The Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English

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First edition Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English.jpg
First edition

The Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English is a 1977 poetry anthology edited by the author and academic Gwyn Jones. [1] It covers both Welsh language poetry in English translation and poetry written in English by Welsh poets (often called Anglo-Welsh poetry).


Poets in The Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English

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The Oxford Book of Welsh Verse (1962), edited by Thomas Parry, is an anthology of Welsh-language poetry stretching from Aneirin in the 6th century to Bobi Jones in the 20th. No translations of the poems are provided, but the introduction and notes are in English. It was the first anthology to give the reader a thorough idea of Welsh poetry in its entirety through 1400 years, containing as it does 370 poems, of which 59 cannot be securely attributed while the rest are the work of 146 named poets. It went through eight editions in its first 21 years, and was supplemented in 1977 by the publication of Gwyn Jones's Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English.


  1. "Professor leaves literary legacy". BBC. 10 December 1999. Retrieved 11 May 2017.