Speed limits in Slovakia

Last updated

Speed limits in Slovakia vary by type of vehicle. The speed limit is 50 km/h in built up areas, 90 km/h on country roads that are not in a settlement, and 130 km/h on motorways. From 2020, all expressways that have a R (Rychlostna cesta) number were considered as a motorway, and expressways (like route 16 or route 64 or route 20) are considered an expressway (only parts of which are a dual carriageway), with a speed limit of 100 km/h, or 80 km/h for trucks. Trucks on motorways, expressways or dual carriageways are not allowed to overtake vehicles except for avoiding obstacles or if switching lanes, to exit, or to get into the right lane at a motorway or expressway intersection. Headlights are also required 24 hours a day for all types of vehicles.


National speed limits sign in Slovakia 342 Informacie o vseobecnych pravidlach.svg
National speed limits sign in Slovakia

Current speed limits

National speed limits by vehicle type and road type [1]
Built-up areaRoads outside built-up areas Motorways in built up areas Motorways
Cars and motorcycles, goods vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes MLW50 km/h90 km/h90 km/h [2] 130 km/h
Vehicles (inc. buses) up to 3.5 tonnes MLW towing caravans or trailers over 750 kilogrammes MLW50 km/h90 km/h90 km/h100 km/h
Buses and coaches50 km/h90 km/h90 km/h90 km/h
Goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes MLW50 km/h90 km/h90 km/h90 km/h

See also

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  1. "Zákon 8/2009 Z.z. z 3. decembra 2008 o cestnej premávke a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov".

2. https://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety/going_abroad/slovakia/speed_limits_en.htm