Who's Who in the DC Universe is a series of role-playing supplements for DC Heroes published by Mayfair Games from 1992 to 1993.
Who's Who in the DC Universe is a supplement in which characters, equipment, and locations are described. [1]
Shannon Appelcline noted that although Mayfair was closing down their other role-playing lines by 1993, "It looked like DC Heroes might continue, as it was reaching a new creative high in its final years. Swamp Thing (1991), Magic (1992) and Who's Who in the DC Universe 2 (1992) all covered new ground for the game by detailing people and places that were then gelling into DC's new Vertigo universe (1993)." [2] : 169
Gene Alloway reviewed Who's Who in the DC Universe I, II, and III in White Wolf #37 (July/Aug., 1993), rating it a 4 out of 5 and stated that "Who's Who in the DC Universe is a worthy addition to the DC Heroes line of products. Covering virtually every object and character of any note in the DC Universe, it should provide characters and GM's with a great cast book for characters, or to at least get ideas for new characters. I highly recommend this Mayfair series to all DC Heroes and any DC Comics fan who wants a great resource." [1]
DC Heroes is an out-of-print superhero role-playing game set in the DC Universe and published by Mayfair Games. Other than sharing the same licensed setting, DC Heroes is unrelated to the West End Games DC Universe or the more recent Green Ronin Publishing DC Adventures game.
The Primal Order, or TPO, is a religion-based fantasy roleplaying game supplement. Of particular note, TPO was the first work published by Wizards of the Coast and its president, Peter Adkison. Through TPO, Wizards of the Coast introduced the "Capsystem" concept, enabling gamemasters to seamlessly integrate TPO and future Capsystem titles into other role-playing games.
Dana Knutson is an artist best known for his work on role-playing game products.
The New Easy-to-Master Dungeons & Dragons Game is an introductory set for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, published by TSR, Inc. in 1991. It was a replacement for the previous Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set, serving to introduce new players to the game, using the rule set previously established.
The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook is an accessory for the 2nd edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, published in 1994.
The Atlas of the DC Universe by Paul Kupperberg was published in 1990 by Mayfair Games as a supplement to its DC Heroes role-playing game. It includes maps and information about locations in the DC Universe; for example, it places Metropolis in Delaware and Gotham City in New Jersey.
Fantasy Hero Companion is a supplement published by Hero Games / Iron Crown Enterprises (I.C.E.) in 1990 for the fantasy role-playing game Fantasy Hero.
In Hot Pursuit is a collection of four scenarios published by Mayfair Games in 1990 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes.
Justice League Sourcebook is a supplement published by Mayfair Games in 1990 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes, itself based on superheroes found in DC Comics.
The Law of Darkness is a 1990 role-playing game adventure published by Mayfair Games for DC Heroes.
Come on Down!! is an adventure published by Mayfair Games in 1990 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes, which features characters from the DC Comics universe.
Deadly Fusion is an adventure published by Mayfair Games in 1990 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes, which features characters from the DC Comics universe.
The New Titans Sourcebook is a supplement published by Mayfair Games in 1990 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes, which features characters from the DC Comics universe.
The Otherwhere Quest is an adventure published by Mayfair Games in 1990 for the superhero role-playing game DC Heroes, which features characters from the DC Comics universe.
Swamp Thing is a 1991 role-playing supplement for DC Heroes published by Mayfair Games.
The Superman Sourcebook is a 1987 role-playing supplement for DC Heroes published by Mayfair Games.
2995: The Legion of Super-Heroes Sourcebook is a 1992 role-playing supplement for DC Heroes published by Mayfair Games.
Magic is a 1992 role-playing supplement for DC Heroes published by Mayfair Games.
Pawns: The Opening Move is a 1992 role-playing supplement for The Primal Order published by Wizards of the Coast.
Demons is a 1992 role-playing supplement published by Mayfair Games.