USS Porpoise has been the name of more than one United States navy ship, and may refer to:
USS Grampus may refer to:
USS Dolphin may refer to:
USS Barracuda may refer to more than one United States Navy ship:
USS Bonita has been the name of more than one ship of the United States Navy, and may refer to:
USS Haddock has been the name of three United States Navy ships:
USS Grayling has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:
USS Plunger has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:
Three United States Navy ships have borne the name USS Pike.
USS Shark has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:
USS Narwhal has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:
Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Perch, named in honor of the perch, a type of fresh-water spiny-finned fish belonging to the family Percidae.
Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Permit, named in honor of the permit, a food fish, often called "round pompano", found in waters from North Carolina to Brazil.
USS Salmon has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:
Two submarines of the United States Navy have been named USS Tarpon for the tarpon, a large, herring-like fish found abundantly in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Pickerel, named for the pickerel, a young or small pike.
USS Moosehead has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:
The tarpon is a species of a large, herring-like fish of the genus Megalops.
Permit may refer to:
The first USS Moosehead (ID-2047), later the fourth USS Porpoise (YFB-2047), was a steamer that served in the United States Navy from 1918 to 1930.
USS Skipjack has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship named after the skipjack tuna, and may refer to: