South African History Archive SAHA | |
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Location | Wits History Workshop, Room 217, 2nd Floor, Robert Sobukwe Block., South Africa |
Type | Archive |
Scope | South African contemporary and apartheid struggle history |
Established | 1988 |
Collection | |
Items collected | posters, photographs, legal documents, audio and visual recordings, other ephemera |
Size | over 800 linear meters |
Access and use | |
Access requirements | Open access by appointment |
Other information | |
Website | |
The South African History Archive Trust, better known as SAHA, is an independent archive dedicated to documenting, supporting and promoting greater awareness of past and contemporary struggles for justice through archival practice, outreach, and the utilisation of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (PAIA). [1] SAHA was founded in the 1980s as increasing state censorship in South Africa threatened to obscure the struggle against human rights violations and the oppressive political regime of apartheid. [2] Since 2022, SAHA has been based at the Wits University after a 10-year relocation to Women's Gaol Museum, Constitution Hill where it took over responsibility for archiving the Constitution Hill Trust records in addition to its original collection. [3]
SAHA was founded in 1988 by representatives of the Mass Democratic Movement (MDM). [2] The MDM was composed of a variety of anti-apartheid activist organisations including the United Democratic Front (UDF) and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu). [4] Organisations joining the MDM were dealing with a growing number of restrictions or had been banned by the National Party government. [2] In a climate of censorship SAHA was formed by the MDM to keep the records of anti-apartheid organisations safe ensuring the struggles for liberation would be documented. In 1987 the Popular History Trust (PHT) in Harare, Zimbabwe, began collecting material from South African political organisations. [5] A large quantity of the current SAHA collection was under threat resulting in it being sent to PHT to prevent its destruction by the apartheid state. [6] PHT provided a safe location outside of South Africa where the future archival material of SAHA could be protected while remaining accessible. [2] In the 1990s the bans on many political parties and activists were lifted making it possible for the archive to return to its country of origin. PHT dissolved as an independent organisation in Harare. At the legal forming of SAHA in 1991 PHT resources and the collections were transferred to SAHA. [5]
During the 1990s and up until 2012, SAHA was based at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) in the William Cullen Library. While based at Wits, SAHA often worked with Historical Papers, sharing resources and undertaking joint projects such as the 1981 Detainees Oral History project and the Exiles Oral History Project.
During the 1980s SAHA's collection had been organised according to the needs of its founders and contributors, namely the administrative arms of political parties. Much of this bureaucratic method of organisation required re-evaluation. During the 1990s SAHA was primarily concerned with making the archive responsive to the growing number of post-apartheid researchers and with collecting documents in danger of destruction. [2]
In 1997 SAHA created a core programme, originally called the Gay and Lesbian Archives (GALA) to help provide better access to the LGBTI records within SAHA and to assist in the organisation thereof. [7] GALA became an independent organisation in 2007 changing its name to Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action while retaining the acronym GALA.
In 2002 SAHA started an intensive program of digitisation and organisation of the archive. [2]
In 2012 SAHA left Wits and moved to Constitution Hill in the former Women's Jail.
In 2021 SAHA announced it would be returning to Wits University. The relocation was completed in 2022. [8]
SAHA functions as a Trust and a nonprofit organization under the direction of a board of trustees.
SAHA mandate is to support struggles for justice by:
SAHA organises its activities around two core programmes: the Struggle for Justice Programme (SFJP), and the Freedom of Information Programme (FOIP).
SFJP represents the original intentions of the archive at its founding in 1988. It is dedicated to preserving, creating access to, and collecting records that document struggles against the injustices of apartheid as well as contemporary struggles for social justice. [1] In addition to fulfilling an archival role, SFJP also seeks to activate the archive. Activating the archive is a process of continually seeking to make the archive relevant to current researchers and promote its accessibility to the general public. SFJP activates the archive through publications, educational guidebooks for schools and teacher workshops, as well as through physical, traveling and online exhibitions. [9]
FOIP was established in 2001 following the enactment of the PAIA. PAIA has made it possible to access information held by the state or by private bodies, but in the latter case, only if needed to protect or exercise another right. [10]
FOIP is dedicated to extending the boundaries of freedom of information in South Africa by creating awareness of the right of access to information and its power to assist in exercising and defending other human rights. [11] FOIP provides advice and guidance to those wishing to make PAIA requests, runs workshops, and issues publications. As part of their programme, FOIP also empowers individuals and organisations to understand and utilise PAIA as a strategic advocacy tool. FOIP works to increase compliance with and the use of PAIA. [11] Through the use of PAIA, FOIP has expanded the role of SAHA as an activist archive and helps to keep SAHA's collections relevant and responsive to researcher and community needs.
SAHA's Right to Truth project (RTT) is focused on making the work and records of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and other records of apartheid-era human rights abuses more readily accessible. Over the course of 2014 to 2015 FOIP, through a PAIA request, gained access to the closed section 29 hearing transcripts of the TRC; making these records part of SAHA's collection. [12] RTT is responsible for consolidating the TRC section 29 records with related TRC material held at SAHA. RTT is working towards making the S29 TRC records accessible in an online searchable format. RTT also assists in making available the transcripts and testimonies of the TRC and jointly with the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) makes available the documentary Special Report. [13]
The PAIA Request Tracker is an online information management tool, developed by SAHA, to track requests made by SAHA and its civil society partners under PAIA. The tracker streamlines the request process, making it easier for civil society organisations to submit requests. It includes mechanisms to create, send and track the progress of PAIA requests and all related communication with the public and private bodies responsible for processing those requests. [14]
In addition the Request Tracker functions as a tool for monitoring public and private bodies' compliance with the act. The Request Tracker is an information management tool that enables the public to compare compliance by various public and private bodies against prescribed timelines and other obligations in PAIA. [14]
To mark its 100th year of publication in 2006, the Sunday Times embarked on a project to erect a trail of memorials across South Africa to commemorate some of the remarkable people and events that made history from 1906 to 2006. It set out to commemorate remarkable people and events selected from different arenas of South Africa's past; SAHA extended the project and made accessible a range of media, such as radio, DVD, the web, as well as an oral history and heritage project for schools. Subjects include but are not limited to Happyboy Mgxaji, Mohandas Gandhi, Duma Nokwe, Tsietsi Mashinini, Brenda Fassie, Bethuel Mokgosinyana and the Orlando Pirates, Lilian Ngoyi, John Vorster Square and death in detention, Isaac Wauchope and the sinking of the SS Mendi and the Purple March. [15]
SAHA currently has over 140 collections. [16] These include significant collections relating to the anti-apartheid struggle, the United Democratic Front (UDF) and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The collections consist of donated material from individuals and organisations, as well as materials created or collected in the course of SAHA's various oral history, education, heritage and outreach projects. FOIP is also contributing a fast growing body of information it has obtained by using PAIA. SAHA's collections consists of a variety of material including documents, posters, photographs, oral history recordings, music, and other ephemera. [17]
In order to enable community-based and educational organisations to host low-cost exhibitions, in order to explore issues specific to their communities or to commemorate key moments in South African history, SAHA develops thematic exhibition kits for loan. These exhibition kits are suitable for use at short-term events (for example, conferences and civil society workshops), or for longer exhibitions at community halls and memorials sites. The kits currently relate to three themes: women, workers and youth. [18]
A list of SAHA publications [19]
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was a court-like restorative justice body assembled in South Africa in 1996 after the end of apartheid. Authorised by Nelson Mandela and chaired by Desmond Tutu, the commission invited witnesses who were identified as victims of gross human rights violations to give statements about their experiences, and selected some for public hearings. Perpetrators of violence could also give testimony and request amnesty from both civil and criminal prosecution.
Ciskei, officially the Republic of Ciskei, was a Bantustan for the Xhosa people, located in the southeast of South Africa. It covered an area of 7,700 square kilometres (3,000 sq mi), almost entirely surrounded by what was then the Cape Province, and possessed a small coastline along the shore of the Indian Ocean.
Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe OMSG was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and founding member of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), serving as the first president of the organization.
Helen Beatrice Joseph OMSG was a South African anti-apartheid activist. Born in Sussex, England, Helen graduated with a degree in English from the University of London in 1927 and then departed for India, where she taught for three years at Mahbubia School for girls in Hyderabad. In about 1930 she left India for England via South Africa. However, she settled in Durban, where she met and married a dentist, Billie Joseph, whom she later divorced.
The Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA), formerly known as Poqo, was the military wing of the Pan Africanist Congress, an African nationalist movement in South Africa. In the Xhosa language, the word 'Poqo' means 'pure'.
Earthlife Africa is a South African environmental and anti-nuclear organisation founded in August 1988, in Johannesburg. Initially conceived of as a South African version of Greenpeace, the group began by playing a radical, anti-apartheid, activist role. ELA is arguably now more of a reformist lobby or pressure group. Considered by some to be a key voice in the emerging environmental justice movement, Earthlife Africa has been criticised for being too radical, and by others for "working with traditional conservation movements" in furthering the environmental struggle.
The United Democratic Front (UDF) was a South African popular front that existed from 1983 to 1991. The UDF comprised more than 400 public organizations including trade unions, students' unions, women's and parachurch organizations. The UDF's goal was to establish a "non-racial, united South Africa in which segregation is abolished and in which society is freed from institutional and systematic racism." Its slogan was "UDF Unites, Apartheid Divides." The Front was established in 1983 to oppose the introduction of the Tricameral Parliament by the white-dominated National Party government, and dissolved in 1991 during the early stages of the transition to democracy.
The National Union of South African Students (NUSAS) was an important force for liberalism and later radicalism in South African student anti-apartheid politics. Its mottos included non-racialism and non-sexism.
The South African Civil Cooperation Bureau (CCB) was a government-sponsored death squad, during the apartheid era. The CCB, operated under the authority of Defence Minister General Magnus Malan. The Truth and Reconciliation Committee pronounced the CCB guilty of numerous killings, and suspected more killings.
The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) was established in Johannesburg in July 2000 by activists and organisations involved in two key anti-privatisation struggles: the struggle against iGoli 2002, and the struggle against Wits 2001 at Wits University. The APF had affiliates from the unions, communities, students and the left: while most affiliates were township-based community movements, it also included small leftwing political groups, like Keep Left and the anarchist Bikisha Media Collective.
Looksmart Khulile Ngudle [22 May 1922–5 September 1963 (aged 41)] was a South African politician. He was a Member of the African National Congress (ANC) and South African Communist Party (SACP), an Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) Commander and South African Congress of Trade Unions (SACTU) leader in the Western Cape. Ngudle's death is controversial, as he was the first person to die in detention during South Africa's Apartheid Era.
Louis Marius Schoon was a white anti-apartheid activist of Afrikaner descent. Marius died from lung cancer, after a long call from Nelson Mandela, thanking him for his sacrifice against the struggle.
Community House situated in Salt River, Cape Town is a unique and historic site of living heritage. It has always been known as a site of activism from around the mid-1980s which has shaped and continues to shape the socio-political landscape of its extended communities. The building itself houses NGO's and Trade Unions as well as a labour and community history museum centered on the Trade Union Library and its archive. It presently houses twenty-four organizations that focus on labour research, popular education, gender advocacy, HIV/AIDS education, environmental issues, youth development, media production and union organization.
The Beer Hall Boycott of South Africa was a nationwide, women-led campaign of boycotting and demonstrating against municipal beer halls stretching from roughly the 1920s to the 1960s. The Native Beer Act of 1908 had made it illegal for South African women to brew traditional beer. Police raided homes and destroyed home-brewed liquor so that men would use municipal beerhalls. In response, women attacked the beerhalls and destroyed equipment and buildings.
The potato boycott of 1959 was a consumer boycott in Bethal, South Africa during the Apartheid era against slave-like conditions of potato labourers in Bethal, Transvaal. The boycott started in June 1959 and ended in September 1959. Prominent figures of the movement included Gert Sibande, Ruth First, Michael Scott and Henry Nxumalo.
Joyce Piliso-Seroke is a South-African educator, activist, feminist and community organizer. A former vice president of the World YWCA, she traveled internationally to speak about the effects of apartheid, overcoming imprisonment and attempted censorship in her pursuit of justice and gender equality. She is a member of South Africa's national Order of the Baobab in Gold, and was appointed the first chair of the South African Commission for Gender Equality.
Florence Matomela OLG (1910–1969) was a South African anti-pass law activist, communist, civil rights campaigner, ANC veteran, teacher and mother who dedicated her life to fighting against Apartheid laws in South Africa. Matomela was the provincial organiser of the African National Congress Women's League (ANCWL) and vice-president of the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) in the mid 1950s.
Jo Ractliffe is a South African photographer and teacher working in both Cape Town, where she was born, and Johannesburg, South Africa. She is the oldest of six sisters born to artist Barbara Fairhead and business leader Jeremy Ractliffe.
Nomkhitha Virginia Mashinini was a South African apartheid detainee, the mother of political figure Tsietsi Mashinini, and a community worker.
Medu Art Ensemble was a multiracial, Pan-African, and anti-colonial collective of cultural activists based in Gaborone, Botswana during the height of the anti-apartheid resistance movement during the late twentieth century. The collective formed originally in 1979 and was formed to give voice to South Africa’s apartheid policy of racial segregation (1948-1994) and liberation struggles in neighboring countries Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. The group was formed after the 1976 Soweto Uprising, when many South African activists were forced into exile. The group was composed of over 60 musicians, performance artists, visual artists, researchers, writers, and poets. Most of the members were South African, but some were from the United States of America, Canada, Cuba, Brazil, Sweden, and Botswana. As a "non-aligned" group, Medu worked with artists from various racial, social, political, and cultural backgrounds. Medu’s members, or “cultural workers” as they preferred to be called, eventually organized and relocated to Gaborone, Botswana in 1978. They felt that the term "cultural workers" was far more fitting to their mission rather than referring to themselves as artists because the such a pursuit was regarded as something trivial and therefore inherently elitist and white. With the support of the African National Congress (ANC), in Gaborone, Medu officially registered as a cultural organization with the Botswanan government. Medu means “roots” in the Northern Sotho language Sepedi, and describes the collective's underground operations. The collective’s cultural work was divided into six units; Publications and Research, Graphic Arts and Design, Music, Theatre, Photography, and Film.