Sindre Sorhus

Last updated
Sindre Sohrus
Occupation Software Engineer

Sindre Sohrus is a open-source developer who primarily works within Web Development and Swift, and actively maintains over 1000 npm packages [1] , 3 of which are in the top 5 NPM packages [2] , and downloads totalling at almost 2 billion downloads [3] , establishing many of the foundational technologies used in packages like Webpack and Babel.


Growing up near Oslo, Norway, Sindre had a passion for Legos, and, after receiving his first computer, websites and flash games. [4] Sindre worked in the Norwegian military as a programmer and photographer, [5] where he had free time in the afternoon to tinker with software.

Software Projects

Sindre maintains and contributes to many notable JavaScript and TypeScript, projects:

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