Vegetative symptoms

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Vegetative symptoms are disturbances of a person's functions necessary to maintain life (vegetative functions). These disturbances are most commonly seen in mood disorders, and are part of the diagnostic criteria for depression, but also appear in other conditions. [1]


Vegetative symptoms in a patient with typical depression include: [2]

Reversed vegetative symptoms

Reversed vegetative symptoms include only oversleeping ( hypersomnia ) and overeating ( hyperphagia ), as compared to insomnia and loss of appetite. These features are characteristic of atypical depression .

However, there have been studies [3] claiming that these symptoms alone are sufficient to diagnose the condition of atypical depression.

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  1. Griffin, JB Jr. (1990). "Chapter 205: Psychological Disturbances of Vegetative Function". In Walker, HK; Hall, WD; Hurst, JW (eds.). Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations (3rd ed.). Boston: Butterworths.
  2. Carey, William. "Physician's Guide to Recognition and Treatment of Depression". Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved 4 September 2014. Detection of an MDE in the context of debilitating medical illness is often difficult because the vegetative symptoms of depression (anorexia, insomnia, fatigue, and impaired attention) can occur as manifestations of severe medical or surgical illness itself.
  3. Benazzi F (December 2002). "Can only reversed vegetative symptoms define atypical depression?". Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 252 (6): 288–93. doi:10.1007/s00406-002-0395-0. PMID   12563537. S2CID   428335.