Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More

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The Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More is the standard scholarly edition of the works of Thomas More, published by Yale University Press. [1] The first of the fifteen volumes to be published (volume 2) appeared in 1963, and the last (volume 1) in 1997. The English works are provided with glossaries, and the Latin works with facing English translations.



The full list of volumes to date is:

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  1. "Books from "The Yale Edition of The Complete Works of St. Thomas More" | Yale University Press". yalebooks.yale.edu. Retrieved 22 May 2020.
  2. Reviewed by Bernerd C. Weber in Church History , 52:3 (1983), p. 411.
  3. Reviewed by John K. Yost in Church History 44:2 (1975), pp. 258-259.
  4. Reviewed by Bernerd C. Weber in Church History 50:3 (1981), pp. 344-345.
  5. Reviewed by Dan G. Danner in Church History 59:2 (1990), pp. 241-242.
  6. Reviewed by Albert Rabil, Jr. in Church History 56:1 (1987), pp. 120-121.