Wolfgang Drobetz

Last updated
Wolfgang Drobetz
Born (1971-02-26) February 26, 1971 (age 52)
Nationality Austrian
Alma mater University of Hamburg
Scientific career
Fields Finance
Institutions Chair of Corporate and Ship Finance
Doctoral advisor Heinz Zimmermann

Wolfgang Drobetz (born February 26, 1971) is an economist at the University of Hamburg. He is known for his work in corporate finance and asset management. He also is in the editor board of the journal Financial Markets and Portfolio Management (FMPM).

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A state-owned enterprise (SOE) is a government entity which is established or nationalised by the national government or provincial government by an executive order or an act of legislation in order to earn profit for the government, control monopoly of the private sector entities, provide products & services to citizens at a lower price, implementation of government schemes and to deliver products & services to the remote locations of the country. The national government or provincial government has majority ownership over these state owned enterprises. These state owned enterprises are also known as public sector undertakings in some countries. Defining characteristics of SOEs are their distinct legal form and possession of financial goals & developmental objectives, SOEs are government entities established to pursue financial objectives and developmental goals.

Corporate governance is defined, described or delineated in diverse ways, depending on the writer's purpose. Writers focused on a disciplinary interest or context often adopt narrow definitions that appear purpose-specific. Writers concerned with regulatory policy in relation to corporate governance practices often use broader structural descriptions. A broad (meta) definition that encompasses many adopted definitions is "Corporate governance describes the processes, structures, and mechanisms that influence the control and direction of corporations."

Corporatization is the process of transforming and restructuring state assets, government agencies, public organizations, or municipal organizations into corporations. It involves the adoption and application of business management practices and the separation of ownership from management through the creation of a joint-stock or shareholding structure for the organization. The result of corporatization is the creation of state-owned corporations where the government retains a majority ownership of the corporation's stock. Corporatization is undertaken to improve efficiency of an organization, to commercialize its operations, to introduce corporate and business management techniques to public functions, or as a precursor to partial or full privatization.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Capital structure</span> Mix of funds used to start and sustain a business

In corporate finance, capital structure refers to the mix of various forms of external funds, known as capital, used to finance a business. It consists of shareholders' equity, debt, and preferred stock, and is detailed in the company's balance sheet. The larger the debt component is in relation to the other sources of capital, the greater financial leverage the firm is said to have. Too much debt can increase the risk of the company and reduce its financial flexibility, which at some point creates concern among investors and results in a greater cost of capital. Company management is responsible for establishing a capital structure for the corporation that makes optimal use of financial leverage and holds the cost of capital as low as possible.

Liquidity risk is a financial risk that for a certain period of time a given financial asset, security or commodity cannot be traded quickly enough in the market without impacting the market price.

Maureen Patricia O'Hara is an American financial economist. O'Hara is the Robert W. Purcell Professor of Management, a professor of finance, and Acting Director in Graduate Studies at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. She has won numerous awards and grants for her research, served on numerous boards, served as an editor for numerous finance journals, and chaired the dissertations of numerous students. In addition, she is well known as the author of Market Microstructure Theory. She was the first female president of the American Finance Association. She has been awarded honorary doctorates from three European universities.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Financial market efficiency</span>

There are several concepts of efficiency for a financial market. The most widely discussed is informational or price efficiency, which is a measure of how quickly and completely the price of a single asset reflects available information about the asset's value. Other concepts include functional/operational efficiency, which is inversely related to the costs that investors bear for making transactions, and allocative efficiency, which is a measure of how far a market channels funds from ultimate lenders to ultimate borrowers in such a way that the funds are used in the most productive manner.

Management is a type of labor with a special role of coordinating the activities of inputs and carrying out the contracts agreed among inputs, all of which can be characterized as "decision making". Managers usually face disciplinary forces by making themselves irreplaceable in a way that the company would lose without them. A manager has an incentive to invest the firm's resources in assets whose value is higher under him than under the best alternative manager, even when such investments are not value-maximizing.

David Hirshleifer is an American economist. He is a professor of finance and currently holds the Merage chair in Business Growth at the University of California at Irvine. As of 2018 he became President-Elect of the American Finance Association. In 2017, he was elected as Vice President of the American Finance Association (AFA) and assigned as Research Associate to National Bureau of Economic Research. He was previously a professor at the University of Michigan, Ohio State University, and UCLA. His research is mostly related to behavioral finance and informational cascades. In 2007, he was on the Top 100 list of most cited economist by Web of Science's Most-Cited Scientists in Economics & Business.

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), also known as environmental, social, governance, is a framework designed to be embedded into an organization's strategy that considers the needs and ways in which to generate value for all organizational stakeholders.

Domestic liability dollarization (DLD) refers to the denomination of banking system deposits and lending in a currency other than that of the country in which they are held. DLD does not refer exclusively to denomination in US dollars, as DLD encompasses accounts denominated in internationally traded "hard" currencies such as the British pound sterling, the Swiss franc, the Japanese yen, and the Euro.

Söhnke Matthias Bartram is a professor in the Department of Finance at Warwick Business School (WBS). He is also a research fellow in the Financial Economics programme and the International Macroeconomics and Finance programme of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), a charter member of Risk Who's Who, and a member of an international think tank for policy advice to the German government. Prior to joining the University of Warwick, he held faculty positions at Lancaster University and Maastricht University and worked for several years in quantitative investment management at State Street Global Advisors as Head of the London Advanced Research Center.

Craig Woodworth Holden was the Finance Department Chair and Gregg T. and Judith A. Summerville Chair of Finance at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. His research focused on market microstructure. He was secretary-treasurer of the Society for Financial Studies. He was an associate editor of the Journal of Financial Markets. His M.B.A. and Ph.D. were from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA. He received the Fama-DFA Prize for the second best paper in capital markets published in the Journal of Financial Economics in 2009, the Spangler-IQAM Award for the best investments paper published in the Review of Finance in 2017-2018, and the Philip Brown Prize for the best paper published in 2017 using SIRCA data. His research has been cited more than 4,300 times. He has written two books on financial modeling in Excel: Excel Modeling in Investments and Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance. He has chaired 22 dissertations, been a member or chair of 62 dissertations, and serves on the program committees of the Western Finance Association and European Finance Association.

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A municipally owned corporation is a corporation owned by a municipality. They are typically "organisations with independent corporate status, managed by an executive board appointed primarily by local government officials, and with majority public ownership." Some municipally owned corporations rely on revenue from user fees, distinguishing them from agencies and special districts funded through taxation. Municipally owned corporations may also differ from local bureaucracies in funding, transaction costs, financial scrutiny, labour rights, permission to operate outside their jurisdiction, and, under some circumstances, in rights to make profits and risk of bankruptcy.

Factor investing is an investment approach that involves targeting quantifiable firm characteristics or “factors” that can explain differences in stock returns. Security characteristics that may be included in a factor-based approach include size, low-volatility, value, momentum, asset growth, profitability, leverage, term and cost of carry.

The Merton model, developed by Robert C. Merton in 1974, is a widely used "structural" credit risk model. Analysts and investors utilize the Merton model to understand how capable a company is at meeting financial obligations, servicing its debt, and weighing the general possibility that it will go into credit default.

The multiple principal problem, also known as the common agency problem, the multiple accountabilities problem, or the problem of serving two masters, is an extension of the principal-agent problem that explains problems that can occur when one person or entity acts on behalf of multiple other persons or entities. Specifically, the multiple principal problem states that when one person or entity is able to make decisions and / or take actions on behalf of, or that impact, multiple other entities: the "principals", the existence of asymmetric information and self-interest and moral hazard among the parties can cause the agent's behavior to differ substantially from what is in the joint principals' interest, bringing large inefficiencies. The multiple principal problem has been used to explain inefficiency in many types of cooperation, particularly in the public sector, including in parliaments, ministries, agencies, inter-municipal cooperation, and public-private partnerships, although the multiple principal problem also occurs in firms with multiple shareholders.

Francesca Cornelli is an economist who currently serves as Dean for Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">RĂ¼diger Fahlenbrach</span> German economist

Rüdiger Fahlenbrach is a German economist specialised in finance. He is a professor of finance at EPFL and holds the Swiss Finance Institute Senior Research Chair.