Wallis's conical edge

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Figure 1. Wallis's Conical Edge with a = b = c = 1 Wallis's conical edge.svg
Figure 1. Wallis's Conical Edge with a = b = c = 1
Figure 2. Wallis's Conical Edge with a = 1.01, b = c = 1 Wallis Conical Edge.gif
Figure 2. Wallis's Conical Edge with a = 1.01, b = c = 1

In geometry, Wallis's conical edge is a ruled surface given by the parametric equations


where a, b and c are constants.

Wallis's conical edge is also a kind of right conoid. It is named after the English mathematician John Wallis, who was one of the first to use Cartesian methods to study conic sections. [1]

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  1. Abbena, Elsa; Salamon, Simon; Gray, Alfred (21 June 2006). Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Third Edition. ISBN   9781584884484.