Szyszkowski equation

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The Szyszkowski Equation [1] has been used by Meissner and Michaels [2] to describe the decrease in surface tension of aqueous solutions of carboxylic acids, alcohols and esters at varying mole fractions. It describes the exponential decrease of the surface tension at low concentrations reasonably but should be used only at concentrations below 1 mole%. [3]




The equation can be rearranged to be explicit in a:

This allows the direct calculation of that component specific parameter a from experimental data.

The equation can also be written as:


The surface tension of pure water is dependent on temperature. At room temperature (298 K), it is equal to 71.97 mN/m [4]


Meissner and Michaels published the following a constants:

Szyszkowski Equation Constants
Propionic acid 26n-Propyl alcohol26
Isopropyl alcohol26Methyl acetate26
n-Propyl amine19Methyl ethyl ketone19
n-Butyric acid7Isobutyric acid7
n-Butyl alcohol7Isobutyl alcohol7
Propyl formate8.5 Ethyl acetate 8.5
Methyl propionate 8.5Diethyl ketone8.5
Ethyl propionate 3.1 Propyl acetate 3.1
n-Valeric acid1.7Isovaleric acid1.7
n-Amyl alcohol1.7Isoamyl alcohol1.7
Propyl propionate1.0n-Caproic acid0.75
n-Heptanoic acid0.17n-Octanoic acid0.034
n-Decanoic acid0.0025


The following table and diagram show experimentally determined surface tensions in the mixture of water and propionic acid.

Surface Tension of Propionic Acid solved in Water [5]
xAcid [mol/mol]xWater [mol/mol]σ [mN/m]T [K]a.104
1(Pure Acid)026.68293.15298.
01(Pure Water)72.58293.15
   MixtureSurfaceTensionPropionic acid+Water.png

This example shows a good agreement between the published value a=2.6*10−3 and the calculated value a=2.59*10−3 at the smallest given mole fraction of 0.00861 but at higher concentrations of propionic acid the value of an increases considerably, showing deviations from the predicted value.

See also

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  1. B. von Szyszkowski, Z. physik. Chemie, 64, 385 (1908)
  2. H.P. Meissner, A.S. Michaels, Surface Tension s of Pure Liquids and Liquid Mixtures", Ind. Eng. Chem., 41(12), 2782, (1949)
  3. Bruce E. Poling, John M. Prausnitz, John P. O’Connell, The Properties of Gases and Liquids, 5th Edition
  4. NIST Chemistry WebBook
  5. Suarez F., Romero C.M., J.Chem.Eng.Data, 56(5), 1778-1786, 2011