Virus Creation Laboratory

Last updated
Virus Creation Laboratory
Developer(s) Nowhere Man
Stable release
1.0 / July 5, 1992
Operating system MS-DOS
Type Virus creation
License Freeware

The Virus Creation Laboratory (VCL) was one of the earliest attempts to provide a virus creation tool so that individuals with little to no programming expertise could mass-create computer viruses. [1] VCL required a password for access, which was widely published alongside VCL. The password was "Chiba City", [2] a likely reference to the William Gibson novel Neuromancer .

A hacker dubbed "Nowhere Man", of the NuKE hacker group, released the software in July 1992. [3]

However, it was later discovered that viruses created with the Virus Creation Laboratory were often ineffective, as many anti-virus programs of the day caught them easily. Also, many viruses created by the program did not work at all - and often, their source codes could not be compiled, thus rendering the virus program created unusable. [4] Despite its limitations, several viruses created with the program became widespread. [5]

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  1. Wang, Wallace (2006). Steal this Computer Book 4.0: What They Won't Tell You About the Internet. No Starch Press. pp. 74–75. ISBN   9781593271053.
  2. God@rky (1996). "God@rky's Virus Heaven Newsletter #1" . Retrieved 17 July 2021.
  3. Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Threats and Defense Mechanisms. Cengage Learning. 2016. p. 74. ISBN   9781337015639.
  4. "VCL.716 Description". Threat Descriptions. F-Secure . Retrieved 17 July 2021.
  5. Szőr, Péter (25 March 2005). "Advanced Code Evolution Techniques and Computer Virus Generator Kits". The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense. Addison-Wesley Professional. ISBN   978-0-321-30454-4.