The turlupins were a religious sect in medieval France, loosely related to the Beguines and Beghards and the Brethren of the Free Spirit. [1] The name turlupin is a derisive epithet; they appear to have called themselves the "society of the poor" or "fellowship of poverty". [1] [2] Mention of them survives only in writings of their opponents, who condemned them as heretics. [2] From Avignon, Pope Gregory XI excommunicated them as heretics. [3] Therefore, very little is known about them, but they apparently wore few clothes as an expression of the vow of poverty, which led to accusations of nudism and promiscuity. [2] [4] Some historians think their importance may have been exaggerated to add "local colour" to academic theological disputes. [4]
The sect was active mainly in the second half of the 14th century around Paris, being one of the few heretical sects active in Paris at that time. [4] In 1372 a number were imprisoned, with a female leader, Jeanne Daubenton , burnt at the stake for witchcraft and heresy. [1] A similar sect may have been active in the 1460s around Lille. [2]