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Sulfoglycolysis is a catabolic process in primary metabolism in which sulfoquinovose (6-deoxy-6-sulfonato-glucose) is metabolized to produce energy and carbon-building blocks. [1] [2] Sulfoglycolysis pathways occur in a wide variety of organisms, and enable key steps in the degradation of sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG), a sulfolipid found in plants and cyanobacteria into sulfite and sulfate. Sulfoglycolysis converts sulfoquinovose (C6H12O8S) into various smaller metabolizable carbon fragments such as pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate that enter central metabolism. The free energy is used to form the high-energy molecules ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). Unlike glycolysis, which allows metabolism of all carbons in glucose, sulfoglycolysis pathways convert only a fraction of the carbon content of sulfoquinovose into smaller metabolizable fragments; the remainder is excreted as C3-sulfonates 2,3-dihydroxypropanesulfonate (DHPS) or sulfolactate (SL); or C2-sulfonates isethionate or sulfoacetate.


Several sulfoglycolytic pathways are known:

Additionally, there are sulfoquinovose 'sulfolytic' pathways that allow degradation of sulfoquinovose through cleavage of the C-S bond. These include:

In all pathways, energy is formed by breakdown of the carbon-rich fragments in later stages through the 'pay-off' phase of glycolysis through substrate-level phosphorylation to produce ATP and NADH.

Growth of bacteria on sulfoquinovose and its glycosides

A range of bacteria can grow on sulfoquinovose or its glycosides as sole carbon source. E. coli can grow on sulfoquinovose, [3] methyl α-sulfoquinovoside and α-sulfoquinovosyl glycerol. [10] Growth on sulfoquinovosyl glycerol is both faster and leads to higher cell density than for growth on sulfoquinovose. [10] Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain SQ1, [11] Klebsiella sp. strain ABR11, [12] Klebsiella oxytoca TauN1, [11] Agrobacterium sp. strain ABR2, [12] and Bacillus aryabhattai [5] can grow on sulfoquinovose as sole carbon source. A strain of Flavobacterium was identified that could grow on methyl α-sulfoquinovoside. [13]

Production of sulfoquinovose and its mutarotation

Formation of sulfoquinovose from sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG). SQDG-to-SQ.gif
Formation of sulfoquinovose from sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG).

Sulfoquinovose is rarely found in its free form in nature; rather it occurs predominantly as a glycoside, SQDG. SQDG can be deacylated to form lyso-SQDG and sulfoquinovosylglycerol (SQGro). [14] [15] [16] Sulfoquinovose is obtained from SQ glycosides by the action of sulfoquinovosidases, which are glycoside hydrolases that can hydrolyse the glycosidic linkage in SQDG, or its deacylated form, sulfoquinovosyl glycerol (SQGro) [17] .

There are two main classes of sulfoquinovosidases. The first are classical glycoside hydrolases (which belong to CAZy family GH31), and is exemplified by the sulfoquinovosidase YihQ from Escherichia coli. Family GH31 sulfoquinovosidases cleave SQ glycosides with retention of configuration, initially forming α-sulfoquinovose. YihQ sulfoquinovosidase exhibits a preference for the naturally occurring 2’R-SQGro. [10] The second class of sulfoquinovosidases are NAD+-dependent enzymes (which belong to CAZy family GH188) that use an oxidoreductive mechanism to cleave both α- and β-glycosides of sulfoquinovose [18] .

Sulfoglycolysis encoding operons often contain gene sequences encoding aldose-1-epimerases that act as sulfoquinovose mutarotases, catalyzing the interconversion of the α and β anomers of sulfoquinovose. [19]

Sulfo-EMP pathway

The sulfoglycolytic Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. Sulfo-EMP.gif
The sulfoglycolytic Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway.

The major steps in the sulfo-EMP pathway [3] are:

Expression of proteins within the sulfo-EMP operon of E. coli is regulated by a transcription factor termed CsqR (formerly YihW). [22] CsqR binds to DNA sites within the operon encoding the sulfo-EMP pathway, functioning as a repressor. SQ, SQGro and the transiently formed intermediate sulforhamnose (but not lactose, glucose or galactose) function as derepressors of CsqR. [20]

Sulfo-ED pathway

The sulfoglycolytic Entner-Douderoff pathway. Sulfo-ED.gif
The sulfoglycolytic Entner-Douderoff pathway.

The major steps in the sulfo-ED pathway [4] are:

Sulfo-SFT pathway

The sulfoglycolytic sulfofructose transaldolase pathway. SFT pathway.gif
The sulfoglycolytic sulfofructose transaldolase pathway.

The major steps in the sulfo-SFT pathway [5] are:

The transaldolase can also catalyze transfer of the C3-(glycerone)-moiety to erythrose-4-phosphate, giving sedoheptulose-7-phosphate.

Sulfo-TK pathway

The major steps in the Sulfo-TK pathway [23] are:

The sulfoacetaldehyde may be oxidized to sulfoacetate.

Degradation of DHPS and SL

The C3 sulfonates DHPS and SL are metabolized for their carbon content, as well as to mineralize their sulfur content. [2] Metabolism of DHPS typically involves conversion to SL. Metabolism of SL can occur in several ways including:

See also

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  23. Liu, Jiayi; Wei, Yifeng; Ma, Kailiang; An, Junwei; Liu, Xumei; Liu, Yinbo; Ang, Ee Lui; Zhao, Huimin; Zhang, Yan (17 December 2021). "Mechanistically Diverse Pathways for Sulfoquinovose Degradation in Bacteria". ACS Catalysis. 11 (24): 14740–14750. doi:10.1021/acscatal.1c04321. S2CID   244555707.