Zinbiel algebra

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In mathematics, a Zinbiel algebra or dual Leibniz algebra is a module over a commutative ring with a bilinear product satisfying the defining identity:

Zinbiel algebras were introduced by Jean-LouisLoday  ( 1995 ). The name was proposed by Jean-Michel Lemaire as being "opposite" to Leibniz algebra. [1]

In any Zinbiel algebra, the symmetrised product

is associative.

A Zinbiel algebra is the Koszul dual concept to a Leibniz algebra. The free Zinbiel algebra over V is the tensor algebra with product

where the sum is over all shuffles. [1]

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Jean-Louis Loday was a French mathematician who worked on cyclic homology and who introduced Leibniz algebras and Zinbiel algebras. He occasionally used the pseudonym Guillaume William Zinbiel, formed by reversing the last name of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

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  1. 1 2 Loday 2001 , p. 45