Titus Sextius Lateranus

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Titus Sextius Lateranus was a Roman senator active in the second century AD. He was ordinary consul in the year 154 as the colleague of Lucius Verus. [1] Lateranus is also known by a more full name, which has been restored in two different ways: Titus Sextius Lateranus M. Vibius Ovel[lius?...] Secundus L. Vol[usius Torquatus?] Vestinus, [2] or Titus Sextius ... M. Vibius Qui[etus?] Secundus L. Vol[usius Torquatus?] Vestinus. [3]

Lateranus was a member of the Roman Republican gens Sextia. [2] He was the son of Titus Sextius Cornelius Africanus, consul in 112, [4] by his wife, a noblewoman from the gens Vibia.

The cursus honorum for Lateranus can be reconstructed from an inscription from Rome. [5] That this inscription attests he was a member of the tresviri monetalis , the most prestigious of the four boards that comprised the vigintiviri , and performed his duties as a quaestor for the Emperor indicates he became a member of the patrician order. His status also explains the absence of any office between quaestor and his consulate except for praetor. At an unknown date he was a member of the sodales Hadrianales , a priesthood dedicated to performing rituals honoring the deified emperor Hadrian. [3] He served as a Proconsul of the Province of Africa in 168/169, considered the apex of a successful senatorial career. [6]

Lateranus was the father of Titus Sextius Magius Lateranus, ordinary consul in 197. [7]

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  1. Werner Eck, "Die Fasti consulares der Regierungszeit des Antoninus Pius, eine Bestandsaufnahme seit Géza Alföldys Konsulat und Senatorenstand" in Studia epigraphica in memoriam Géza Alföldy, hg. W. Eck, B. Feher, and P. Kovács (Bonn, 2013), p. 74
  2. 1 2 Mennen, Power and Status of the Roman Empire, AD 193-284, p. 200
  3. 1 2 Biographischer Index der Antike, p. 864
  4. Bennett, Trajan: Optimus Princeps: a Life and Times, p. 183
  5. CIL VI, 41131
  6. Mennen, Power and Status, pp. 204-5
  7. Mennen, Power and Status


Political offices
Preceded by Consul of the Roman Empire
with Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus
Succeeded by
(Prifernius?) Paetus, and
Marcus Nonius Macrinus