Sophia Economou

Last updated
Sophia E. Economou
Alma mater University of California, San Diego
Scientific career
Institutions United States Naval Research Laboratory
Virginia Tech
Thesis Spontaneous emission and optical control of spins in quantum dots  (2006)
Website Economou group

Sophia E. Economou is an American physicist who is a professor and a Hassinger Senior Fellow of Physics at Virginia Tech. She directs the Virginia Tech Center for Quantum Information Science and Engineering.


Early life and education

Economou was a doctoral student at the University of California, San Diego, where she studied quantum dots. In particular, she was interested in spins in quantum dots, which could be manipulated optically. [1] After graduating, she moved to the United States Naval Research Laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher and staff member, where she worked on quantum computing and quantum photonics. [2]

Research and career

Economou directs the Virginia Tech Center for Quantum Information Science and Engineering. [3] Her research develops algorithms that can use noisy quantum computers to predict the properties of new molecular materials. [4]

Economou is committed to educating a new generation of quantum scientists, and created a first year course on quantum information science. [5]


Economou was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2023, "for the development of quantum optimization methods, protocols for the generation of photonic resource states, efficient quantum control schemes for spins and nuclei, and a quantum curriculum for young researchers". [6]

Selected publications

Related Research Articles

This is a timeline of quantum computing.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eleftherios Economou</span>

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  1. "Spontaneous emission and optical control of spins in quantum dots |". Retrieved 2023-08-26.
  2. "Physics - Sophia E. Economou". Retrieved 2023-08-26.
  3. "Quantum powers researchers to see the unseen". Retrieved 2023-08-26.
  4. "Virginia Tech researchers lead breakthrough in quantum computing". EurekAlert!. Retrieved 2023-08-27.
  5. "APS -APS March Meeting 2023 - Event - Hello Quantum World! A rigorous but accessible first-year university course in quantum information science". Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 68 (3). American Physical Society.
  6. "2023 Fellows". APS Fellow Archive. American Physical Society. Retrieved 2023-10-19.