Volusia gens

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The Volusia gens was an ancient Roman family.



Volusii Saturnini

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Lucius Volusius Saturninus was the name of several Ancient Romans:

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Lucius Volusius Saturninus was a senator of the early Roman Empire, who was active during the Principate. He was a member of the College of Pontiffs.

Lucius Volusius Saturninus was a Roman Senator who lived in the 1st century. He served as an ordinary consul in 87, as the colleague of the emperor Domitian. He is known entirely from inscriptions.

Quintus Volusius Saturninus was a Roman Senator who lived in the Roman Empire in the second half of the 1st century AD and the first half of the 2nd century. He was ordinary consul for the year 92 as the colleague of the Emperor Domitian, consul for the sixteenth time. He is primarily known through inscriptions.

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Lucius Volusius Saturninus was a Suffect consul and Augur who lived in the Roman Empire in the second half of the 1st century and possibly in the first half of the 2nd century. He is known only through inscriptions. Saturninus was the grandson of Lucius Volusius Saturninus, consul in 87; the name of his father, which is nowhere attested, is thought to have been Lucius Volusius Torquatus.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sentia gens</span> Ancient Roman family

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  1. Appian, Civil Wars IV. 47.200; Valerius Maximus, VII.3.8
  2. 1 2 3 4 Volusius. Strachan stemma.
  3. Claudius patrician. Strachan stemma.