In coding theory, the Zyablov bound is a lower bound on the rate and relative distance that are achievable by concatenated codes.
The bound states that there exists a family of -ary (concatenated, linear) codes with rate and relative distance whenever
where is the -ary entropy function
The bound is obtained by considering the range of parameters that are obtainable by concatenating a "good" outer code with a "good" inner code . Specifically, we suppose that the outer code meets the Singleton bound, i.e. it has rate and relative distance satisfying . Reed Solomon codes are a family of such codes that can be tuned to have any rate and relative distance (albeit over an alphabet as large as the codeword length). We suppose that the inner code meets the Gilbert–Varshamov bound, i.e. it has rate and relative distance satisfying . Random linear codes are known to satisfy this property with high probability, and an explicit linear code satisfying the property can be found by brute-force search (which requires time polynomial in the size of the message space).
The concatenation of and , denoted , has rate and relative distance
Expressing as a function of ,
Then optimizing over the choice of , we see it is possible for the concatenated code to satisfy,
See Figure 1 for a plot of this bound.
Note that the Zyablov bound implies that for every , there exists a (concatenated) code with positive rate and positive relative distance.
We can construct a code that achieves the Zyablov bound in polynomial time. In particular, we can construct explicit asymptotically good code (over some alphabets) in polynomial time.
Linear Codes will help us complete the proof of the above statement since linear codes have polynomial representation. Let Cout be an Reed–Solomon error correction code where (evaluation points being with , then .
We need to construct the Inner code that lies on Gilbert-Varshamov bound. This can be done in two ways
Thus we can construct a code that achieves the Zyablov bound in polynomial time.
A binary symmetric channel is a common communications channel model used in coding theory and information theory. In this model, a transmitter wishes to send a bit, and the receiver will receive a bit. The bit will be "flipped" with a "crossover probability" of p, and otherwise is received correctly. This model can be applied to varied communication channels such as telephone lines or disk drive storage.
In numerical analysis, polynomial interpolation is the interpolation of a given bivariate data set by the polynomial of lowest possible degree that passes through the points of the dataset.
In coding theory, block codes are a large and important family of error-correcting codes that encode data in blocks. There is a vast number of examples for block codes, many of which have a wide range of practical applications. The abstract definition of block codes is conceptually useful because it allows coding theorists, mathematicians, and computer scientists to study the limitations of all block codes in a unified way. Such limitations often take the form of bounds that relate different parameters of the block code to each other, such as its rate and its ability to detect and correct errors.
In mathematics, Hensel's lemma, also known as Hensel's lifting lemma, named after Kurt Hensel, is a result in modular arithmetic, stating that if a univariate polynomial has a simple root modulo a prime number p, then this root can be lifted to a unique root modulo any higher power of p. More generally, if a polynomial factors modulo p into two coprime polynomials, this factorization can be lifted to a factorization modulo any higher power of p.
In mathematics, differential algebra is, broadly speaking, the area of mathematics consisting in the study of differential equations and differential operators as algebraic objects in view of deriving properties of differential equations and operators without computing the solutions, similarly as polynomial algebras are used for the study of algebraic varieties, which are solution sets of systems of polynomial equations. Weyl algebras and Lie algebras may be considered as belonging to differential algebra.
In mathematical optimization, the ellipsoid method is an iterative method for minimizing convex functions over convex sets. The ellipsoid method generates a sequence of ellipsoids whose volume uniformly decreases at every step, thus enclosing a minimizer of a convex function.
In coding theory, concatenated codes form a class of error-correcting codes that are derived by combining an inner code and an outer code. They were conceived in 1966 by Dave Forney as a solution to the problem of finding a code that has both exponentially decreasing error probability with increasing block length and polynomial-time decoding complexity. Concatenated codes became widely used in space communications in the 1970s.
In coding theory, list decoding is an alternative to unique decoding of error-correcting codes for large error rates. The notion was proposed by Elias in the 1950s. The main idea behind list decoding is that the decoding algorithm instead of outputting a single possible message outputs a list of possibilities one of which is correct. This allows for handling a greater number of errors than that allowed by unique decoding.
In coding theory, Justesen codes form a class of error-correcting codes that have a constant rate, constant relative distance, and a constant alphabet size.
In number theory, an average order of an arithmetic function is some simpler or better-understood function which takes the same values "on average".
A locally testable code is a type of error-correcting code for which it can be determined if a string is a word in that code by looking at a small number of bits of the string. In some situations, it is useful to know if the data is corrupted without decoding all of it so that appropriate action can be taken in response. For example, in communication, if the receiver encounters a corrupted code, it can request the data be re-sent, which could increase the accuracy of said data. Similarly, in data storage, these codes can allow for damaged data to be recovered and rewritten properly.
The Elias Bassalygo bound is a mathematical limit used in coding theory for error correction during data transmission or communications.
In quantum computing, the quantum phase estimation algorithm is a quantum algorithm to estimate the phase corresponding to an eigenvalue of a given unitary operator. Because the eigenvalues of a unitary operator always have unit modulus, they are characterized by their phase, and therefore the algorithm can be equivalently described as retrieving either the phase or the eigenvalue itself. The algorithm was initially introduced by Alexei Kitaev in 1995.
In coding theory, the Wozencraft ensemble is a set of linear codes in which most of codes satisfy the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. It is named after John Wozencraft, who proved its existence. The ensemble is described by Massey (1963), who attributes it to Wozencraft. Justesen (1972) used the Wozencraft ensemble as the inner codes in his construction of strongly explicit asymptotically good code.
The Gilbert–Varshamov bound for linear codes is related to the general Gilbert–Varshamov bound, which gives a lower bound on the maximal number of elements in an error-correcting code of a given block length and minimum Hamming weight over a field . This may be translated into a statement about the maximum rate of a code with given length and minimum distance. The Gilbert–Varshamov bound for linear codes asserts the existence of q-ary linear codes for any relative minimum distance less than the given bound that simultaneously have high rate. The existence proof uses the probabilistic method, and thus is not constructive. The Gilbert–Varshamov bound is the best known in terms of relative distance for codes over alphabets of size less than 49. For larger alphabets, algebraic geometry codes sometimes achieve an asymptotically better rate vs. distance tradeoff than is given by the Gilbert–Varshamov bound.
In coding theory, generalized minimum-distance (GMD) decoding provides an efficient algorithm for decoding concatenated codes, which is based on using an errors-and-erasures decoder for the outer code.
In coding theory, burst error-correcting codes employ methods of correcting burst errors, which are errors that occur in many consecutive bits rather than occurring in bits independently of each other.
In coding theory, Zemor's algorithm, designed and developed by Gilles Zemor, is a recursive low-complexity approach to code construction. It is an improvement over the algorithm of Sipser and Spielman.
In computational learning theory, Occam learning is a model of algorithmic learning where the objective of the learner is to output a succinct representation of received training data. This is closely related to probably approximately correct (PAC) learning, where the learner is evaluated on its predictive power of a test set.
The Karmarkar–Karp (KK) bin packing algorithms are several related approximation algorithm for the bin packing problem. The bin packing problem is a problem of packing items of different sizes into bins of identical capacity, such that the total number of bins is as small as possible. Finding the optimal solution is computationally hard. Karmarkar and Karp devised an algorithm that runs in polynomial time and finds a solution with at most bins, where OPT is the number of bins in the optimal solution. They also devised several other algorithms with slightly different approximation guarantees and run-time bounds.