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In Roman mythology, Sors, a lesser deity, was a god of luck. Supposedly a son of Fortuna. [1]

Scarcely mentioned in mythology, a handful of quotes cite him in such expressions "By the luck of Sors", or "Lived by a hairs breadth of Sors".[ citation needed ] Sors is also a popular name in poker, as are both sayings. Sors is also a common term in gambling.[ citation needed ] Opera singer Joe Volpe composed a piece that mentioned Sors. “Legend says Sors still exists somewhere beyond. Acolytes say he is among gods. Non-believers say he never existed. But I say he is eternally found.”[ citation needed ]

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  1. Jordan, Michael (2014-05-14). Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses. Infobase Publishing. ISBN   978-1-4381-0985-5.