Central America is a subregion of North America. Its political boundaries are defined as bordering Mexico to the north, Colombia to the south, the Caribbean Sea to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Central America is usually defined as consisting of seven countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. Within Central America is the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot, which extends from northern Guatemala to central Panama. Due to the presence of several active geologic faults and the Central America Volcanic Arc, there is a high amount of seismic activity in the region, such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, which has resulted in death, injury, and property damage.
Pouteria is a genus of flowering trees in the gutta-percha family, Sapotaceae. The genus is widespread throughout the tropical Americas, with outlier species in Cameroon and Malesia. It includes the canistel, the mamey sapote, and the lucuma. Commonly, this genus is known as pouteria trees, or in some cases, eggfruits.
Drymobius is a genus of colubrid snakes commonly referred to as neotropical racers, which are endemic to the Americas. There are four species recognized in the genus.
Dicranopygium is a genus of plants belonging to the family Cyclanthaceae, first described as a genus in 1954. They are distributed in the Neotropical realm from southern Mexico to Peru.
The brown wood turtle or brown land turtle is a species of turtle in the family Geoemydidae. The species is endemic to Central America and northern South America.
The black wood turtle, or black river turtle is one of nine species of turtle in the genus Rhinoclemmys, which is in the family Geoemydidae. It is found in Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Cycnoches, abbreviated as Cyc. in the horticultural trade, is a genus of 34 currently accepted species of orchids native to South America, Central America and southern Mexico. Also called "swan orchids", they are epiphytes found in lowland and pre-montane forests.
Citharexylum is a genus of flowering plants in the verbena family, Verbenaceae. It contains shrub and tree species commonly known as fiddlewoods or zitherwoods. They are native to the Americas, ranging from southern Florida and Texas in the United States to Argentina. The highest diversity occurs in Mexico and the Andes. The generic name is derived from the Greek words κιθάρα (kithara), meaning "lyre", and ξύλον (xylon), meaning "wood," referring to the use of the wood in the sounding boards of string instruments. Several species, especially C. caudatum and C. spinosum, are cultivated as ornamentals.
- Citharexylum affineD.Don - from northern Mexico to Nicaragua
- Citharexylum alainiiMoldenke - Dominican Republic
- Citharexylum albicauleTurcz. - Cuba
- Citharexylum altamiranumGreenm. - northeastern Mexico
- Citharexylum andinumMoldenke - Bolivia, Jujuy Province of Argentina
- Citharexylum argutedentatumMoldenke - Peru
- Citharexylum berlandieriB.L. Rob. - from Texas to Oaxaca - Berlandier's fiddlewood, Tamaulipan fiddlewood
- Citharexylum bourgeauanumGreenm. - Veracruz, Oaxaca
- Citharexylum brachyanthum(A.Gray ex Hemsl.) A.Gray - Texas, Coahuila, Nuevo León - Boxthorn fiddlewood, Mexican fiddlewood
- Citharexylum bullatumMoldenke - Colombia
- Citharexylum calvumMoldenke - Quintana Roo
- Citharexylum caudatumL. - southern Mexico, West Indies, Central America, Colombia, Peru - Juniper berry
- Citharexylum chartaceumMoldenke - Peru, Ecuador
- Citharexylum cooperiStandl. - Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala
- Citharexylum costaricenseMoldenke - Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras
- Citharexylum crassifoliumGreenm - Chiapas, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras
- Citharexylum daniraeLeón de la Luz & F.Chiang - Revillagigedo Islands of Baja California
- Citharexylum decorumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
- Citharexylum dentatumD.Don - Peru
- Citharexylum discolorTurcz. - Cuba, Hispaniola
- Citharexylum donnell-smithiiGreenm. - Oaxaca, Chiapas, Central America
- Citharexylum dryanderaeMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador
- Citharexylum ekmaniiMoldenke - Cuba
- Citharexylum ellipticumMoc. & Sessé ex D.Don - Veracruz, Campeche, Tabasco; naturalized in Cuba + Cayman Islands
- Citharexylum endlichiiMoldenke - northeastern Mexico
- Citharexylum flabellifoliumS.Watson - Sonora, Baja California
- Citharexylum flexuosum(Ruiz & Pav.) D.Don - Bolivia, Peru
- Citharexylum fulgidumMoldenke - Veracruz, northeastern Mexico
- Citharexylum gentryiMoldenke - Ecuador
- Citharexylum glabrum(S.Watson) Greenm - Oaxaca
- Citharexylum glazioviiMoldenke - eastern Brazil
- Citharexylum grandiflorumAymard & Rueda - Ecuador
- Citharexylum guatemalense(Moldenke) D.N.Gibson - Guatemala, Nicaragua
- Citharexylum herreraeMansf. - Peru
- Citharexylum hexangulareGreenm. - from northern Mexico to Costa Rica
- Citharexylum hidalgenseMoldenke - Mexico
- Citharexylum hintoniiMoldenke - México State
- Citharexylum hirtellumStandl. - from Veracruz to Panama
- Citharexylum ilicifoliumKunth - Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador
- Citharexylum iltisiiMoldenke - Peru
- Citharexylum × jamaicenseMoldenke - Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico (C. caudatum × C. spinosum)
- Citharexylum joergensenii(Lillo) Moldenke - Argentina, Bolivia
- Citharexylum karsteniiMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
- Citharexylum kerberiGreenm. - Veracruz
- Citharexylum kobuskianumMoldenke - Peru
- Citharexylum krukoviiMoldenke - eastern Brazil
- Citharexylum kunthianumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador
- Citharexylum laetumHiern - southern Brazil
- Citharexylum laurifoliumHayek - Bolivia, Peru
- Citharexylum lemsiiMoldenke - Guanacaste Province in Costa Rica
- Citharexylum × leonisMoldenke - Cuba (C. caudatum × C. tristachyum)
- Citharexylum ligustrifolium(Thur. ex Decne.) Van Houtte - Mexico
- Citharexylum lojenseMoldenke - Ecuador
- Citharexylum lucidumCham. & Schltdl. - Mexico
- Citharexylum lycioidesD.Don - Mexico
- Citharexylum macradeniumGreenm. - Panama, Costa Rica
- Citharexylum macrochlamysPittier - Panama, Colombia
- Citharexylum macrophyllumPoir. - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guianas, northwestern Brazil
- Citharexylum matheanumBorhidi & Kereszty - Cuba
- Citharexylum matudaeMoldenke - Chiapas
- Citharexylum mexicanumMoldenke - Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca
- Citharexylum microphyllum(DC.) O.E.Schulz - Hisipaniola
- Citharexylum mirifoliumMoldenke - Colombia, Venezuela
- Citharexylum mocinoiD.Don - Mexico, Central America
- Citharexylum montanumMoldenke - Colombia, Ecuador
- Citharexylum montevidense(Spreng.) Moldenke - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
- Citharexylum myrianthumCham. - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
- Citharexylum obtusifoliumKuhlm - Espírito Santo
- Citharexylum oleinum Moldenke - Mexico
- Citharexylum ovatifoliumGreenm. - Mexico
- Citharexylum pachyphyllumMoldenke - Peru
- Citharexylum pernambucenseMoldenke - eastern Brazil
- Citharexylum poeppigiiWalp. - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil
- Citharexylum punctatumGreenm. - Bolivia, Peru
- Citharexylum quercifoliumHayek - Peru
- Citharexylum quitenseSpreng. - Ecuador
- Citharexylum racemosumSessé & Moc. - Mexico
- Citharexylum reticulatumKunth - Ecuador, Peru
- Citharexylum rigidum(Briq.) Moldenke - Paraguay, southern Brazil
- Citharexylum rimbachiiMoldenke - Ecuador
- Citharexylum roseiGreenm. - Mexico
- Citharexylum roxanaeMoldenke - Baja California
- Citharexylum scabrumMoc. & Sessé ex D.Don - northern Mexico
- Citharexylum schottiiGreenm. - southern Mexico, Central America
- Citharexylum schulziiUrb. & Ekman - Hispaniola
- Citharexylum sessaeiD.Don - Mexico
- Citharexylum shreveiMoldenke - Sonora
- Citharexylum solanaceumCham. - southern Brazil
- Citharexylum spinosumL. – Spiny fiddlewood - West Indies, Panama, Venezuela, the Guianas; naturalized in India, Mozambique, Fiji, Bermuda
- Citharexylum stenophyllumUrb. & Ekman - Haiti
- Citharexylum steyermarkiiMoldenke - Veracruz, Chiapas, Guatemala
- Citharexylum suberosumLoes. ex Moldenke - Cuba
- Citharexylum subflavescensS.F.Blake - Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru
- Citharexylum subthyrsoideumPittier - Colombia, Venezuela
- Citharexylum subtruncatumMoldenke - northwestern Brazil
- Citharexylum sulcatumMoldenke - Colombia
- Citharexylum svensoniiMoldenke - Ecuador
- Citharexylum teclenseStandl. - El Salvador
- Citharexylum ternatumMoldenke - Cuba
- Citharexylum tetramerumBrandegee - Valle de Tehuacán-Cuicatlán in Mexico
- Citharexylum tristachyumTurcz. – Threespike Fiddlewood - Cuba, Jamaica, Leeward Islands
- Citharexylum uleiMoldenke - Colombia, Peru, northwestern Brazil
- Citharexylum vallenseMoldenke - Colombia
- Citharexylum venezuelenseMoldenke - Venezuela
- Citharexylum weberbaueriHayek - Peru
T. angulata may refer to:
The ornate or painted wood turtle is one of nine turtle species of the genus Rhinoclemmys of the family Geoemydidae. There are four recognized subspecies.
Black turtle may refer to:
The South American snapping turtle is a species of turtle in the family Chelydridae. This species, which is endemic to Central and northwestern South America, was previously considered a subspecies of Chelydra serpentina. Its restricted range in South America reflects its recent arrival there as part of the Great American Interchange.
This article lists the Costa Rica national football team results. The national team is organised by the Federación Costarricense de Fútbol that was established in 1921. The team is nicknamed La Sele or Los Ticos. Costa Rica joined FIFA in 1927 and CONCACAF in 1962.
The white-lipped mud turtle is a species of mud turtle in the family Kinosternidae. The species is endemic to Central America and northwestern South America.
A robber frog is a frog in the family Craugastoridae.
The hourglass treefrog is a frog found in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama.
The Cochran frog is a frog in the family Centrolenidae found in the lower Amazonian slopes of the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador and adjacent Colombia.
The masked frog is a species of frog in the family Hylidae endemic to Australia.
Emerald frog may refer to:
This is a list of the Honduras national football team results from 2000 to 2009.
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