Suporn Watanyusakul

Last updated
Suporn Watan-yusakul
Other namesDr. Suporn
Alma mater Chiangmai University
Chulalongkorn University
Known forSuporn technique for vaginoplasty

Suporn Watanyusakul is a Thai plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He is considered by some to be a world leader in surgical procedures for transgender individuals. He performs facial feminization surgery and male-to-female (MTF) sex reassignment surgery (SRS). [1]


Suporn's method differs from most MTF SRS in that he does not use the penile inversion method. He instead constructs the vaginal canal with scrotal skin and uses the penile tissues for the labia, clitoral hood, and other external features. A full thickness inguinal (groin crease) skin graft is used for the vaginal lining in cases where inadequate scrotal skin is available. In some cases, small parts of the urethra have been used, along with other body parts. Dr. Suporn's method generally yields a deeper neovagina than the more standard penile inversion technique [2] and positions the areas of greatest sensitivity at the same locations as on cisgender women. Suporn's form of vaginoplasty has been referred to as the Suporn technique. Dr. Suporn always retains the Cowper's gland or bulbourethral gland. In transgender females this bulbourethral gland is responsible for the thin, colourless lubricating fluid that is secreted during sexual arousal, which also adds to the natural lubrication.

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  1. "Dr. Suporn Watanyusakul - TransHealthCare". 13 October 2012.
  2. "Dr. Suporn SRS/GRS Guide". TSSurgeryGuide.