Termite-leu RNA motif

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Termite-leu RNA
Consensus secondary structure of Termite-leu RNAs
SymbolTermite-leu RNA
Rfam RF01730
Other data
RNA typeCis-regulatory element
Domain(s) Termite gut metagenome
PDB structures PDBe

The Termite-leu RNA motif is a conserved RNA structure discovered by bioinformatics. [1] It is found only in DNA sequences extracted from uncultivated bacteria living in termite hindguts, and has not yet been detected in any known cultivated organism. In many cases, Termite-leu RNAs are found in the likely 5′ untranslated regions of multive genes related to the synthesis of the amino acid leucine. However, in several cases it is not found in this type of location. Therefore, it was considered ambiguous as to whether Termite-leu RNAs constitute cis-regulatory elements.

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  1. Weinberg Z, Wang JX, Bogue J, et al. (March 2010). "Comparative genomics reveals 104 candidate structured RNAs from bacteria, archaea and their metagenomes". Genome Biol. 11 (3): R31. doi: 10.1186/gb-2010-11-3-r31 . PMC   2864571 . PMID   20230605.