The New York Times Manga Best Sellers of 2011

Last updated

A total of 18 manga titles have made first appearances in 2011. As of the 33rd week, nine titles reached the top of the weekly list (in order of number of weeks at the top of the list, from highest to lowest): Naruto, 12 weeks; Black Bird, 4 weeks; Hetalia: Axis Powers, 4 weeks; Black Butler, 3 weeks; Rosario + Vampire: Season II, 3 weeks; Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, 3 weeks; Negima!, 2 weeks; Fullmetal Alchemist, 1 week; and Maximum Ride, 1 week.

Deb Aoki noted that while the second volume of Hetalia: Axis Powers debuted at the top of the Best Seller list, the series may be selling more than the charts indicate because The New York Times does not include sales from digital download sites such as comiXology and Zinio. [1] Black Butler became the first title other than Naruto to have four different releases listed simultaneously on the rankings in week 5. [2] Week 24 saw a high turnover from the previous week's list as nine new releases, all published by Viz Media, entered the rankings. [3] The high turnover occurred again in week 28 when eight new releases entered the weekly list, with only Naruto and Vampire Knight remaining from the previous week. [4]

WeekSales rank[Legend]Refs.
1Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2 Vampire Knight, vol. 11Black Butler, vol. 3Ouran High School Host Club, vol. 15Naruto, vol. 49Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 1Bleach, vol. 33Alice in the Country of Hearts, vol. 5Yotsuba&!, vol. 9Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 3 [5] [6]
2Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2Vampire Knight, vol. 11Naruto, vol. 49Yotsuba&!, vol. 9Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 3 Claymore , vol. 17 Black Butler, vol. 3Bleach, vol. 33Dengeki Daisy, vol. 3 Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 1 [7] [8]
3Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2Vampire Knight, vol. 11Naruto, vol. 49Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 1Black Butler, vol. 3Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 3Black Butler, vol. 3Stepping on Roses, vol. 4 Dengeki Daisy, vol. 3Yotsuba&!, vol. 9 [9] [10]
4Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 24 Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2Vampire Knight, vol. 11Naruto, vol. 49Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 1Black Butler, vol. 1Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 3Yotsuba&!, vol. 9Bleach, vol. 33Black Butler, vol. 3 [11] [12]
5Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2Black Butler, vol. 4 Vampire Knight, vol. 11Naruto, vol. 49Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 24Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 1Black Butler, vol. 3Black Butler, vol. 1Black Butler, vol. 2Ouran High School Host Club, vol. 15 [13] [14]
6Naruto, vol. 50 Black Bird, vol. 7 Bakuman, vol. 3 Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2Black Butler, vol. 4Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 24Naruto, vol. 49Vampire Knight, vol. 11Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 1D.Gray-man, vol. 20 [15] [16]
7Naruto, vol. 50Black Bird, vol. 7Black Butler, vol. 4Bakuman, vol. 3Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 24Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2D.Gray-man, vol. 20Vampire Knight, vol. 11Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 1One Piece, vol. 56 [17] [18]
8Naruto, vol. 50Black Butler, vol. 4Black Bird, vol. 7Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 24Bakuman, vol. 3Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2D.Gray-man, vol. 20Pandora Hearts, vol. 4 Naruto, vol. 49Vampire Knight, vol. 11 [19] [20]
9Naruto, vol. 50Soul Eater, vol. 5 Black Butler, vol. 4Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 24Black Bird, vol. 7Vampire Knight, vol. 11Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2Pandora Hearts, vol. 4Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 1Black Butler, vol. 1 [21] [22]
10Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 6Bleach, vol. 34 Naruto, vol. 50Black Butler, vol. 4Soul Eater, vol. 5Black Bird, vol. 7Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 24 Library Wars , vol. 4Vampire Knight, vol. 11Death Note, vol. 2 (Black Edition) [23] [24]
11Naruto, vol. 50Bleach, vol. 34Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 6Soul Eater, vol. 5Black Butler, vol. 4Black Bird, vol. 7Dogs: Bullets & Carnage, vol. 5 Rin-ne, vol. 5 Black Butler, vol. 1Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2 [25] [26]
12Naruto, vol. 50Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 6Bleach, vol. 34Black Butler, vol. 4Soul Eater, vol. 5Black Bird, vol. 7Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2Death Note, vol. 1 (Black Edition)Dogs: Bullets & Carnage, vol. 5Black Butler, vol. 1 [27] [28]
13Naruto, vol. 50Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 6Bleach, vol. 34Black Butler, vol. 4Soul Eater, vol. 5Black Bird, vol. 7Maximum Ride, vol. 1Black Butler, vol. 1Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2Death Note, vol. 1 (Black Edition) [29] [30]
14Naruto, vol. 50Black Butler, vol. 4Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 6Bleach, vol. 34Black Bird, vol. 7Soul Eater, vol. 5Death Note, vol. 1 (Black Edition)Black Butler, vol. 1K-On!, vol. 2Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2 [31] [32]
15Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 4 Skip Beat!, vol. 23 Blue Exorcist , vol. 1 [ broken anchor ]Dengeki Daisy, vol. 4 Naruto, vol. 50Stepping on Roses, vol. 5 Sakura Hime , vol. 1 Nura , vol. 2 Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 6Black Butler, vol. 4 [33] [34]
16Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 4 Akira , vol. 6Blue Exorcist, vol. 1 Finder Series , vol. 3 Naruto, vol. 50Skip Beat!, vol. 23Dengeki Daisy, vol. 4Black Butler, vol. 4Case Closed, vol. 38 Sakura Hime, vol. 1 [35] [36]
17Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 4Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Naruto, vol. 50Black Butler, vol. 4Dengeki Daisy, vol. 4Skip Beat!, vol. 23Akira, vol. 6K-On!, vol. 2Hetalia: Axis Powers, vol. 2Sakura Hime, vol. 1 [37] [38]
18Black Butler, vol. 5 Maximum Ride, vol. 4Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 4 Highschool of the Dead , vol. 2 Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Pandora Hearts, vol. 5 Omamori Himari , vol. 3 Naruto, vol. 50Higurashi When They Cry, Eye Opening Arc vol. 2 Black Butler, vol. 4 [39] [40]
19Black Bird, vol. 8 Maximum Ride, vol. 4Black Butler, vol. 5Bakuman, vol. 4 Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Otomen, vol. 10 Pandora Hearts, vol. 5 Kimi ni Todoke , vol. 8 Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 4Highschool of the Dead, vol. 2 [41] [42]
20Black Bird, vol. 8Maximum Ride, vol. 4Black Butler, vol. 5Bakuman, vol. 4Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 4Pandora Hearts, vol. 5Highschool of the Dead, vol. 2Otomen, vol. 10 Ai Ore , vol. 1 [43] [44]
21Negima!, vol. 29 Black Bird, vol. 8Maximum Ride, vol. 4Black Butler, vol. 5Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Shugo Chara!, vol. 10 Fairy Tail, vol. 13 Biomega, vol. 6Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 4Bakuman, vol. 4 [45] [46]
22Negima!, vol. 29Maximum Ride, vol. 4Black Bird, vol. 8Black Butler, vol. 5Shugo Chara!, vol. 10Fairy Tail, vol. 13Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 4 Arisa , vol. 2 Bakuman, vol. 4 [47]
23Maximum Ride, vol. 4Black Bird, vol. 8Negima!, vol. 29Spice and Wolf, vol. 4 Black Butler, vol. 5Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Black Butler, vol. 1Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 4Pandora Hearts, vol. 5 The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi-chan , vol. 2 [48] [49]
24Naruto, vol. 51 Vampire Knight, vol. 12 Bleach, vol. 35 Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 25 Ouran High School Host Club, vol. 16 Blue Exorcist, vol. 2 [ broken anchor ]Bakuman, vol. 5 One Piece, vol. 57 Maximum Ride, vol. 4Claymore, vol. 18 [50] [51]
25Naruto, vol. 51Vampire Knight, vol. 12Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 25Ouran High School Host Club, vol. 16Bleach, vol. 35Blue Exorcist, vol. 2Maximum Ride, vol. 4Bakuman, vol. 5One Piece, vol. 57Black Bird, vol. 8 [52] [53]
26Naruto, vol. 51Vampire Knight, vol. 12Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 25Ouran High School Host Club, vol. 16Blue Exorcist, vol. 2Bleach, vol. 35Bakuman, vol. 5Maximum Ride, vol. 4One Piece, vol. 57Blue Exorcist, vol. 1 [54] [55]
27Naruto, vol. 51Vampire Knight, vol. 12Soul Eater, vol. 6 Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 25Ouran High School Host Club, vol. 16Bleach, vol. 35Blue Exorcist, vol. 2Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Maximum Ride, vol. 4Black Bird, vol. 8 [56] [57]
28Black Bird, vol. 9 Warriors: SkyClan and the Stranger , vol. 1 Dance in the Vampire Bund, vol. 10Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 5 Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's , vol. 1Naruto, vol. 51Skip Beat!, vol. 24 Dengeki Daisy, vol. 5 Toradora! , vol. 2Vampire Knight, vol. 12 [58] [59]
29Black Bird, vol. 9Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 5Naruto, vol. 51Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, vol. 1Vampire Knight, vol. 12Skip Beat!, vol. 24Soul Eater, vol. 6Dengeki Daisy, vol. 5Shugo Chara!, vol. 11 Dance in the Vampire Bund, vol. 10 [60] [61]
30Black Butler, vol. 6 Negima!, vol. 30 Naruto, vol. 51Black Bird, vol. 9Vampire Knight, vol. 12Rosario + Vampire: Season II, vol. 5Pandora Hearts, vol. 6 Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, vol. 1Soul Eater, vol. 6Shugo Chara!, vol. 11 [62] [63]
31Black Butler, vol. 6Naruto, vol. 51Negima!, vol. 30Black Bird, vol. 9Vampire Knight, vol. 12Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, vol. 1Pandora Hearts, vol. 6Shugo Chara!, vol. 11Blue Exorcist, vol. 1 I Am Here! , vol. 2 [64] [65]
32Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 7Blue Exorcist, vol. 3 [ broken anchor ]Bakuman, vol. 6 Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 2 (3-in-1 Edition)Black Butler, vol. 6Sakura Hime, vol. 3 Ai Ore, vol. 2Otomen, vol. 11 Naruto, vol. 51 Pokémon Adventures , vol. 14 [66] [67]
33Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 7Blue Exorcist, vol. 3Bakuman, vol. 6Ai Ore, vol. 2Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 2 (3-in-1 Edition)Naruto, vol. 47Bleach, vol. 2 (3-in-1 Edition)I Am Here!, vol. 2Sakura Hime, vol. 3Otomen, vol. 11 [68] [69]
34Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 7Blue Exorcist, vol. 3Bakuman, vol. 6Bleach, vol. 2 (3-in-1 Edition)Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 2 (3-in-1 Edition)Ai Ore, vol. 2Sakura Hime, vol. 3Black Bird, vol. 5Naruto, vol. 48Naruto, vol. 1 (3-in-1 Edition) [70]
35Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 7Blue Exorcist, vol. 3Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 2 (3-in-1 Edition)Bakuman, vol. 6Naruto, vol. 49Bleach, vol. 2 (3-in-1 Edition)Karakuridoji Ultimo, vol. 1K-On, vol. 3Negima! Magister Negi Magi, vol. 1 (3-in-1 edition)Naruto, vol. 47 [71]
36Amulet: The Last Council, vol. 4Karakuridoji Ultimo, vol. 1Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, vol. 7Naruto, vol. 49Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 2 (3-in-1 Edition)Negima! Magister Negi Magi, vol. 1 (3-in-1 edition)Kannagi, vol. 1Blue Exorcist, vol. 3Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Air Gear, vol. 19 [72]
37Naruto, vol. 52Bleach, vol. 36Black Bird, vol. 10Dengeki Daisy, vol. 6Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You, vol. 10Library Wars: Love and War, vol. 6Blue Exorcist, vol. 1Butterflies, Flowers, vol. 8Ultimo, vol. 6Death Note Black Edition, vol. 5 [73]
38Sailor Moon, vol. 1 (new printing)Codename: Sailor V, vol. 1XXXholic, vol. 17Bleach, vol. 36Naruto, vol. 52Black Bird, vol. 10One Piece, vol. 58Shugo Chara!, vol. 12Ultimo, vol. 6Dengeki Daisy, vol. 6 [74]
39Sailor Moon, vol. 1 (new printing)Codename: Sailor V, vol. 1Negima!, vol. 31Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 26Naruto, vol. 52One Piece, vol. 58Black Bird, vol. 10Bleach, vol. 36Witch and Wizard, vol. 1Pokemon: Black and White, vol. 3 [75]
40Sailor Moon, vol. 1 (new printing)A Certain Scientific Railgun, vol. 2Codename: Sailor V, vol. 1Negima!, vol. 31Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 26Naruto, vol. 52XXXholic, vol. 17Black Bird, vol. 10Bleach, vol. 36Vampire Kisses: Graveyard Games, vol. 1 [76]
41Vampire Knight, vol. 13Rosario+Vampire: Season II, vol. 6Bakuman, vol. 7Pokemon Adventures: Diamond and Pearl/Platinum, vol. 3Blue Exorcist, vol. 4Fairy Tail, vol. 15Book of Human InsectsNinja Girls, vol. 7Psyren, vol. 1Sailor Moon, vol. 1 (new printing) [77]
42Rosario+Vampire: Season II, vol. 6Sailor Moon, vol. 1 (new printing)Skip Beat, vol. 25Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, vol. 15Vampire Knight, vol. 13Blue Exorcist, vol. 420th Century Boys, vol. 17Codename: Sailor V, vol. 1Kamisama Kiss, vol. 5Negima!, vol. 31 [78]
43, vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol. [79]
44, vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol. [80]
45, vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol. [81]
46, vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol. [82]
46, vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol. [83]
47, vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol. [84]
48, vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol., vol. [85]
49Naruto Vol. 53Bleach Vol. 37One Piece Vol. 59Bakuman Vol. 8Blue Exorcist Vol.Ouran High School Host Club Vol. 17Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 2Black Jack Vol.17 Dawn of the Arcana Vol. 1 Shugo Chara!-chan! Vol. 1 [86]

Weeks are numbered according to the convention used in the United States, which labels the week containing January 1 as the first week of the year.

  First appearance of a manga series title on the Best Seller list

  First appearance of an individual manga release on the Best Seller list

FBFan book release

LN Light novel release


  1. Aoki, Deb (January 8, 2011). "NY Times Manga Bestsellers: Hetalia Volume 2 Debuts at No. 1". . The New York Times Company . Retrieved August 11, 2011.
  2. Aoki, Deb (February 5, 2011). "NY Times Manga Bestsellers: Black Butler Dominates Top 10". The New York Times Company. Retrieved August 11, 2011.
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