Spurious correlation of ratios

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An illustration of spurious correlation, this figure shows 500 observations of x/z plotted against y/z. The sample correlation is 0.53, even though x, y, and z are statistically independent of each other (i.e., the pairwise correlations between each of them are zero). The z-values are highlighted on a colour scale. Spurious Correlation (Colour).svg
An illustration of spurious correlation, this figure shows 500 observations of x/z plotted against y/z. The sample correlation is 0.53, even though x, y, and z are statistically independent of each other (i.e., the pairwise correlations between each of them are zero). The z-values are highlighted on a colour scale.

In statistics, spurious correlation of ratios is a form of spurious correlation that arises between ratios of absolute measurements which themselves are uncorrelated. [1] [2]


The phenomenon of spurious correlation of ratios is one of the main motives for the field of compositional data analysis, which deals with the analysis of variables that carry only relative information, such as proportions, percentages and parts-per-million. [3] [4]

Spurious correlation is distinct from misconceptions about correlation and causality.

Illustration of spurious correlation

Pearson states a simple example of spurious correlation: [1]

Select three numbers within certain ranges at random, say x, y, z, these will be pair and pair uncorrelated. Form the proper fractions x/z and y/z for each triplet, and correlation will be found between these indices.

The scatter plot above illustrates this example using 500 observations of x, y, and z. Variables x, y and z are drawn from normal distributions with means 10, 10, and 30, respectively, and standard deviations 1, 1, and 3 respectively, i.e.,

Even though x, y, and z are statistically independent and therefore uncorrelated, in the depicted typical sample the ratios x/z and y/z have a correlation of 0.53. This is because of the common divisor (z) and can be better understood if we colour the points in the scatter plot by the z-value. Trios of (x, y, z) with relatively large z values tend to appear in the bottom left of the plot; trios with relatively small z values tend to appear in the top right.

Approximate amount of spurious correlation

Pearson derived an approximation of the correlation that would be observed between two indices ( and ), i.e., ratios of the absolute measurements :

where is the coefficient of variation of , and the Pearson correlation between and .

This expression can be simplified for situations where there is a common divisor by setting , and are uncorrelated, giving the spurious correlation:

For the special case in which all coefficients of variation are equal (as is the case in the illustrations at right),

Relevance to biology and other sciences

Pearson was joined by Sir Francis Galton [5] and Walter Frank Raphael Weldon [1] in cautioning scientists to be wary of spurious correlation, especially in biology where it is common [6] to scale or normalize measurements by dividing them by a particular variable or total. The danger he saw was that conclusions would be drawn from correlations that are artifacts of the analysis method, rather than actual “organic” relationships.

However, it would appear that spurious correlation (and its potential to mislead) is not yet widely understood. In 1986 John Aitchison, who pioneered the log-ratio approach to compositional data analysis wrote: [3]

It seems surprising that the warnings of three such eminent statistician-scientists as Pearson, Galton and Weldon should have largely gone unheeded for so long: even today uncritical applications of inappropriate statistical methods to compositional data with consequent dubious inferences are regularly reported.

More recent publications suggest that this lack of awareness prevails, at least in molecular bioscience. [7] [8]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn</span> Spanish mathematician

Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn is a Spanish-German mathematician. From 2000 till 2018, she was a full-time professor at the University of Girona, Spain in the Department of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics. Since 2018 she is emeritus professor at the same university. She was previously an associate professor at Technology University in Barcelona from 1986 to 2000. Her main areas of research interest include statistical analysis of compositional data, algebraic-geometric approach to statistical inference, and spatial cluster analysis. She was the president of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) during 2008–2012. IAMG awarded her the William Christian Krumbein Medal in 2006 and the John Cedric Griffiths Teaching Award in 2008. In 2007, she was selected IAMG Distinguished Lecturer.
During the 6th International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis in June 2015, Vera was appointed president of a commission to formalize the creation of an international organization of scientists interested in the advancement and application of compositional data modeling.


  1. 1 2 3 Pearson, Karl (1896). "Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution – On a Form of Spurious Correlation Which May Arise When Indices Are Used in the Measurement of Organs". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 60 (359–367): 489–498. doi:10.1098/rspl.1896.0076. JSTOR   115879.
  2. Aldrich, John (1995). "Correlations Genuine and Spurious in Pearson and Yule". Statistical Science. 10 (4): 364–376. doi: 10.1214/ss/1177009870 .
  3. 1 2 Aitchison, John (1986). The statistical analysis of compositional data. Chapman & Hall. ISBN   978-0-412-28060-3.
  4. Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera; Buccianti, Antonella, eds. (2011). Compositional Data Analysis: Theory and Applications. Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781119976462. ISBN   978-0470711354.
  5. Galton, Francis (1896). "Note to the memoir by Professor Karl Pearson, F.R.S., on spurious correlation". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 60 (359–367): 498–502. doi:10.1098/rspl.1896.0077. S2CID   170846631.
  6. Jackson, DA; Somers, KM (1991). "The Spectre of 'Spurious' Correlation". Oecologia. 86 (1): 147–151. Bibcode:1991Oecol..86..147J. doi:10.1007/bf00317404. JSTOR   4219582. PMID   28313173. S2CID   1116627.
  7. Lovell, David; Müller, Warren; Taylor, Jen; Zwart, Alec; Helliwell, Chris (2011). "Chapter 14: Proportions, Percentages, PPM: Do the Molecular Biosciences Treat Compositional Data Right?". In Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera; Buccianti, Antonella (eds.). Compositional Data Analysis: Theory and Applications. Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781119976462. ISBN   9780470711354.
  8. Lovell, David; Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera; Egozcue, Juan José; Marguerat, Samuel; Bähler, Jürg (16 March 2015). "Proportionality: A Valid Alternative to Correlation for Relative Data". PLOS Computational Biology. 11 (3): e1004075. Bibcode:2015PLSCB..11E4075L. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004075 . PMC   4361748 . PMID   25775355.