Viraraghava copper plate, dated 1225 CE, [1] [2] ofCochin, or Kottayam plate of Viraraghava Chakravartin, or Syrian Christian copper plate, or Iravi Kortann's Plate, describe the concession made by Viraraghava, the ruler of Makotaiyar Pattinam (modern Kodungallur), to Syrian Christian merchant Iravikorttan, the chief of Manikkiramam (Manigiramam) merchant guild in Makotaiyar Pattinam. [3]
The record is engraved on both sides of a single copper-plate in the Vattezhuthu script and a modified form of the Grantha script. [3] It is currently is possession of the Syrian Christian community in Kottayam. [3] An image of a conch is engraved about the middle of the left margin of the reverse side. [3]
Manigiramam, along with Anjuvannam and Ainurruvar, was one of major merchant guilds in medieval south India. [4]