1289 (number)

Last updated
1288 12891290
Cardinal one thousand two hundred eighty-nine
Ordinal 1289th
(one thousand two hundred eighty-ninth)
Factorization prime
Prime yes
Greek numeral ,ΑΣΠΘ´
Roman numeral MCCLXXXIX
Binary 101000010012
Ternary 12022023
Senary 55456
Octal 24118
Duodecimal 8B512
Hexadecimal 50916

The number 1289 (twelve hundred eighty-nine) is the natural number following 1288 and preceding 1290. [1]


In mathematics

The number 1289 is an odd prime number, following 1283 and preceding 1291. [1] It is classified as an apocalyptic power, a deficient number, and an evil number: [1]

In technology

Historical years


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Number Gossip: 1289", March 2008, webpage: Numbergossip-1289.
  2. "Apocalyptic Number -- from Wolfram MathWorld", Mathworld.Wolfram.com, August 2010, webpage: MW-Apoc.

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