St. Joseph Mutiny

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St. Joseph Mutiny
Date17 June 1837
Result Mutiny suppressed
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Mutineers
Commanders and leaders
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Samuel Ford Whittingham
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg George Hill
Daaga (Donald Stewart)
Mawee (Maurice Ogston)
Units involved
89th Regiment of Foot
1st West India Regiment
Trinidad Militia
Mutineers from the 1st West India Regiment
60–100 mutineers [1]
Casualties and losses
1 killed [1]
1 wounded [2]
12 killed [2]
8+ wounded [2]
6 committed suicide [2]
3 executed [2]

The St. Joseph Mutiny was a mutiny which occurred on 17 June 1837 among the 1st West India Regiment of the British Army. It began at the unit's barracks in St. Joseph, Trinidad, then part of the British West Indies.

It was led by recently arrived Africans who had been liberated from illegal slave ships by the Royal Navy and subsequently conscripted into the West India Regiments. Between 60 and 100 soldiers in the regiment participated in the mutiny, seizing arms and ammunition, killing one enlisted soldier and setting fire to the officers' quarters. [1] The Army and Trinidad Militia quickly suppressed the mutiny, killing twelve mutineers; six others committed suicide to avoid capture. Three ringleaders of the mutiny were subsequently executed, while two others were sentenced to death but had their sentences commutated to penal transportation to Australia. [2]

One of the leaders of the mutiny, Daaga, became a folk hero in Trinidad and was an inspiration for the leaders of the Black Power Revolution in the 1960s. [3]


  1. 1 2 3 August 1991, p. 74.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 August 1991, p. 75.
  3. Saillant 2019, p. 169.


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