Test ideal

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A test ideal is a positive characteristic analog of a multiplier ideal in, say, the field of complex numbers. [1] Test ideals are used in the study of singularities in algebraic geometry in positive characteristic. [2]

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Mircea Immanuel Mustață is a Romanian-American mathematician, specializing in algebraic geometry.

Morihiko Saitō is a Japanese mathematician, specializing in algebraic analysis and algebraic geometry.


  1. Henriques, Inês B.; Varbaro, M. (2014). "Test, multiplier and invariant ideals". arXiv: 1407.4324 [math.AC].
  2. Hassett, Brendan; McKernan, James; Starr, Jason; Vakil, Ravi (September 11, 2013). A Celebration of Algebraic Geometry. American Mathematical Society. ISBN   9780821889831 . Retrieved 3 March 2017.