Tomato effect

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The tomato effect occurs when effective therapies for a condition are rejected, usually because they do not make sense in the context of the current understanding or theory of the disease in question. [1] The name refers to the fact that tomatoes were rejected as a food source by most North Americans until the end of the 19th century, because the prevailing belief at the time was that they were poisonous. [2] [3]

A parallel concern is medical reversal which is new clinical information based on new clinical trials or understanding of a disease contradicting clinical practice. Medical reversal implies the original clinical practice failed to achieve success or had harms that outweighed benefits. That is contrasted with the phenomenon of replacement where a useful clinical practice is replaced by one that works better. [4]


Tomatoes were becoming a staple food in Europe by the 1560s; they were shunned in North America since they were considered poisonous until the 1820s. [2] Similarly, willow tree bark extract was ignored to provide relief of pain and fever, and it was not until the late 1800s with the commercial production of salicylate (also known as Aspirin) that this treatment was prescribed to patients. [2]

In 1753, it was established that scurvy can be treated with lemon juice. [5] Despite this knowledge, it was considered an imbalance of the humors until the mid 1800s. [6]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">James Lind</span> Scottish physician (1716–1794)

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Medical reversal refers to when a newer and methodologically superior clinical trial produces results that contradict existing clinical practice and the older trials on which it is based. This leads to an intervention that was widely used falling out of favor, because new evidence either demonstrates that it is ineffective or that its harms exceed its benefits. It is distinct from replacement, which occurs when a newly developed medical treatment supersedes an older, less effective one as the standard of care. Medical reversals are caused when a treatment is widely adopted even when there is not compelling evidence for its safety and effectiveness. For example, an intervention may be adopted because it "makes sense", or because there are observational studies supporting its putative benefits. The negative effects of such reversals include harm to patients who received the intervention when it was considered relatively safe and effective, as well as reducing public trust in medicine.


  1. Hausenblas, Heather (18 August 2014). "Does Physical Activity Show Signs of a Tomato Effect?". U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved 15 November 2014.
  2. 1 2 3 Goodwin, James S. (11 May 1984). "The Tomato Effect". JAMA. 251 (18): 2387. doi:10.1001/jama.1984.03340420053025.
  3. Trowbridge, John Parks (2011). The Yeast Syndrome. Random House. p. 87. ISBN   978-0-307-79358-4.
  4. Prasad V, Cifu A (December 2011). "Medical reversal: why we must raise the bar before adopting new technologies". Yale J Biol Med. 84 (4): 471–8. PMC   3238324 . PMID   22180684.
  5. Bartholomew, M (2002-11-01). "James Lind's Treatise of the Scurvy (1753)". Postgraduate Medical Journal. 78 (925): 695–696. doi:10.1136/pmj.78.925.695. ISSN   0032-5473. PMC   1742547 . PMID   12496338.
  6. Jason, Mayberry (2004-01-01). "Scurvy and Vitamin C". Retrieved 2015-10-16.