System on TPTP

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System on TPTP is an online interface to several automated theorem proving systems and other automated reasoning tools. It allows users to run the systems either on problems from the latest releases from the TPTP problem library or on user-supplied problems in the TPTP syntax.

The system is maintained by Geoff Sutcliffe at the University of Miami. In November 2010, it featured more than 50 systems, including both theorem provers and model finders. [1] System on TPTP can either run user-selected systems, or pick systems automatically based on problem features, and run them in parallel. [2]

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TPTP is a freely available collection of problems for automated theorem proving. It is used to evaluate the efficacy of automated reasoning algorithms. Problems are expressed in a simple text-based format for first order logic or higher-order logic. TPTP is used as the source of some problems in CASC.


  1. Sutcliffe, Geoff. "System on TPTP" . Retrieved 4 November 2010.
  2. Sutcliffe, Geoff; D. Seyfang (1999). "Smart selective competition parallelism ATP". Proceedings of the Twelfth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference: 341–345.