Right conoid

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A right conoid as a ruled surface. Right concoid.svg
A right conoid as a ruled surface.

In geometry, a right conoid is a ruled surface generated by a family of straight lines that all intersect perpendicularly to a fixed straight line, called the axis of the right conoid.


Using a Cartesian coordinate system in three-dimensional space, if we take the z-axis to be the axis of a right conoid, then the right conoid can be represented by the parametric equations:

where h(u) is some function for representing the height of the moving line.


Generation of a typical right conoid Conoid.gif
Generation of a typical right conoid

A typical example of right conoids is given by the parametric equations

The image on the right shows how the coplanar lines generate the right conoid.

Other right conoids include:

See also

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