Statistical business register

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A statistical business register (SBR) plays a central part in a system of official economic statistics at a national statistics office. [1]


A company register has a different purpose: protection, accountability and control of legal entities.

Register contents

Data sources

Countries use whatever data sources they seem relevant. E.g. they often integrate a company register in one form or another.

Type of business units

In EU a corresponding regulation define register contents:


Business registries in the world

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe provides Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers which describes the roles of the statistical business register. [2]

European Commission provides a legal framework for business registers for statistical purposes. [3]

See: List of company, tax and statistical business registers

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  1. Ritzen, Jean. "Statistical Business Register: Content, place and role in Economic Statistics" (PDF). Statistics Netherlands.
  2. "Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers". Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers. UNECE.
  3. "Regulation (EC) No 177/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 establishing a common framework for business registers for statistical purposes and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 2186/93". European Commission.