Tippecanoe order of battle

Last updated

The following units of the U.S. Army and state militia forces under Indiana Governor William Henry Harrison, fought against the Native American warriors of Tecumseh's Confederacy, led by Chief Tecumseh's brother, Tenskwatawa "The Prophet" at the battle of Tippecanoe on November 7, 1811.


Abbreviations used

United States

Governor William Henry Harrison, Commander-in-Chief [1]



Infantry Brigade [3]
Col. John Parker Boyd

Front Line 4th U.S. Infantry

Maj. George Rogers Clark Floyd

  • Company of Capt. William C. Baen (Lt. Charles Larrabee)
  • Company of Capt. Josiah Snelling
  • Company of Capt. George W. Prescott
  • Company of Capt. Return B. Brown
  • 7th Infantry Company of Lt. Jacob Allbright
  • Rifle Regiment Company of Lt. Abraham Hawkins
Front Line Indiana Militia

Lt. Col. Joseph Bartholomew (w)

  • Company of Capt. Thomas Scott
  • Company of Capt. Andrew Wilkins
Rear Line 4th U.S. Infantry

Capt. William C. Baen (mw)

  • Company of Capt. Robert C. Barton
  • Company of Capt. Joel Cook
  • Company of Lt. George Peters (w)
Rear Line Indiana Militia

Lt. Col. Luke Decker (w)

  • Company of Capt. Walter Wilson
  • Company of Capt. William Hargrove
  • Company of Capt. Jacob Warrick (k)
  • Company of Capt. John Norris (w)


Dragoon Reserve

Maj. Joseph Hamilton Daveiss [4] (k)

  • Light Dragoons, Indiana Militia - Capt. Benjamin Parke
  • Light Dragoons, Indiana Militia - Capt. Charles Beggs
  • Light Dragoons, Indiana Militia - Capt. Peter Funk
Light Dragoons

Maj. Samuel Wells

  • Kentucky Mounted Riflemen - Capt. Frederick Geiger (w)
  • Mounted Riflemen - Capt. James Bigger
  • Indiana Mounted Riflemen - Capt. David Robb

Tecumseh's Confederacy

Tenskwatawa (500-700 warriors) [5]

Tenskwatawa had around 500 warriors available, although estimates range from 350 to 1,000.

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  1. Tunnell, Appendix B
  2. Colonel Boyd served as second-in-command of the expedition with the rank of "acting brigadier general". He also acted as brigade commander of all field units and commander of all regular army units (Tunnell, Appendix B)
  3. Tunnel p.127
  4. Pirtle p.36
  5. In the absence of Tecumseh command of the Confederacy fell to his brother, Tenskwatawa, who was not a war chief but a spiritual leader. Tenskwatawa nevertheless authorized the attack at Prophetstown (Tunnell). The attacking force was led by White Loon, Winamac and Stone Eater (Pirtle p.56)
  6. Winkler (2015), p. 34
  7. Winkler (2015), p. 32
