The Morrow Project Vehicular Blueprints

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The Morrow Project Vehicular Blueprints.jpg

The Morrow Project Vehicular Blueprints is a 1980 role-playing game supplement published for The Morrow Project by Timeline.



The Morrow Project Vehicular Blueprints is a set of 14 exterior blueprint views of the basic vehicles for the game. [1]


William A. Barton reviewed The Morrow Project Vehicular Blueprints in The Space Gamer No. 45. [1] Barton commented that "Overall, the Morrow Project Vehicular Blueprints are a well-conceived play-aid to an excellent SF role-playing system." [1]

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  1. 1 2 3 Barton, William A. (November 1981). "Capsule Reviews". The Space Gamer . Steve Jackson Games (45): 33.