Stuck unknot

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In mathematics, a stuck unknot is a closed polygonal chain in three-dimensional space (a skew polygon) that is topologically equal to the unknot but cannot be deformed to a simple polygon when interpreted as a mechanical linkage, by rigid length-preserving and non-self-intersecting motions of its segments. [1] [2] Similarly a stuck open chain is an open polygonal chain such that the segments may not be aligned by moving rigidly its segments. Topologically such a chain can be unknotted, but the limitation of using only rigid motions of the segments can create nontrivial knots in such a chain.

Consideration of such "stuck" configurations arises in the study of molecular chains in biochemistry.

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  1. G. Aloupis, G. Ewald, and G. T. Toussaint, "More classes of stuck unknotted hexagons," Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2004, pp. 429–434.
  2. G. T. Toussaint, "A new class of stuck unknots in Pol-6," Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2001, pp. 301–306.