X-factor (astrophysics)

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The X-factor in astrophysics, often labeled XCO, is an empirically determined proportionality constant which converts carbon monoxide (CO) emission line brightness to molecular hydrogen (H2) mass.



The term X-factor was coined in a 1983 paper titled "Gamma-rays from atomic and molecular gas in the first galactic quadrant" and published in The Astrophysical Journal . [1] [2]


Calibrating XCO requires an independent method of determining the amount of molecular hydrogen in a given astrophysical region. While direct emission from molecular hydrogen is difficult to observe, there are other ways of inferring molecular hydrogen mass, outlined below. [3]

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  1. "CfA Millimeter-Wave Group Homepage". www.cfa.harvard.edu.
  2. Lebrun, F.; Bennett, K.; Bignami, G. F.; Bloemen, J. B. G. M.; Buccheri, R.; Caraveo, P. A.; Gottwald, M.; Hermsen, W.; Kanbach, G.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H. A.; Montmerle, T.; Paul, J. A.; Sacco, B.; Strong, A. W.; Wills, R. D.; Dame, T. M.; Cohen R. S.; Thaddeus, P. (1983). "Gamma-rays from atomic and molecular gas in the first galactic quadrant". The Astrophysical Journal. 274: 231. Bibcode:1983ApJ...274..231L. doi:10.1086/161440. hdl: 1887/6430 .
  3. Carilli, Chris; Walter, Fabian (18 August 2013). "Cool Gas in High Redshift Galaxies". Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 51 (1): 105–161. arXiv: 1301.0371 . Bibcode:2013ARA&A..51..105C. doi:10.1146/annurev-astro-082812-140953. S2CID   119186806.