United Nations Public Service Awards

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The United Nations (UN) Public Service Award is the most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service.[ citation needed ] It rewards the creative achievements and contributions of public service institutions that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration in countries worldwide. Through an annual competition, the UN Public Service Awards promotes the role, professionalism and visibility of public service.


Establishment of the UNPSA

In 2003, the UN General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/57/277, designated June 23 as the UN Public Service Day to "celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community". The UN Economic and Social Council established that the United Nations Public Service Awards be bestowed on Public Service Day for contributions made to the cause of enhancing the role, prestige and visibility of public service.

The United Nations Millennium Declaration emphasized the role of democratic and participatory governance in assuring the rights of men and women to "live their lives and raise their children in dignity, free from hunger and from the fear of violence, oppression, or injustice". It also noted that good governance within each country is a prerequisite to "making development a reality for everyone and to freeing the entire human race from want".[ citation needed ]

Experience demonstrates that without good governance, nationally or internationally, and an efficient, competent, professional, responsive and highly dedicated public service, sustainable development and livelihood are jeopardized.[ citation needed ] The former UN Secretary-General, in his speech at the World Youth Forum in 1998, stressed the importance of public service by encouraging the world's youth to enter into this field. He said, "In this changing world of new challenges, we need, more than ever before, dedicated and talented individuals to enter public service. More than ever before, we need people like you sitting here today, to make the choice of service to humankind."[ citation needed ]

Purpose of the Awards

The overall purpose of the United Nations Public Service Awards is to recognize the institutional contribution made by public servants to enhance the role, professionalism, image and visibility of the public service (Economic and Social Council decision 2000/231). It can be translated into the following more specific objectives:

(a) To reward service to citizens and motivate public servants worldwide to sustain the momentum of innovation and the improvement of the delivery of public services;
(b) To collect and disseminate successful practices and experiences in public administration in order to support efforts for improvements in country level public service delivery;
(c) Through success stories, to counterbalance any negative image of public administration, raise the image and prestige of public servants and revitalize public administration as a noble discipline on which development greatly depends;
(d) To promote, encourage and facilitate networking among institutions and organizations relevant to public administration and strengthen the networks of the United Nations programme on public administration and development; and
(e) To enhance professionalism in the public service in rewarding the successful experiences in innovations and excellence in the public service.[ citation needed ]

Who is eligible

All Public organizations/agencies at national and sub-national levels, as well as public/private partnerships and organizations performing outsourced public service functions, are eligible for nomination. The United Nations Public Service Awards take into consideration a geographical distribution of five regions. In order to level the playing field for nominations received from countries with varying levels of development and income, the following five regions have been established:

(a) Africa
(b) Asia and the Pacific
(c) Europe and North America
(d) Latin America and the Caribbean
(e) Western Asia

Eligible nominators include: Government departments and agencies; universities, non-governmental organizations, professional associations, etc. Purely scientific innovations, e.g. in medical or environmental science, do not qualify for the United Nations Public Service Awards.

UNPSA categories and criteria

For the 2021 round of nominations, the United Nations Public Service Awards categories are as follows:

Category 1: Fostering innovation to deliver inclusive and equitable services for all including through digital transformation;
Category 2: Enhancing the effectiveness of public institutions to reach the SDGs;
Category 3: Promoting gender-responsive public services to achieve the SDGs; and
Category 4: Institutional preparedness and response in times of crisis.

For a description of the categories and application criteria, see UN Public Service Awards

Application process

The application process consists of two steps.

Step 1
An application form has to be completed online. Nominations are allowed to enter the competition in one of the six official United Nations languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish).
Step 2
Upon reception of the applications, the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) pre-selects nominations. Candidates are asked to submit additional information such as a cover letter, letters of reference, supporting documents (e.g., evaluation and audit reports, results of client surveys), etc during the application process. DPIDG then shortlists candidates on the basis of the documents provided. The short-listed are subsequently considered by the United Nations Committee of Experts in Public Administration. After due consideration, the Committee advises the UN Secretary-General concerning the winners of the Awards.

UN Public Service Awards Ceremony

UN Public Service Awards' winners are recognized during UN Public Service Day on 23 June of every year at a high-level event held in New York at UN Headquarters or in a host country as part of the United Nations Public Service Forum. UN Public Service Day intends to celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlight the contribution of public service in the development process; recognize the work of public servants, and encourage young people to pursue careers in the public sector. Since the first Awards Ceremony in 2003, the United Nations has received an increasing number of submissions from all around the world.[ citation needed ]

Past Award Winners

YearCategoryRegionCountry, Department / Project
2003 [1] 1Europe & North AmericaGreece Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization for "Call centre to apply for administrative documents"
Asia & the PacificSingapore Infocom Development Authority of Singapore for "National Trust Council and TrustSg Programme"
Western AsiaOman Muscat Municipality for "Cleanliness of Muscat"
Latin AmericaBolivia Aduana Nacional de Bolivia "Un profundo proceso de reforma"
2Europe & North AmericaSpain Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas "ITACA Proyecto"
AfricaEgypt Ministry of State for "Administrative Development Improvement of administrative machinery"
Asia & The PacificSingapore Legal Policy Division, Ministry of Law "Polygon of Good Laws"
Latin AmericaMexico Victoria, Tamaulipas "Family system in Tamaulipas"
3Europe & North AmericaItaly Public Administration Department for Efficiency in the Administrations for "Coordination Centre for Innovations in Administrations"
AfricaZambia Patents and Companies Registration Office Commercialization
Asia & The PacificRepublic of Korea Public Procurement Service for "Reform of procurement operations"
Western AsiaLebanon Education Center for "Research and Development Research, training and continuous education"
Latin AmericaChile Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII) for "El sitio web del servicio"
2004 [2] 1AfricaMorocco, Secretariat d'Etat Charge de l'eau, Morocco
Europe & North AmericaCanada, Network of Canada Business Service Centres
Latin AmericaBrazil, General Board for Development of Public Services and Public
2Europe & North AmericaAustria, District Administrative Authority Zell am See Summary of the Project
AfricaCameroon, Ministere de la Fonction Publique et de la Reforme
Asia & The PacificAustralia, Australian Public Service Commission
Latin AmericaBrazil, City Hall of Belo Horizonte Summary of the Project
3AfricaSouth Africa, South African Police Service
Asia & The PacificMalaysia, National Productivity Corporation
Asia & The PacificPhilippines, City of Naga
2005 [3] 1Asia & The PacificIndia, Bhagidari Cell, Office of the Chief Minister, Government of NCT of Delhi for "Citizen-Government Partnership: Bhagidari in New Delhi"
Europe & North AmericaCanada, Vancouver Agreement for "Innovative Partnerships between Government Agencies, and with Community Groups and Business"
2AfricaMorocco, Etablissement Autonome de Contrôle et de Coordination des Exportations (EACCE) for "Decentralization and expansion of the quality monitoring process of fruits and vegetables for exportation".
Europe & North AmericaSpain, Public Employment Service of Castile and León (Ecyl) for "Modernization Program 2004"
Latin AmericaMexico, Secretaria de Agua, Obra Publica e Infrastructura para el Desarrollo for "El Programa Hidraulico Integral del Estado de Mexico"
3Asia & The PacificSingapore, Ministry of Trade and Industry for Online Application System for Integrated Services (OASIS)
Europe & North AmericaCanada, Industry Canada, Office of Consumer Affairs for "the Canadian Consumer Affairs Gateway (CCIG)"
Latin AmericaMexico, Secretaría de la Función Pública - Unidad de Gobierno Electrónico y Política de Tecnologías de la Información (UGEPTI) for "La Estrategia de Gobierno Digital"
2006 [4] 1AfricaRwanda, National Examinations Council for "Assessment and Evaluation for Reconciliation"
Asia & The PacificSingapore, Ministry of Manpower, Work Pass Division for "Integrated Work Permit Online Services"
Europe & North AmericaThe Netherlands, District Water Board for "Rijnland Internet Election System"
2AfricaZambia, District Health Management Board for "Masaiti"
Asia & The PacificIndia, Government of Karnataka, Revenue Department for "Online delivery of land records"
Europe & North AmericaCanada, the Provincial Court of Manitoba for "The Domestic Violence Front-End Project"
Latin AmericaBrazil, Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Urbano do Estado da Bahia, Brazil for "Implementation of the Self-Sustainable Sanitation Systems Programme,"
3Asia & The PacificAustralia, Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources for "Business Entry Point"
Europe & North AmericaBelgium, Crossroads Bank for Social Security for "e-Government Program of the Belgian Social Security"
Western AsiaUnited Arab Emirates,Dubai Municipality for "e-Government Municipal Services"
2007 [5] 1AfricaKenya, Performance Contracts Steering Committee Secretariat for "Performance Contracts"
AsiaSingapore, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Manpower and Central Provident Fund Board, Singapore for "Progress Package" (1. place)

India, Information Technology and Communications Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh for "e-Procurement Project" (1. place)

EuropeAustria, Federal Chancellery of Austria for "Electronic law making processes (eLaw)"
Latin America and the CaribbeanChile, Dirección de Compras y Contratación Publica
Western AsiaAzerbaijan, The State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan for "Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative"
North America and the PacificAustralia, Australian Public Service Commission for "State of the Service Report"
2AfricaSouth Africa, e'Thekwini Municipality for "e'Thekwini Water & Sanitation Debt Relief Programme" (1. place)

Morocco, Arrondissement Agdal, Fez, Morocco for "Fez eGovernment project" (1. place)

AsiaRepublic of Korea, Ministry of Justice for "Korea Immigration Smart Service (KISS)"
Western AsiaUAE, Dubai Government Excellence Department for "Dubai Government Excellence Program" (1. place)

Lebanon, Lebanese Ministry of Finance for "Taxpayer Service" (1. place)

3EuropeSwitzerland, Statistical Office Canton Zurich, Ministry of Justice and Interior for "e-Government Project (e-voting)"
North America and the PacificCanada, Tli Cho Community Services Agency
2008 [6] 1AfricaRwanda, Common Development Fund for "Ubudehe"
Asia and the PacificSingapore, Housing and Development Board for "Home Ownership Policy"
Europe and North AmericaUSA, State of California Superior of America Court for the County of Santa Clara, San Jose, California for "Juvenile Delinquency Domestic Violence and Family Violence Court"
Latin AmericaBrazil, Prefeitura Municipal de Santana de Parnaíba, Santana de Parnaíba, São Paulo for "Projeto Oficina-Escola de Artes e Ofícios de Santana de Parnaíba"
2AfricaSouth Africa, Johannesburg for "Phelopepa Health Care Train"
Asia and the PacificAustralia, Department of Education for "Job Access"
Europe and North AmericaSweden, City of Umeå for "Library 2007"
Western AsiaSaudi Arabia, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, Riyadh for "SADAD Payment System"
3AfricaTunisia, Direction générale des affaires estudiantines, Tunis for "Orientation universitaire en ligne"
Asia and the PacificIndia, Government of Nagaland India for "Programme of Communitization of Public Institutions and Services"
Europe and North AmericaSpain, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona for "Direcció General de Participació Ciudadana"
Western AsiaJordan, the Higher Population Council, Amman for "Family Planning"
2009 [7] 1Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea, Office of Waterworks, Seoul Metropolitan Government for "On and Off-Line Real-Time Water Quality Opening Services"
Europe and North AmericaSweden, City of Piteå, Piteå, Norrbotten Region
2AfricaZambia, Itezhi Tezhi District Health Office for "Integrated Mobile Community Voluntary Counseling and Training, and other Health Services"
Asia and the PacificThailand, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University for "Improving Public Medical Care Service through Collaborative Networks"
Europe and North AmericaSlovenia, Ministry of Public Administration for "One Stop Shop for Companies (e-VEM)"
Western AsiaEgypt, University Enrollment Project, Ministry of State for Administrative Development for "e-Tanseek"
3Asia and the PacificIndia, Water and Sanitation Management Organization (WASMO) for "Institutionalization of community managed drinking water supply programme and user level water quality monitoring"
4Europe and North AmericaPoland, National School of Public Administration
2010 [8] 1Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea, Women Policy Division, Seoul Metropolitan Government for "Women Friendly City Project" (1. place)

India, Chief Minister's Office, Government of Gujarat for "817 - State-Wide Attention on Grievances by Application of Technology" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaGermany, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Agency for Vaccines and Biomedicines for "Tandem in science, Network for Integration Projects" (1. place)

Albania, Public Procurement Agency (2. place)

Western AsiaBahrain, e-Government Authority, Kingdom of Bahrain for "National e -Government Portal – Bahrain.bh" (1. place)

Saudi Arabia, Public Investment Fund for "SaudiEDI eTrade System and Tabadul Company" (2. place)

2AfricaTunisia, Ministry of the Interior and Local Development for "'Madania' Civil Status System: bringing services closer to citizens" (1. place)

Tanzania, Property and Business Formalization Program for "Management of sustainable delivery of secured property rights through empowerment and capacity building of local government" (2. place)

Asia and the PacificAustralia, Australian Electoral Commission for "Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections (BRIDGE)" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Welfare Policy Bureau, Seoul Metropolitan Government for "Hope-Plus Account" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaCanada, Revenu Québec for "Ensuring Fiscal Equity (Assurer L’équité Fiscale)" (1. place)

Italy, Instituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (INPS) for "INPS Mobile Counter for Disabled and Elderly People" (2. place)

Western AsiaSaudi Arabia, King Saud University for "Development of e-Education" (1. place)

Oman, Ministry of Manpower for "Manpower IT Enabled Service Centre" (2. place)

3Asia and the PacificJapan, Saga Prefectural Government for "Collaboration Testing" (1. place)

Australia, Gold Coast Water, Gold Coast City Council for "Gold Coast Water" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaItaly, Regione Piemonte-Consiglio Regionale del Piemonte for "Youth in the Law Hall (Ragazzi in Aula)"
Latin America and the CaribbeanBrazil, Guardia da APA do Pratigi- Organización de la Sociedad Civil de Interés Público, Califica for "Support Programme for Integrated and Sustainable Development of the Protected Environment Zone, Pratigi (Programa de Apoyo al Desarrollo Integrado y Sostenible del APA del Pratigi)"
Western AsiaLebanon, Lebanese Ministry of Interior and Municipalities for "A new Management Approach to Parliamentary Elections in Lebanon"
4Asia and the PacificAustralia, National Blood Authority for "Knowledge Network" (1. place)

Japan, Saga Prefectural Government for "Innovation 'SAGA' Project" (2. place)

Western AsiaOman, Ministry of Health for "Hospital Information System" (1. place)

Bahrain, eGovernment Authority, Kingdom of Bahrain for "National Enterprise Architecture Framework" (2. place)

2011 [9] 1AfricaSouth Africa, Electoral Commission of South Africa for "Result Slip Scanning Project"
Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea, Human Resources Development of Service of Korea for "Migrant & Business Friendly Recruitment System" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government for "Open Tax Court for Citizens" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaSlovakia, Town Hall of Martin for "Transparent Town" (1. place)

Romania, Craiova Local Government for "Cities without Corruption, Cities with Future" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanMexico, Secretaria de la Funcion Publica for "Administrative simplification to improve the efficiency of the government"
Western AsiaOman, Ministry of Civil Service for "Central Recruiting System" (1. place)

Egypt, General Authority for Government for "Government Procurement Portal" (2. place)

2AfricaTanzania, Property and Business Formalization Program for "Participatory Approaches in Planning and Implementation of Regularization of Informal Settlements" (1. place)

Tunisia, Office de la Marine Marchande Et de Ports for "Integrated System to Improve Trade Processes" (2. place)

Asia and the PacificIndia, Samajik Suvidha Sangam for "Mission Convergence" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Ministry of Public Administration and Security for "24‐Hour E‐Services for the Public" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaPoland, Tax Office in Sierpc for "The Partnership and the Participation of Entrepreneurs, Artisans, Merchants in the Establishment" (1. place)

The Netherlands, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations for "Informal Pro‐Active Approach Model" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanColombia, Departamento de Antioquia for "Programa Alimentario MANA" (1. place)

Peru, Programa Revalora Peru for "Programa Revalora Peru" (2. place)

Western AsiaOman, Ministry of Education for "Electronic Education Portal" (1. place)

Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology for "Accelerating E‐Government Adoption for Expanding Access to all Members of Saudi Society" (2. place)

3Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea, Ministry of Public Administration and Security for "Information Network Village Project" (1. place)

Thailand, Royal Irrigation Department for "Participatory Irrigation Management by Civil Society Committee and Water User Organizations" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaCanada, Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs for "Creation of Ministry and Strategic Course of Action for Reconciliation with Aboriginal People" (1. place)

Portugal, Agency for the Public Services Reform for "Simplex Public Consultation and Simplex Idea" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanMexico, Secretaria de la Funcion Publica for "Public Call to Identify the Most Useless Process"
4AfricaSouth Africa, Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for "Gauteng Integrated Decision Support"
Asia and the PacificThailand, Revenue Department of Thailand for "Service Excellence Tax Office" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission for "E‐People System: Knowledge Management for People's Voice" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaPortugal, Agency for the Public Services Reform for "Common Knowledge Network"
Latin America and the CaribbeanBrazil, Office of the Comptroller General for "Monitoring of Public Expenditure" (1. place)

Dominica, Fisheries Division for "Establishment of Systems for Record‐Keeping of Fish Activities and Improving Coastal Resources Management" (2. place)

Western AsiaOman, Information Technology Authority for "Transforming the Society through E‐Oman Strategy" (1. place)

United Arab Emirates, Dubai Executive Council ‐ DGEP for "Dubai Knowledge Management Program" (2. place)

5Asia and the PacificIndia, Swanchetan Society for Mental Health for "Increasing Access to Justice for Poor Women Who Are Victims of Sexual Atrocities" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government for "Self‐Empowerment Program for Runaway Teenage Women" (2. place)

Republic of Korea, Gyeonggi Women's Development Centre for "Online Career Coaching Services" (2. place)

Western AsiaEgypt, Ministry of Health for "Women Health Outreach Program" (1. place)

Oman, National Association for Cancer Awareness for "Mobile Mammography Unit" (2. place)

2012 [10] 1AfricaMauritius, Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC) for "Preventing and Combating Corruption in the Public Service"
Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea, Anti-corruption and Civil Rights Commission for "The Integrity Assessment" (1. place)

Singapore, Building and Construction Authority for "Promoting accountability for procurement of public projects" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanMexico, Ministry of Civil Service for "New Model of control and audit public works" (1. place)

Mexico, Ministry of Civil Service for "National Public Procurement System (Sistema Nacional de Contrataciones Públicas)" (2. place)

Western AsiaTurkey, Ministry of Justice for "SMS Information System" (1. place)

Georgia, State Procurement Agency of Georgia for "Georgian Electronic Government Procurement System" (2. place)

2AfricaSenegal, GIE GAINDE 2000 for "Electronic Single Window procession of foreign trade and customs formalities" (1. place)

Morocco, Group Plan for Retirement Allowance (Régime collectif d’allocation de retraite) for "0-paper" (2. place)

Rwanda, Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration (DGIE) for "The use of ICT in improving service delivery in the DGIE" (2. place)

Asia and the PacificIndia, District Health Society Uttar Pradesh for "Aarogyam" (1. place)

Singapore, The Subordinate Courts of Singapore for "Helping to Empower Litigants-in-Person – The Subordinate Courts HELP Centre" (2. place)

India, Public Service Delivery Management, Government of Madhya Pradesh for "MP Public Service Delivery Act 2010" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaUSA, City of New York 311 Customer Service Center for "NYC311" (1. place)

Spain, General Directorate for Administrative Modernization, Procedures and Promotion of E-Government (Dirección General de Modernización Administrativa, Procedimientos e Impulso de la Administración Electrónica) for "Public Service Electronic Access for Citizens (Acceso electrónico completo de los cuidadanos a los servicios públicos)" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanDominican Republic, Essential Drug Program/Logistic Support Central (PROMESE/CAL) for "Institutional Transformation" (1. place)

Mexico, National Savings and Financial Services (Banco del Ahorro Nacional y Servicios Financieros S.N.C.) for "Financial Inclusion Project (Proyecto de Inclusión Financiera (PIF))" (2. place)

Grenada, Immigration and Passport Department (2. place)

Western AsiaLebanon, Cooperative of Government Employees for "Simplify procedures and improve services" (1. place)

Georgia, Ministry of Justice for "Public Service Hall" (2. place)

Egypt, Ministry of State for Administrative Development (MSAD) for "Democratic Reform Using ICT" (2. place)

3Asia and the PacificThailand, Royal Irrigation Department for "Integrated Drought Prevention and Mitigation: The Mae Yom Operation and Maintenance Office" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family for "Youth Participation Committees" (2. place)

Australia, Department of Premier and Cabinet for "South Australia's Strategic Plan Community Engagement" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaSpain, Department of Housing, Construction and Transport, the Basque Government (Departamento de Vivìenda, ObrasPúblicas y Transportes, del Gobierno Vasco) for "Housing – all opinions matter (En Vivìenda, todas las opiniones cuentan)" (1. place)

Slovenia, Ministry of Justice and Public Administration for "IT-supported procedure for drafting legislation (ITDL)" (2. place)

Canada, Metro Vancouver for "Metro Vancouver's Public Outreach and Engagement Program" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanBrazil, Department of Planning and Management of Pernambuco (Secretaria de Planejamento e Gestão do estado Pernambuco) for "Participatory Regional Seminars"
4Asia and the PacificMalaysia, Implementation Coordination Unit, Prime Minister's Department for "eKasih" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, National Science & Technology Commission (NSTC) for "National Science and Technology Information Service (NTIS)" (2. place)

Thailand, Rajavithi Hospital for "Preventing Diabetic Blindness" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaSpain, Barcelona Provincial Council (Diputación de Barcelona) for "Territorial Information System for the Network of Open Spaces (Sistema de Información Terrítorìal de la Red de Espacìos Libres)" (1. place)

Switzerland, Coordinating Agency for Federal Geographical Information for "geo.admin.ch" (2. place)

Western AsiaBahrain, eGovernment Authority - Ministry of Cabinet Affairs for "Integrated Workflow Management System (IWMS)" (1. place)

Turkey, Integrated Workflow Management System (IWMS) for "UYAP (National Judiciary Informatics System)" (2. place)

5AfricaSouth Africa, Small Projects Foundation for "Protecting the Futures" (1. place)

Ruanda, Rwanda National Police for "Isange One Stop Center" (2. place)

Kenya, Ministry of Water and Irrigation for "Gender integration in the water sector" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaBosnia and Herzegovina, Ministry of Security for "Public participation in peace processes" (1. place)

Spain, Bilbao City Council for "Zero Tolerance for Violence against Women" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanBrazil, Pernambuco State Secretariat for Women (Secretaria da Mulher do Estado de Pernambuco) for "Chapeu de Palha" (1. place)

Mexico, Secretary of Social Development (Secretaria de Desarrollo Social) for "Daycare Program to Support Mothers" (2. place)

Western AsiaUnited Arab Emirates, Dubai Police General Headquarters for "Inclusion of Women in the Police Force" (1. place)

Oman, Ministry of Health for "Reduce Childhood Mortality Rate: Infants and Children under 5 years of Age" (2. place)

2013 [11] 1AfricaMorocco, Régime collectif d'allocation de retraite (Groupe Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion) for "Integrity Reinforcement"
Asia and the PacificIndia, Chief Minister's Office – Kerala State for "Mass Contact Programme (MCP)" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Infrastructure Headquarters for "Anti-Corruption Clean Construction System" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaItaly, National Institute of Social Security, Apulia, Bari for "INPS: Our fight and synergy against corruption" (1. place)

Slovenia, Commission for the Prevention of Corruption for "Supervizor" (2. place)

Western AsiaOman, State Audit Institution for "Complaints Window" (1. place)

Georgia, Civil Service Bureau for "Online Asset Declaration System (OADS)" (2. place)

2AfricaSouth Africa, E'Thekwini Metropolitan Municipality Water and Sanitation Services for "Communal Ablution Blocks for Informal Settlements" (1. place)

Nigeria, Federal Capital Territory Administration, Abuja, Nigeria for "Federal Capital Territory Administration Mobile Integrated Primary Health Care Service Delivery 'MAILAFIYA'" (2. place)

Asia and the PacificThailand, Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development - Ministry of Public Health for "Child First – Work Together (CF-WT)" (1. place)

India, District Administration, Dhanbad for "SWAVALAMBAN" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaSpain, AENA (Aena Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea) for "Servicio de atención a Personas con Movilidad Reducida - PMR- en los aeropuertos de la red" (1. place)

Spain, Fundación BiscayTIK for "Modernización de la administración local a través del uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías" (2. place)

USA, Philadelphia Department of Human Services for "Improving Outcomes for Children" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanPeru, Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil (RENIEC) for "Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) De Menores Y Su impacto En El Ejercicio De Los Derechos Humanos" (1. place)

Brazil, Government of the State of Pernambuco for "Pacto Pela Vida-PPV" (2. place)

Mexico, Procuraduría for "Fomento a la Inversión en la Propiedad Rural/FIPP" (2. place)

Western AsiaOman, Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources for "INJAZ Hall" (1. place)

United Arab Emirates, Dubai Police General Headquarters for "Customer Service Management" (2. place)

3Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government for "Seoul Welfare Standards enabled by and for the Citizens of Seoul" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government for "Eco-mileage, a program to engage citizens in GHG reduction" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaMoldova, State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova for "Increased transparency in the decision-making process"
Latin America and the CaribbeanBrazil, Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul for "Sistema Estadual de Participação Popular e Cidadã/SISPARCI"
Western AsiaEgypt, Information Center for "Egypt's ICT Indicators Portal"
4AfricaNigeria, Galaxy Backbone for "1-GOV.net" (1. place)

Botswana, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development for "Food Coupon System" (2. place)

Morocco, Agence Urbaine D'essaouira for "QR Codes" (2. place)

Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea, Ministry of Strategy and Finance for "DBAS: Korea's Integrated Financial Management Information System" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Ministry of Security and Public Administration for "Government Wide Enterprise Architecture in Korea (GEA)" (2. place)

Singapore, National Environment Agency for "Co-creation of creative solutions through eGov initiatives" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaSlovenia, Ministry of the Interior and Public Administration for "Reusable IT building blocks for electronic data exchange - implementation for e-Social Security" (1. place)

Spain, Instituto Geográfico Nacional for "Plan Nacional de Obsevación del Territorio (PNOT)" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanTrinidad and Tobago, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment for "TTBIZLink"
Western AsiaUnited Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi Government Systems & Information Centre for "Abu Dhabi Government Contact Centre" (1. place)

Bahrain, eGovernment Authority for "Integrated Service Delivery Platform (ISDP)" (2. place)

United Arab Emirates, Dubai eGovernment for "Dubai eGovernment Electronic Shared Services (ESS)" (2. place)

5AfricaMorocco, La DFCAT du Ministère de l’Intérieur for "L'Intégration de l'Approche Genre dans le Plan Stratégique de Formation, de Renforcement des Capacités, de Développement des Compétences et de Mise en Réseau au profit des Collectivités Territoriales du Maroc" (1. place)

Ethiopia, Ethiopian Civil Service University for "Creating Access to Education for Disadvantaged Female Civil Servants (AEDFCS, ASSNFS, and IPFA)" (2. place)

Kenya, Nikumbuke-Health by Motorbike for "Gender and Health" (2. place)

Asia and the PacificPakistan, Gender Unit Department of Labour Punjab for "GRLI" (1. place)

India, Dept. of Cottage and Rural Industries for "GRAAMIN HAAT" (2. place)

Republic of Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government for "Initiative for Women of Single-Person Household" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaGermany, Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend for "Aktionsprogramm Perspektive Wiedereinstieg (PWE)" (1. place)

Italy, Ministry of Economy and Finance for "Mini*Midi*Mef (MMM)" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanEcuador, Ministerio de Finanzas Ecuador for "Catalogo Orientador de Gastos Politicas de Equidad de Genero"
Western AsiaEgypt, Ministry of Health for "Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Clinic – Women's Health Outreach Program" (1. place)

Jordan, Center for Integrated Services against Domestic Violence for "Integrated Services Center against Domestic Violence/Family Reconciliation" (2. place)

2014 [12] 1AfricaSouth Africa, Rég Gauteng Department of Education for "Secondary School Improvement Programme (SSIP)" (1. place)

Cameroon, Municipality of Bangangte for "Sustainable Work in the Water Sector and Sanitation" (2. place)

Asia and the PacificSingapore, Alexandra Health System for "Ageing-In-Place Programme"
Europe and North AmericaAustria, Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria for "Open Government Data - Data.gv.at" (1. place)

Spain, Ministry of Finance and Public Administration for "Data Intermediation Platform" (2. place)

Western AsiaTurkey, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality for "Center of Children Working in Ankara Streets" (1. place)

Bahrain, Ministry of Health for "National Health Information System (I-Seha)" (2. place)

2Asia and the PacificThailand, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health for "Integrating Network and Community Participation for Effective Malaria Management in Tha Song Yang Di" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Changwon City for "Building the Best Neighborhood Project" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanBrazil, Ministry of Planning, Budgeting and Management & Secretariat-General of the Presidency for "Inter-council Forum"
3Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea, Korea Health and Welfare Information Service (KHWIS) for "Social Security Information System (SSIS)" (1. place)

India, Department of Electronics and Information Technology for "Mobile Seva" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanUruguay, National Civil Service Bureau for "Uruguay Competes" (1. place)

Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul State Government for "Transparency and Citizens' Access to Information" (2. place)

Western AsiaBahrain, eGovernment Authority for "The National Contact Center"
4AfricaMorocco, Ministry of Economy and Finance for "Gender Responsive Budgeting in Morocco"
Asia and the PacificThailand, Khon Kaen Hospital for "One Stop Crisis Centre"
Latin America and the CaribbeanBrazil, State Health Secretariat of Pernambuco for "Mae Coruja Program"
Western AsiaOman, Ministry of Health for "Omani Nurse-Midwife"
2015 [13] 1AfricaKenya, Ministry of Devolution and Planning for "Huduma Kenya Programme (HKP)" (1. place)

Ethiopia, Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction for "Integrated Housing and Development Programme (IHDP)" (2. place)

Asia and the PacificIndia, District Magistrate, Nadia, West Bengal - Sabar Shouchagar for "Sabar Shouchagar" (1. place)

Republic of Korea, Songpa-gu for "Songpa Solar Nanum Power Plant" (1. place)

Indonesia, Aceh Singkil Regency for "Fostering Partnership between Traditional Birth Attendants and Midwives to Reduce Maternal and Infancy's Mortality" (2. place)

Philippines, City of mandaluyong – Project TEACH for "Project Therapy, Education, Assimilation of Children with Handicap (TEACH)" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanMexico, Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor for "Express Autor" (1. place)

Brazil, Secretary of Finance – State of Bahia/PPP Unit for "Suburbio Hospital PPP" (2. place)

Western AsiaAzerbaijan, ASAN Service run by the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President for "ASAN Service" (1. place)

Turkey, Prime Ministry, Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) for "The Sheltering Centre Management System (AFKEN)" (2. place)

2Europe and North AmericaSpain, Basque Government President's Office, Irekia - Open Government for "Irekia"
3Asia and the PacificSingapore, Ministry of Manpower and Central Provident Fund Board for "WorkRight Initiative" (1. place)

Thailand, Holistic School in Hospital, Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, Department of Medical Service, Ministry of Public Health for" Holistic School in Hospital Initiative (HSH)" (1. place)

Indonesia, Sragen Regency for "Integrated Service Unit on Poverty Relief" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaEstonia, Centre of Registers and Information Systems for "e-Business Register" (1. place)

Latvia, Rural Support Service for "Electronic Application System" (2. place)

Latin America and the CaribbeanEcuador, Secretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo – Senplades for "Sistema Nacional de Información (SNI)"
Western AsiaUnited Arab Emirates, Emirates Identity Authority for "National Validation Gateway"
4Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea, Seoul Metropolitan Government for" Fighting Violence against Women: Making Seoul a Safer City for Women" (1. place)

Thailand, Khon Kaen Hospital for "Fast-track Service for High-risk Pregnancies" (2. place)

Europe and North AmericaSpain, Emakunde - Instituto Vasco de la Mujer for "Implantación de la Ley Vasca para la Igualdad de Mujeres y Hombres" (1. place)

France, Ministère de la Décentralisation et de la Fonction Publique for "Dispositif de Nominations Équilibrées dans L’encadrement Supérieur de la Fonction Publique" (2. place)

2016 UNPS Forum
2017 [14] 1Asia and the PacificIndia, Government of West Bengal for "Kanyashree Prakalpa (KP)"
Latin America and the CaribbeanArgentina, Municipalidad de la ciudad Santa Fe for "Jardines Municipales de la ciudad de Santa Fe"
Western Europe and OthersUnited Kingdom, Avon and Somerset Constabulary for "Senior Citizen Liaison Team (SCLT)"
2Latin America and the CaribbeanColombia, Contraloría General de Medellín for "School Comptrollership"
Asia and the PacificAustralia, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Government of South Australia for "Fund My Community"
3Asia and the PacificMongolia, National Center for Maternal and Child Health for "Telemedicine Support for Maternal and Newborn Health"
Eastern EuropeArmenia, National Center for Aids Prevention of the Ministry of Health for "Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Armenia (EMTCT)"
Latin America and the CaribbeanEcuador, Ministerio de Salud Publica del Ecuador for "Trabajo en Redes Integradas de Salud"
2018 [15] 1Asia and the PacificIndonesia for "Reducing Malaria Cases Trough Early Diagnosis and Treatment (EDAT)"
Western Europe and OthersAustria for "Talents for Austria"
2Asia and the PacificRepublic of Korea for "Tax Administration Division"
Latin America and the CaribbeanColombia for "Cambia Tu Mente...Construye Paz (Change your mind … Build Peace)"
Western Europe and OthersSpain for "Citizen Participation Project"
3AfricaKenya for "Promoting Gender responsive public service to achieve the SDGs"
Asia and the PacificThailand for "Integrated approach of comprehensive cervical cancer control"
Western Europe and OthersSwitzerland for "Switzerland Advancing Gender Equal Pay SAGE"

Management of the UNPSA Programme

It is managed by the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

See also

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