The Five Ancestors is a young adult book series written by American author Jeff Stone about five young Chinese warrior monks who are the only survivors of the destruction and raid of their home, Cangzhen Temple. Each of the warriors specializes in an animal kung fu and possesses a Cantonese animal name: Fu (Tiger), Malao (Monkey), Seh (Snake), Hok (Crane), Long (Dragon), and Ying (Eagle). When Grandmaster is killed by their former brother Ying (Eagle), the warriors must seek their past and change Ying and the Emperor's heart. Each monk will begin to uncover their own past and learn surprising facts about themselves. The seven books in the series are: Tiger, Monkey, Snake, Crane, Eagle, Mouse and Dragon; published by Random House between 2003-2010.
Tiger was published March 22, 2005. [1] [2] [3]
In the novel, 12-year-old Fu and his temple brothers Malao, Seh, Hok, and Long don’t know who their parents were. Raised from infancy by their grandmaster, they think of their temple as their home and their fellow warrior monks as their family. However, one terrible night, the temple is destroyed by an army led by a former monk named Ying, whose heart is bent on revenge. Fu and his brothers are the only survivors. Charged by their grandmaster to uncover the secrets of their past, the five flee into the countryside and go their separate ways. Somehow, Grandmaster has promised, their pasts are connected to Ying’s. Understanding that the past is the key to shaping the future, the first book in the series follows Fu as he struggles to find out more and prove himself in the process. Fu’s name literally means "tiger," for he is the youngest-ever master of the fierce fighting style modeled after that animal.
Monkey was published September 27, 2005. [4] [5] Young Adult Library Services Association included Monkey on their list of 2008 Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers. [6]
At 11-years-old, Malao is the youngest of the Five Ancestors. He, like his brothers Fu, Seh, Hok, and Long, is an orphan and considers Cangzhen (Hidden Truth) to be his one and only home. However, with his home destroyed and Grandmaster killed by his former brother Ying, Malao is forced to fend for himself. Tasked with uncovering his past and finding a way to change the Emperor of China, Malao must make a journey to unknown realms of the world with a mysterious new friend that he meets along the way.
Snake was published March 14, 2006. [7]
In the novel, 12-year-old Seh is a snake-style master and a keeper of secrets. Close-lipped and ever-watchful, he has used his highly attuned senses to collect information about his brothers, his temple, and even Grandmaster. Now, with the temple and Grandmaster gone, Seh sheds his orange robe like an old skin, joins a bandit gang, and meets a mysterious man whose name means Python—all the while trying to stay one step ahead of vengeful Ying.
Hok, a crane-style Kung Fu master, is also a master at hiding. For the past 12 years, she has hidden the fact that she is a girl. Now her rogue brother, Ying, and his army have placed a huge price on her head. Fortunately, she manages to make it to Kaifeng where she finds her mother and a "round-eye" with the very funny name of Charles. Together Hok and Charles start to make some sense of the magnitude of Ying's plans.
For years, Ying hated his grandmaster for denying him the opportunity to train as a Dragon, and held a deep resentment for his five younger brothers–grandmaster's favorites. He took his revenge and burnt the Cangzhen temple to the ground, but the five youngsters survived and continue to be a thorn in his side. Yet, when betrayed by the emperor and imprisoned, it was his younger sister, Hok, who rescued him. Now Ying begins to realize that Tonglong has been manipulating him for a long time.
Little street urchin ShaoShu has always wanted to belong. His small size makes him an easy target for bullies and baddies and this little "mouse" always needs a place to hide. When he is befriended by Hok and Ying, he thinks he has found a new family, and eagerly tags along as they continue on their travels. What he doesn't know is that his new friends are the most wanted criminals in China, and their adventures will land him in the middle of a battle not only for their lives, but for the future of China itself.
Long, the dragon-style warrior, saw his temple burned, his brothers killed, and his novice siblings fleeing to the four winds. But that was many months ago. Now the five young warriors have reunited with Ying, the redeemed renegade who put all of these events in motion, and ShaoShu, the mousy street thief, to prevent the witty mantis Tonglong from taking over China. It's a race to the forbidden City. The winner will rule China.
Phoenix was published September 25, 2012. [8]