Automated reasoning

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In computer science, in particular in knowledge representation and reasoning and metalogic, the area of automated reasoning is dedicated to understanding different aspects of reasoning. The study of automated reasoning helps produce computer programs that allow computers to reason completely, or nearly completely, automatically. Although automated reasoning is considered a sub-field of artificial intelligence, it also has connections with theoretical computer science and philosophy.


The most developed subareas of automated reasoning are automated theorem proving (and the less automated but more pragmatic subfield of interactive theorem proving) and automated proof checking (viewed as guaranteed correct reasoning under fixed assumptions).[ citation needed ] Extensive work has also been done in reasoning by analogy using induction and abduction. [1]

Other important topics include reasoning under uncertainty and non-monotonic reasoning. An important part of the uncertainty field is that of argumentation, where further constraints of minimality and consistency are applied on top of the more standard automated deduction. John Pollock's OSCAR system [2] is an example of an automated argumentation system that is more specific than being just an automated theorem prover.

Tools and techniques of automated reasoning include the classical logics and calculi, fuzzy logic, Bayesian inference, reasoning with maximal entropy and many less formal ad hoc techniques.

Early years

The development of formal logic played a big role in the field of automated reasoning, which itself led to the development of artificial intelligence. A formal proof is a proof in which every logical inference has been checked back to the fundamental axioms of mathematics. All the intermediate logical steps are supplied, without exception. No appeal is made to intuition, even if the translation from intuition to logic is routine. Thus, a formal proof is less intuitive and less susceptible to logical errors. [3]

Some consider the Cornell Summer meeting of 1957, which brought together many logicians and computer scientists, as the origin of automated reasoning, or automated deduction. [4] Others say that it began before that with the 1955 Logic Theorist program of Newell, Shaw and Simon, or with Martin Davis’ 1954 implementation of Presburger's decision procedure (which proved that the sum of two even numbers is even). [5]

Automated reasoning, although a significant and popular area of research, went through an "AI winter" in the eighties and early nineties. The field subsequently revived, however. For example, in 2005, Microsoft started using verification technology in many of their internal projects and is planning to include a logical specification and checking language in their 2012 version of Visual C. [4]

Significant contributions

Principia Mathematica was a milestone work in formal logic written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell. Principia Mathematica - also meaning Principles of Mathematics - was written with a purpose to derive all or some of the mathematical expressions, in terms of symbolic logic. Principia Mathematica was initially published in three volumes in 1910, 1912 and 1913. [6]

Logic Theorist (LT) was the first ever program developed in 1956 by Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw and Herbert A. Simon to "mimic human reasoning" in proving theorems and was demonstrated on fifty-two theorems from chapter two of Principia Mathematica, proving thirty-eight of them. [7] In addition to proving the theorems, the program found a proof for one of the theorems that was more elegant than the one provided by Whitehead and Russell. After an unsuccessful attempt at publishing their results, Newell, Shaw, and Herbert reported in their publication in 1958, The Next Advance in Operation Research:

"There are now in the world machines that think, that learn and that create. Moreover, their ability to do these things is going to increase rapidly until (in a visible future) the range of problems they can handle will be co- extensive with the range to which the human mind has been applied." [8]

Examples of Formal Proofs

YearTheoremProof SystemFormalizerTraditional Proof
1986 First Incompleteness Boyer-Moore Shankar [9] Gödel
1990 Quadratic Reciprocity Boyer-Moore Russinoff [10] Eisenstein
1996 Fundamental- of Calculus HOL Light HarrisonHenstock
2000 Fundamental- of Algebra Mizar MilewskiBrynski
2000 Fundamental- of Algebra Coq Geuvers et al.Kneser
2004 Four Color Coq Gonthier Robertson et al.
2004 Prime Number Isabelle Avigad et al. Selberg-Erdős
2005 Jordan Curve HOL Light HalesThomassen
2005 Brouwer Fixed Point HOL Light HarrisonKuhn
2006 Flyspeck 1 Isabelle Bauer- NipkowHales
2007 Cauchy Residue HOL Light HarrisonClassical
2008 Prime Number HOL Light HarrisonAnalytic proof
2012 Feit-Thompson Coq Gonthier et al. [11] Bender, Glauberman and Peterfalvi
2016 Boolean Pythagorean triples problem Formalized as SAT Heule et al. [12] None

Proof systems

Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover (NQTHM)
The design of NQTHM was influenced by John McCarthy and Woody Bledsoe. Started in 1971 at Edinburgh, Scotland, this was a fully automatic theorem prover built using Pure Lisp. The main aspects of NQTHM were:
  1. the use of Lisp as a working logic.
  2. the reliance on a principle of definition for total recursive functions.
  3. the extensive use of rewriting and "symbolic evaluation".
  4. an induction heuristic based the failure of symbolic evaluation. [13] [14]
HOL Light
Written in OCaml, HOL Light is designed to have a simple and clean logical foundation and an uncluttered implementation. It is essentially another proof assistant for classical higher order logic. [15]
Developed in France, Coq is another automated proof assistant, which can automatically extract executable programs from specifications, as either Objective CAML or Haskell source code. Properties, programs and proofs are formalized in the same language called the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC). [16]


Automated reasoning has been most commonly used to build automated theorem provers. Oftentimes, however, theorem provers require some human guidance to be effective and so more generally qualify as proof assistants. In some cases such provers have come up with new approaches to proving a theorem. Logic Theorist is a good example of this. The program came up with a proof for one of the theorems in Principia Mathematica that was more efficient (requiring fewer steps) than the proof provided by Whitehead and Russell. Automated reasoning programs are being applied to solve a growing number of problems in formal logic, mathematics and computer science, logic programming, software and hardware verification, circuit design, and many others. The TPTP (Sutcliffe and Suttner 1998) is a library of such problems that is updated on a regular basis. There is also a competition among automated theorem provers held regularly at the CADE conference (Pelletier, Sutcliffe and Suttner 2002); the problems for the competition are selected from the TPTP library. [17]

See also

Conferences and workshops



Related Research Articles

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In computer science and mathematical logic, a proof assistant or interactive theorem prover is a software tool to assist with the development of formal proofs by human–machine collaboration. This involves some sort of interactive proof editor, or other interface, with which a human can guide the search for proofs, the details of which are stored in, and some steps provided by, a computer.

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Logic is the formal science of using reason and is considered a branch of both philosophy and mathematics and to a lesser extent computer science. Logic investigates and classifies the structure of statements and arguments, both through the study of formal systems of inference and the study of arguments in natural language. The scope of logic can therefore be very large, ranging from core topics such as the study of fallacies and paradoxes, to specialized analyses of reasoning such as probability, correct reasoning, and arguments involving causality. One of the aims of logic is to identify the correct and incorrect inferences. Logicians study the criteria for the evaluation of arguments.

Logic Theorist is a computer program written in 1956 by Allen Newell, Herbert A. Simon, and Cliff Shaw. It was the first program deliberately engineered to perform automated reasoning, and has been described as "the first artificial intelligence program". Logic Theorist proved 38 of the first 52 theorems in chapter two of Whitehead and Bertrand Russell's Principia Mathematica, and found new and shorter proofs for some of them.

In mathematical logic, a judgment or assertion is a statement or enunciation in a metalanguage. For example, typical judgments in first-order logic would be that a string is a well-formed formula, or that a proposition is true. Similarly, a judgment may assert the occurrence of a free variable in an expression of the object language, or the provability of a proposition. In general, a judgment may be any inductively definable assertion in the metatheory.

In information technology a reasoning system is a software system that generates conclusions from available knowledge using logical techniques such as deduction and induction. Reasoning systems play an important role in the implementation of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems.

Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP) is an annual international academic conference on the topic of automated theorem proving, proof assistants and related topics, ranging from theoretical foundations to implementation aspects and applications in program verification, security, and formalization of mathematics.

Christoph Walther is a German computer scientist, known for his contributions to automated theorem proving. He is Professor emeritus at Darmstadt University of Technology.

TPTP is a freely available collection of problems for automated theorem proving. It is used to evaluate the efficacy of automated reasoning algorithms. Problems are expressed in a simple text-based format for first order logic or higher-order logic. TPTP is used as the source of some problems in CASC.


  1. Defourneaux, Gilles, and Nicolas Peltier. "Analogy and abduction in automated deduction." IJCAI (1). 1997.
  2. John L. Pollock [ full citation needed ]
  3. C. Hales, Thomas "Formal Proof", University of Pittsburgh. Retrieved on 2010-10-19
  4. 1 2 "Automated Deduction (AD)", [The Nature of PRL Project]. Retrieved on 2010-10-19
  5. Martin Davis (1983). "The Prehistory and Early History of Automated Deduction". In Jörg Siekmann; G. Wrightson (eds.). Automation of Reasoning (1) Classical Papers on Computational Logic 19571966. Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 1–28. ISBN   978-3-642-81954-4. Here: p.15
  6. "Principia Mathematica", at Stanford University. Retrieved 2010-10-19
  7. "The Logic Theorist and its Children". Retrieved 2010-10-18
  8. Shankar, Natarajan Little Engines of Proof , Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International. Retrieved 2010-10-19
  9. Shankar, N. (1994), Metamathematics, Machines, and Gödel's Proof, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, ISBN   9780521585330
  10. Russinoff, David M. (1992), "A Mechanical Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity", J. Autom. Reason., 8 (1): 3–21, doi:10.1007/BF00263446, S2CID   14824949
  11. Gonthier, G.; et al. (2013), "A Machine-Checked Proof of the Odd Order Theorem" (PDF), in Blazy, S.; Paulin-Mohring, C.; Pichardie, D. (eds.), Interactive Theorem Proving, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7998, pp. 163–179, CiteSeerX , doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39634-2_14, ISBN   978-3-642-39633-5, S2CID   1855636
  12. Heule, Marijn J. H.; Kullmann, Oliver; Marek, Victor W. (2016). "Solving and Verifying the Boolean Pythagorean Triples Problem via Cube-and-Conquer". Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 9710. pp. 228–245. arXiv: 1605.00723 . doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40970-2_15. ISBN   978-3-319-40969-6. S2CID   7912943.
  13. The Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover Retrieved on 2010-10-23
  14. Boyer, Robert S. and Moore, J Strother and Passmore, Grant Olney The PLTP Archive . Retrieved on 2023-07-27
  15. Harrison, John HOL Light: an overview . Retrieved 2010-10-23
  16. Introduction to Coq . Retrieved 2010-10-23
  17. Automated Reasoning , Stanford Encyclopedia. Retrieved 2010-10-10