The Morland Dynasty

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The Morland Dynasty is a series of historical novels by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles, in the genre of a family saga. They recount the lives of the Morland family of York, England and their national and international relatives and associates.

There are currently 35 books in the series. The first book begins in 1434 and features the Wars of the Roses; the most recent book begins in the 1931 and deals with the Great Depression. The book series in order according to the author's webpage:

Book numberNamePublication dateHistorical period
1The Founding19801434 – Wars of the Roses and Richard III of England
2The Dark Rose19811501 – Henry VIII
3The Princeling19811558 – Elizabeth I of England and Mary, Queen of Scots
4The Oak Apple19821630 – Charles I; the English Civil War
5The Black Pearl19821659 – Charles II; The Restoration
6The Long Shadow19831670 – Charles II and James II
7The Chevalier19841689 – William III and Mary II; Queen Anne; George I; The Old Pretender, Jacobite rising of 1715
8The Maiden19851720 – George I; George II; the Young Pretender (Bonnie Prince Charlie, Jacobite rising of 1745
9The Flood-Tide19861772 – George III; the American War of Independence
10The Tangled Thread19871788 – The French Revolution; beginning of Industrial Revolution
11The Emperor19881795 – Napoleon
12The Victory19891803
13The Regency19901807 – The Napoleonic Wars; the Peninsular War; the Industrial Revolution
14The Campaigners19911815 – The Hundred Days Campaign and Battle of Waterloo
15The Reckoning19921816 – Post-war slump; Chartism; Pentrich Revolution; industrial progress
16The Devil's Horse19931820 – George IV; the railway
17The Poison Tree19941831 – William IV
18The Abyss19951833 – William IV; Victoria
19The Hidden Shore19961843 – The early Victorian era
20The Winter Journey19971851 – The Mid-Victorian era; The Great Exhibition; the Crimean War
21The Outcast19981857 – The American Civil War
22The Mirage19991870 – High Victorian Age; Franco-Prussian War
23The Cause20001874 – Women's Rights
24The Homecoming20011885 – The Late Victorian era
25The Question20021898 – Late Victorian/Edwardian; the Second Boer War; Automobiles; the Suffragettes
26The Dream Kingdom20031908 – Edwardian era; Aviation
27The Restless Sea20041912 – The Titanic; George V
28The White Road20051914 – The beginning of World War I
29The Burning Roses20061915 – World War I
30The Measure of Days20071916 – World War I: Battle of the Somme
31The Foreign Field20091917 – World War I: Battle of Passchendaele
32The Fallen Kings20091918 – The end of World War I; Armistice of 11 November 1918; demobilisation
33The Dancing YearsNov 20101919 – Demobilisation and peace
34The Winding RoadNov 20111925 – The Jazz Age; Wall Street crash of 1929
35The PhoenixSept 20131931 – Great Depression; Hollywood and the Talkies; Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson
36The Gathering StormAug 20241936 – Edward VIII abdication; the start of WWII

See also