Electoral divisions of Chile

Last updated

Chile has two distinct electoral division systems:


Electoral districts

There are 60 electoral districts (distrito electoral). Each district elects two deputies. Districts are made of groups of communes.


District Region Communes Population [1]
(2002 census)
 % of total
1 Arica and Parinacota Arica, Camarones, Putre, General Lagos 189,6441.3%131,900111,69982,43874,72173.8%84.7%62.5%56.6%
2 Tarapacá Iquique, Huara, Camiña, Colchane, Pica, Pozo Almonte, Alto Hospicio 238,9501.6%217,175125,620100,65993,10580.1%57.8%46.3%42.9%
3 Antofagasta Tocopilla, María Elena, Calama, Ollagüe, San Pedro de Atacama 175,2051.2%126,23594,33674,57265,88679.0%74.7%59.1%52.2%
4 Antofagasta Antofagasta, Mejillones, Sierra Gorda, Taltal 318,7792.1%274,313148,543124,270110,85883.7%54.2%45.3%40.4%
5 Atacama Chañaral, Diego de Almagro, Copiapó 161,2231.1%128,05079,24766,73761,07684.2%61.9%52.1%47.7%
6 Atacama Caldera, Tierra Amarilla, Vallenar, Freirina, Huasco, Alto del Carmen 93,1130.6%66,81657,09247,85643,26083.8%85.4%71.6%64.7%
7 Coquimbo La Serena, La Higuera, Vicuña, Paiguano, Andacollo 202,3351.3%177,984111,50697,55188,93087.5%62.6%54.8%50.0%
8 Coquimbo Coquimbo, Ovalle, Río Hurtado 265,8961.8%229,291129,887114,297106,37288.0%56.6%49.8%46.4%
9 Coquimbo Combarbalá, Punitaqui, Monte Patria, Illapel, Salamanca, Los Vilos, Canela 134,9790.9%100,99978,93565,76060,63683.3%78.2%65.1%60.0%
10 Valparaíso La Ligua, Petorca, Cabildo, Papudo, Zapallar, Puchuncaví, Quintero, Nogales, Calera, La Cruz, Quillota, Hijuelas 280,6551.9%231,725166,787151,165136,80590.6%72.0%65.2%59.0%
11 Valparaíso Los Andes, San Esteban, Calle Larga, Rinconada, San Felipe, Putaendo, Santa María, Panquehue, Llaillay, Catemu 223,5941.5%186,085127,631116,197106,99291.0%68.6%62.4%57.5%
12 Valparaíso Olmué, Limache, Villa Alemana, Quilpué 277,5251.8%253,998155,295136,331121,65087.8%61.1%53.7%47.9%
13 Valparaíso Valparaíso, Juan Fernández, Isla de Pascua 280,4061.9%210,529173,947145,787130,75183.8%82.6%69.2%62.1%
14 Valparaíso Viña del Mar, Concón 319,2042.1%261,273202,518174,962159,00486.4%77.5%67.0%60.9%
15 Valparaíso San Antonio, Santo Domingo, Cartagena, El Tabo, El Quisco, Algarrobo, Casablanca 158,4681.0%143,078102,86392,95485,76090.4%71.9%65.0%59.9%
16 Santiago Colina, Lampa, Tiltil, Quilicura, Pudahuel 454,9693.0%442,415196,354181,399164,47592.4%44.4%41.0%37.2%
17 Santiago Conchalí, Renca, Huechuraba 340,8442.3%237,603174,946157,655140,46990.1%73.6%66.4%59.1%
18 Santiago Cerro Navia, Quinta Normal, Lo Prado 356,6402.4%236,121185,340166,885150,42590.0%78.5%70.7%63.7%
19 Santiago Recoleta, Independencia 213,6991.4%138,808131,104115,167102,64287.8%94.4%83.0%73.9%
20 Santiago Estación Central, Cerrillos, Maipú 670,6904.4%699,393294,624267,571241,44690.8%42.1%38.3%34.5%
21 Santiago Providencia, Ñuñoa 284,3851.9%224,404219,453190,697177,83986.9%97.8%85.0%79.2%
22 Santiago Santiago 200,7921.3%138,022139,240119,474108,78685.8%100.9%86.6%78.8%
23 Santiago Las Condes, Vitacura, Lo Barnechea 406,1412.7%356,860256,711228,983215,64389.2%71.9%64.2%60.4%
24 Santiago La Reina, Peñalolén 312,8222.1%248,132163,297148,120135,30390.7%65.8%59.7%54.5%
25 Santiago Macul, San Joaquín, La Granja 342,6802.3%232,383181,069161,616142,14689.3%77.9%69.5%61.2%
26 Santiago La Florida 365,6742.4%303,912168,849154,173141,10391.3%55.6%50.7%46.4%
27 Santiago El Bosque, La Cisterna, San Ramón 355,6182.4%243,119189,698169,440149,77689.3%78.0%69.7%61.6%
28 Santiago Pedro Aguirre Cerda, San Miguel, Lo Espejo 306,2322.0%203,393183,352162,779146,29488.8%90.1%80.0%71.9%
29 Santiago Puente Alto, Pirque, San José de Maipo, La Pintana 712,9414.7%659,161228,013209,409184,58791.8%34.6%31.8%28.0%
30 Santiago San Bernardo, Buin, Paine, Calera de Tango 378,4442.5%322,710185,875169,866152,20191.4%57.6%52.6%47.2%
31 Santiago Talagante, Peñaflor, El Monte, Isla de Maipo, Melipilla, María Pinto, Curacaví, Alhué, San Pedro, Padre Hurtado 358,6142.4%300,179195,395182,129163,70893.2%65.1%60.7%54.5%
32 O'Higgins Rancagua 214,3441.4%175,330108,47198,63090,29890.9%61.9%56.3%51.5%
33 O'Higgins Mostazal, Graneros, Codegua, Machalí, Requínoa, Rengo, Olivar, Doñihue, Coinco, Coltauco, Quinta de Tilcoco, Malloa 236,3581.6%191,752139,992130,457117,28993.2%73.0%68.0%61.2%
34 O'Higgins San Fernando, Chimbarongo, San Vicente, Peumo, Pichidegua, Las Cabras 188,2471.2%151,199109,415101,09093,89492.4%72.4%66.9%62.1%
35 O'Higgins Placilla, Nancagua, Chépica, Santa Cruz, Lolol, Pumanque, Palmilla, Peralillo, Navidad, Litueche, La Estrella, Pichilemu, Marchihue, Paredones 141,6780.9%112,47893,31684,46778,03790.5%83.0%75.1%69.4%
36 Maule Curicó, Teno, Romeral, Molina, Sagrada Familia, Hualañé, Licantén, Vichuquén, Rauco 244,0531.6%198,539141,956130,790119,89892.1%71.5%65.9%60.4%
37 Maule Talca 201,7971.3%171,840101,08390,84583,96789.9%58.8%52.9%48.9%
38 Maule Curepto, Constitución, Empedrado, Pencahue, Maule, San Clemente, Pelarco, Río Claro, San Rafael 151,1691.0%116,05092,47882,82076,50789.6%79.7%71.4%65.9%
39 Maule Linares, Colbún, San Javier, Villa Alegre, Yerbas Buenas 169,5201.1%130,381103,48390,46883,49187.4%79.4%69.4%64.0%
40 Maule Longaví, Retiro, Parral, Cauquenes, Pelluhue, Chanco 141,5580.9%105,14291,09678,46372,94986.1%86.6%74.6%69.4%
41 Biobío Chillán, Coihueco, Pinto, San Ignacio, El Carmen, Pemuco, Yungay, Chillán Viejo 272,0811.8%213,455154,180136,256125,99188.4%72.2%63.8%59.0%
42 Biobío San Fabián, Ñiquén, San Carlos, San Nicolás, Ninhue, Quirihue, Cobquecura, Treguaco, Portezuelo, Coelemu, Ránquil, Quillón, Bulnes, Cabrero, Yumbel 211,8021.4%157,287142,296122,545112,45986.1%90.5%77.9%71.5%
43 Biobío Talcahuano, Hualpén 250,3481.7%192,901137,077118,209107,25786.2%71.1%61.3%55.6%
44 Biobío Concepción, San Pedro de la Paz, Chiguayante 377,8102.5%320,848206,846180,532167,84387.3%64.5%56.3%52.3%
45 Biobío Tomé, Penco, Florida, Hualqui, Coronel, Santa Juana 235,6421.6%188,420140,963124,924113,55588.6%74.8%66.3%60.3%
46 Biobío Lota, Lebu, Arauco, Curanilahue, Los Álamos, Cañete, Contulmo, Tirúa 206,3441.4%150,714123,242106,44297,42086.4%81.8%70.6%64.6%
47 Biobío Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja, Alto Biobío 307,5352.0%240,503174,267150,628137,86886.4%72.5%62.6%57.3%
48 Araucanía Angol, Renaico, Collipulli, Ercilla, Los Sauces, Purén, Lumaco, Traiguén 140,9070.9%97,63888,29672,93167,44682.6%90.4%74.7%69.1%
49 Araucanía Victoria, Curacautín, Lonquimay, Melipeuco, Vilcún, Lautaro, Perquenco, Galvarino 140,0910.9%101,11889,30273,42566,79782.2%88.3%72.6%66.1%
50 Araucanía Temuco, Padre Las Casas 304,1422.0%265,574150,388128,930120,05285.7%56.6%48.5%45.2%
51 Araucanía Carahue, Nueva Imperial, Saavedra, Teodoro Schmidt, Freire, Pitrufquén, Cholchol 142,7950.9%106,13986,89573,23567,02384.3%81.9%69.0%63.1%
52 Araucanía Cunco, Pucón, Curarrehue, Villarrica, Loncoche, Gorbea, Toltén 141,6000.9%112,77386,26172,76167,59184.3%76.5%64.5%59.9%
53 Los Ríos Valdivia, Lanco, Mariquina, Máfil, Corral 186,5651.2%149,295107,30890,73683,77684.6%71.9%60.8%56.1%
54 Los Ríos Panguipulli, Los Lagos, Futrono, Lago Ranco, Río Bueno, La Unión, Paillaco 169,8311.1%123,14798,24983,74877,49685.2%79.8%68.0%62.9%
55 Los Lagos Osorno, San Juan de la Costa, San Pablo 164,4681.1%129,62197,09684,50277,59587.0%74.9%65.2%59.9%
56 Los Lagos Puyehue, Río Negro, Purranque, Puerto Octay, Fresia, Frutillar, Llanquihue, Puerto Varas, Los Muermos 151,5831.0%114,00192,62682,40776,49489.0%81.3%72.3%67.1%
57 Los Lagos Puerto Montt, Cochamó, Maullín, Calbuco 226,9511.5%202,368113,52197,60587,52686.0%56.1%48.2%43.3%
58 Los Lagos Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué, Futaleufú, Palena 173,7371.1%144,13097,47082,92675,56485.1%67.6%57.5%52.4%
59 Aisén Coihaique, Lago Verde, Aisén, Cisnes, Guaitecas, Chile Chico, Río Ibáñez, Cochrane, O'Higgins, Tortel 91,4920.6%72,47558,54043,73440,96174.7%80.8%60.3%56.5%
60 Magallanes Natales, Torres del Paine, Punta Arenas, Río Verde, Laguna Blanca, San Gregorio, Porvenir, Primavera, Timaukel, Cabo de Hornos, Antártica 150,8261.0%116,73499,84772,13266,16372.2%85.5%61.8%56.7%

Notes: "VAP" is voting age population (population 18 and above on 13 December 2009); "Valid votes" is equal to "Total votes" minus null votes and blank votes; "T" are total votes; "E" is enrolled population; "V" are valid votes. The voting results are for the 13 December 2009 Chamber of Deputies election.

Senatorial constituencies

There are 19 senatorial constituencies (circunscripción senatorial). Each region constitutes a senatorial constituency, except regions V, RM, VII, VIII and IX, which are each divided into two senatorial constituencies. Each senatorial constituency elects two senators. Senatorial constituencies which are not full regions are made up of several electoral districts within a region.

In 2009 the Constitution was modified so that each region constitutes at least one senatorial constituency. The law determining senatorial constituencies has not been revised to reflect this change, so the list continues to be as follows:

Informal nameGeographical compositionLast election
1 Arica and Parinacota Region (XV), Tarapacá Region (I)2009
2 Antofagasta Region (II)2013
3 Atacama Region (III)2009
4 Coquimbo Region (IV)2013
5Valparaíso CordilleraDistricts 10, 11 and 12 of Valparaíso Region (V)2009
6Valparaíso CoastDistricts 13, 14 and 15 of Valparaíso Region (V)2009
7Santiago WestDistricts 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 30 and 31 of Santiago Metropolitan Region (RM)2013
8Santiago EastDistricts 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 of Santiago Metropolitan Region (RM)2013
9 O'Higgins Region (VI)2013
10Maule NorthDistricts 36, 37 and 38 of Maule Region (VII)2009
11Maule SouthDistricts 39 and 40 of Maule Region (VII)2009
12Biobío CoastDistricts 42, 43, 44 and 45 of Biobío Region (VIII)2013
13Biobío CordilleraDistricts 41, 46 and 47 of Biobío Region (VIII)2013
14Araucanía NorthDistricts 48 and 49 of Araucanía Region (IX)2009
15Araucanía SouthDistricts 50, 51 and 52 of Araucanía Region (IX)2009
16 Los Ríos Region (XIV) [Before August 15, 2009: Los Ríos Region (XIV) and district 55 of Los Lagos Region (X)] [2] 2013
17 Los Lagos Region (X) [Before August 15, 2009: Districts 56, 57 and 58 of Los Lagos Region (X)] [2] 2013
18 Aisén Region (XI)2009
19 Magallanes Region (XII)2013

Provincial constituencies

There are 64 provincial constituencies (circunscripción provincial). Each province constitutes a provincial constituency, except Valparaíso, Santiago, Cachapoal, Concepción and Cautín, which are divided into two, six, two, three and two constituencies, respectively. [3] The number of regional advisors each constituency elects depends on its population.

Region Provincial constituenciesAdvisors
Arica and Parinacota Arica, Parinacota14
Tarapacá El Tamarugal, Iquique14
Antofagasta Antofagasta, El Loa, Tocopilla16
Atacama Chañaral, Copiapó, Huasco14
Coquimbo Choapa, Elqui, Limarí16
Valparaíso Isla de Pascua, Los Andes, Marga Marga, Petorca, Quillota, San Antonio, San Felipe de Aconcagua, Valparaíso I, Valparaíso II28
Santiago Chacabuco, Cordillera, Maipo, Melipilla, Santiago I, Santiago II, Santiago III, Santiago IV, Santiago V, Santiago VI, Talagante34
O'Higgins Cachapoal I, Cachapoal II, Cardenal Caro, Colchagua16
Maule Cauquenes, Curicó, Linares, Talca20
Biobío Arauco, Biobío, Concepción I, Concepción II, Concepción III, Ñuble28
Araucanía Cautín I, Cautín II, Malleco20
Los Ríos Ranco, Valdivia14
Los Lagos Chiloé, Llanquihue, Osorno, Palena16
Aisén Aisén, Capitán Prat, Coihaique, General Carrera14
Magallanes Antártica Chilena, Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego, Última Esperanza14

The following five provinces are divided into two to six provincial constituencies, each containing a number of communes: [4]

See also

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  1. "National Institute of Statistics" . Retrieved 1 May 2010.
  2. 1 2 "Artículo undécimo", Law 20,174, National Congress of Chile.
  3. Resolución 10.615 from 22 July 2013, amended on 27 July 2013. Servicio Electoral.
  4. Law 19,175