Sophia Moreau

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Sophia Reibetanz Moreau
Era 21st-century philosophy
Region Western philosophy
Institutions University of Toronto
Notable students Helga Varden

Sophia Reibetanz Moreau (born 1972) is a Canadian philosopher and Professor of Law and Philosophy at the University of Toronto. [1] She is known for her works on inequality and discrimination. [2] [3] [4]


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  1. "Sophia Moreau". University of Toronto Faculty of Law.
  2. "Rebecca Cook, The Importance of a Pluralist Account of Discrimination (Book Forum) [2020 C4eJ 33]". Ethics in Context. 3 June 2020.
  3. "Deborah Hellman, Moreau's Pluralism about Discrimination (Book Forum) [2020 C4eJ 29]". Ethics in Context. 3 June 2020.
  4. "Niko Kolodny, Discrimination, Subordination, and Pluralism (Book Forum) [2020 C4eJ 30]". Ethics in Context. 3 June 2020.