The Rabbi Goes West

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The Rabbi Goes West
The Rabbi Goes West.jpg
Film poster
Directed by Amy Geller and Gerald Peary
Release date
  • July 23, 2019 (2019-07-23)(San Francisco Jewish Film Festival) [1]
CountryUnited States

The Rabbi Goes West is a 2019 documentary film about a Chabad Hasidic rabbi and his family who move to Montana. The film's directors are Amy Geller and Gerald Peary. The film covers the lives of the Chabad rabbi's efforts to increase Jewish observance among the Jews living in the state, as well as reactions from the non-Orthodox rabbis living in Montana. [2] [3] [4]


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  1. "The Rabbi Goes West - Screenings". The Rabbi Goes West. Retrieved July 15, 2020.
  2. "In Focus: 'The Rabbi Goes West' goes online - The Boston Globe".
  3. "Rabbi Goes West, The".
  4. "The Rabbi Goes West". Atlanta Jewish Film Festival.