Software durability

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In software engineering, software durability means the solution ability of serviceability of software and to meet user's needs for a relatively long time. Software durability is important for user's satisfaction. For a software security to be durable, it must allow an organization to adjust the software to business needs that are constantly evolving, often in impulsive ways. [1]

Durability of software depends on four characteristics mainly; i.e. software trustworthiness, Human Trust for Serviceability, software dependability and software usability.[ citation needed ]

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  1. Kumar, Rajeev; Khan, Suhel Ahmad; Khan, Raees Ahmad (October 2015). "Durable Security in Software Development: Needs and Importance". CSI Communications. Vol. 99 no. 7. Computer Society of India. pp. 34–36. ISSN   0970-647X.