Fluid motion can be said to be a two-dimensional flow when the flow velocity at every point is parallel to a fixed plane. The velocity at any point on a given normal to that fixed plane should be constant.
Considering a two dimensional flow in the plane, the flow velocity at any point at time can be expressed as –
Considering a two dimensional flow in the plane, the flow velocity at a point at a time can be expressed as –
Vorticity in two dimensional flows in the plane can be expressed as –
Vorticity in two dimensional flows in the plane can be expressed as –
A line source is a line from which fluid appears and flows away on planes perpendicular to the line. When we consider 2-D flows on the perpendicular plane, a line source appears as a point source. By symmetry, we can assume that the fluid flows radially outward from the source. The strength of a source can be given by the volume flow rate that it generates.
Similar to a line source, a line sink is a line which absorbs fluid flowing towards it, from planes perpendicular to it. When we consider 2-D flows on the perpendicular plane, it appears as a point sink. By symmetry, we assume the fluid flows radially inwards towards the source. The strength of a sink is given by the volume flow rate of the fluid it absorbs.
A radially symmetrical flow field directed outwards from a common point is called a source flow. The central common point is the line source described above. Fluid is supplied at a constant rate from the source. As the fluid flows outward, the area of flow increases. As a result, to satisfy continuity equation, the velocity decreases and the streamlines spread out. The velocity at all points at a given distance from the source is the same.
The velocity of fluid flow can be given as -
We can derive the relation between flow rate and velocity of the flow. Consider a cylinder of unit height, coaxial with the source. The rate at which the source emits fluid should be equal to the rate at which fluid flows out of the surface of the cylinder.
The stream function associated with source flow is –
The steady flow from a point source is irrotational, and can be derived from velocity potential. The velocity potential is given by –
Sink flow is the opposite of source flow. The streamlines are radial, directed inwards to the line source. As we get closer to the sink, area of flow decreases. In order to satisfy the continuity equation, the streamlines get bunched closer and the velocity increases as we get closer to the source. As with source flow, the velocity at all points equidistant from the sink is equal.
The velocity of the flow around the sink can be given by –
The stream function associated with sink flow is –
The flow around a line sink is irrotational and can be derived from velocity potential. The velocity potential around a sink can be given by –
A vortex is a region where the fluid flows around an imaginary axis. For an irrotational vortex, the flow at every point is such that a small particle placed there undergoes pure translation and does not rotate. Velocity varies inversely with radius in this case. Velocity will tend to at that is the reason for center being a singular point. The velocity is mathematically expressed as –
Since the fluid flows around an axis,
The stream function for irrotational vortices is given by –
While the velocity potential is expressed as –
For the closed curve enclosing origin, circulation (line integral of velocity field) and for any other closed curves,
A doublet can be thought of as a combination of a source and a sink of equal strengths kept at an infinitesimally small distance apart. Thus the streamlines can be seen to start and end at the same point. The strength of a doublet made by a source and sink of strength kept a distance is given by –
The velocity of fluid flow can be expressed as –
The equations and the plot are for the limiting condition of
The concept of a doublet is very similar to that of electric dipoles and magnetic dipoles in electrodynamics.
Acoustic theory is a scientific field that relates to the description of sound waves. It derives from fluid dynamics. See acoustics for the engineering approach.
In mathematics, a spherical coordinate system is a coordinate system for three-dimensional space where the position of a point is specified by three numbers: the radial distance of that point from a fixed origin, its polar angle measured from a fixed zenith direction, and the azimuthal angle of its orthogonal projection on a reference plane that passes through the origin and is orthogonal to the zenith, measured from a fixed reference direction on that plane. It can be seen as the three-dimensional version of the polar coordinate system.
In physics, the Navier–Stokes equations, named after Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes, describe the motion of viscous fluid substances.
In fluid dynamics, potential flow describes the velocity field as the gradient of a scalar function: the velocity potential. As a result, a potential flow is characterized by an irrotational velocity field, which is a valid approximation for several applications. The irrotationality of a potential flow is due to the curl of the gradient of a scalar always being equal to zero.
Synchrotron radiation is the electromagnetic radiation emitted when charged particles are accelerated radially, e.g., when they are subject to an acceleration perpendicular to their velocity. It is produced, for example, in synchrotrons using bending magnets, undulators and/or wigglers. If the particle is non-relativistic, then the emission is called cyclotron emission. If, on the other hand, the particles are relativistic, sometimes referred to as ultrarelativistic, the emission is called synchrotron emission. Synchrotron radiation may be achieved artificially in synchrotrons or storage rings, or naturally by fast electrons moving through magnetic fields. The radiation produced in this way has a characteristic polarization and the frequencies generated can range over the entire electromagnetic spectrum which is also called continuum radiation.
In 1851, George Gabriel Stokes derived an expression, now known as Stokes' law, for the frictional force – also called drag force – exerted on spherical objects with very small Reynolds numbers in a viscous fluid. Stokes' law is derived by solving the Stokes flow limit for small Reynolds numbers of the Navier–Stokes equations.
The primitive equations are a set of nonlinear differential equations that are used to approximate global atmospheric flow and are used in most atmospheric models. They consist of three main sets of balance equations:
This is a list of some vector calculus formulae for working with common curvilinear coordinate systems.
In fluid dynamics, Couette flow is the flow of a viscous fluid in the space between two surfaces, one of which is moving tangentially relative to the other. The configuration often takes the form of two parallel plates or the gap between two concentric cylinders. The flow is driven by virtue of viscous drag force acting on the fluid, but may additionally be motivated by an applied pressure gradient in the flow direction. The Couette configuration models certain practical problems, like flow in lightly loaded journal bearings, and is often employed in viscometry and to demonstrate approximations of reversibility. This type of flow is named in honor of Maurice Couette, a Professor of Physics at the French University of Angers in the late 19th century.
Stokes flow, also named creeping flow or creeping motion, is a type of fluid flow where advective inertial forces are small compared with viscous forces. The Reynolds number is low, i.e. . This is a typical situation in flows where the fluid velocities are very slow, the viscosities are very large, or the length-scales of the flow are very small. Creeping flow was first studied to understand lubrication. In nature this type of flow occurs in the swimming of microorganisms and sperm and the flow of lava. In technology, it occurs in paint, MEMS devices, and in the flow of viscous polymers generally.
In mathematics, a Scherk surface is an example of a minimal surface. Scherk described two complete embedded minimal surfaces in 1834; his first surface is a doubly periodic surface, his second surface is singly periodic. They were the third non-trivial examples of minimal surfaces. The two surfaces are conjugates of each other.
In nonideal fluid dynamics, the Hagen–Poiseuille equation, also known as the Hagen–Poiseuille law, Poiseuille law or Poiseuille equation, is a physical law that gives the pressure drop in an incompressible and Newtonian fluid in laminar flow flowing through a long cylindrical pipe of constant cross section. It can be successfully applied to air flow in lung alveoli, or the flow through a drinking straw or through a hypodermic needle. It was experimentally derived independently by Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille in 1838 and Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig Hagen, and published by Poiseuille in 1840–41 and 1846. The theoretical justification of the Poiseuille law was given by George Stokes in 1845.
In fluid dynamics, the Stokes stream function is used to describe the streamlines and flow velocity in a three-dimensional incompressible flow with axisymmetry. A surface with a constant value of the Stokes stream function encloses a streamtube, everywhere tangential to the flow velocity vectors. Further, the volume flux within this streamtube is constant, and all the streamlines of the flow are located on this surface. The velocity field associated with the Stokes stream function is solenoidal—it has zero divergence. This stream function is named in honor of George Gabriel Stokes.
In fluid dynamics, the Oseen equations describe the flow of a viscous and incompressible fluid at small Reynolds numbers, as formulated by Carl Wilhelm Oseen in 1910. Oseen flow is an improved description of these flows, as compared to Stokes flow, with the (partial) inclusion of convective acceleration.
The direct-quadrature-zerotransformation or zero-direct-quadraturetransformation is a tensor that rotates the reference frame of a three-element vector or a three-by-three element matrix in an effort to simplify analysis. The DQZ transform is the product of the Clarke transform and the Park transform, first proposed in 1929 by Robert H. Park.
In mathematics, potential flow around a circular cylinder is a classical solution for the flow of an inviscid, incompressible fluid around a cylinder that is transverse to the flow. Far from the cylinder, the flow is unidirectional and uniform. The flow has no vorticity and thus the velocity field is irrotational and can be modeled as a potential flow. Unlike a real fluid, this solution indicates a net zero drag on the body, a result known as d'Alembert's paradox.
In the field of fluid dynamics, a Rankine half body is a feature of fluid flow discovered by Scottish physicist and engineer William Rankine that is formed when a fluid source is added to a fluid undergoing potential flow. Superposition of uniform flow and source flow yields the rankine half body flow. A practical example of this type of flow is a bridge pier or a strut placed in a uniform stream. The resulting stream function and velocity potential are obtained by simply adding the stream function and velocity potential for each individual flow.
In fluid dynamics, Beltrami flows are flows in which the vorticity vector and the velocity vector are parallel to each other. In other words, Beltrami flow is a flow where Lamb vector is zero. It is named after the Italian mathematician Eugenio Beltrami due to his derivation of the Beltrami vector field, while initial developments in fluid dynamics were done by the Russian scientist Ippolit S. Gromeka in 1881.
Elementary flow is a collection of basic flows from which is possible to construct more complex flows by superposition. Some of the flows reflect specific cases and constraints such as incompressible, irrotational or both as in the case of Potential flow.
In fluid dynamics, Hicks equation or sometimes also referred as Bragg–Hawthorne equation or Squire–Long equation is a partial differential equation that describes the distribution of stream function for axisymmetric inviscid fluid, named after William Mitchinson Hicks, who derived it first in 1898. The equation was also re-derived by Stephen Bragg and William Hawthorne in 1950 and by Robert R. Long in 1953 and by Herbert Squire in 1956. The Hicks equation without swirl was first introduced by George Gabriel Stokes in 1842. The Grad–Shafranov equation appearing in plasma physics also takes the same form as the Hicks equation.