM in computational fluid dynamics is used to solve the partial differential equation which arises from the physical conservation law by using discretisation. Convection is always followed by diffusion and hence where convection is considered we have to consider combine effect of convection and diffusion. But in places where fluid flow plays a non-considerable role we can neglect the convective effect of the flow. In this case we have to consider more simplistic case of only diffusion. The general equation for steady convection-diffusion can be easily derived from the general transport equation for property by deleting transient.
In combustion, a Burke–Schumann flame is a type of diffusion flame, established at the mouth of the two concentric ducts, by issuing fuel and oxidizer from the two region respectively. It is named after S.P. Burke and T.E.W. Schumann, who were able to predict the flame height and flame shape using their simple analysis of infinitely fast chemistry in 1928 at the First symposium on combustion.
Mixture fraction is a quantity used in combustion studies that measures the mass fraction of one stream of a mixture formed by two feed streams, one the fuel stream and the other the oxidizer stream. Both the feed streams are allowed to have inert gases. The mixture fraction definition is usually normalized such that it approaches unity in the fuel stream and zero in the oxidizer stream. The mixture-fraction variable is commonly used as a replacement for the physical coordinate normal to the flame surface, in nonpremixed combustion.