Index of modern Egypt–related articles

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Articles related to Modern Egypt include:


First dynasty of Egypt - 1st -through- 31st - Thirty-first dynasty of Egypt (From former page)



Abaza Family - Abbas I of Egypt - Abbas II of Egypt - Abbasid - Pope Abraham of Alexandria - Abouna Matta El Meskeen - Abu Gorab - Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades - Abukir - Abu Qir - Abu Qir Bay - Abu Simbel - Abusir - Abydos, Egypt - Abyssinian (cat) - Adze - Aegyptus - Africa - African Union - Akhenaten - Akhnaten (opera) - Al-Ahram - Al 'Arish - Al-Azhar University - Alexander the Great - Alexander Helios - Alexandria - Alexandrian text-type - Mohamed Al-Fayed - Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya - Alhazen - Al-Hibah - Al-Qurn - Amarna - Amarna art - Amarna letters - Ambrose of Alexandria - Amr Diab - Amr Moussa - Anat - Ancient Egypt - Ancient Egyptian medicine - Ancient Near East - Ankh - Antony and Cleopatra - Anubis - Anwar Sadat - Arab League - Arabic language - Arsinoe, Egypt - Aswan - Aswan Dam - Asyut - Atenism - Athanasius of Alexandria - Avaris


Ba - Badarian - Baggush Box - Sidi Barrani - Bas-relief - Battle of Actium - Battle of Alexandria (1801) - Battle of Kadesh - Battle of Megiddo (1918) - Battle of Navarino - Battle of the Nile - Bedouin - Beni Hasan - Bent Pyramid - "Bennu"->Phoenix (mythology) - Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Bintanath - James Henry Breasted - Brook of Egypt - Bubastis - Budasheer - List of burials in the Valley of the Kings


Caesarion - Cairo - Gates of Cairo - Cairo Geniza - Cairo Metro - Cairo Tower - Camp David Accords (1978) - Canopic jar - Canopus, Egypt - Howard Carter - Cartouche - Cataracts of the Nile - Cave of Artemis - Youssef Chahine - Jean-François Champollion - Chariot - Children of Gebelawi - Cinema of Egypt - Cleitarchus - Clement of Alexandria - Cleopatra - Cleopatra (1934 film) - Cleopatra (1963 film) - Cleopatra (1999 film) - Codex Sinaiticus - Coffin Texts - Colossi of Memnon - Communications in Egypt - Constantin-François de Chassebœuf, Comte de Volney - Conventional Egyptian chronology - Coptic alphabet,"script" - Coptic Orthodox Church - Coptic language - Corniche - Corvée - Culture of Egypt - Cusae - Cyrenaica - Cyril of Alexandria


DB320 - Dahshur - François-Paul Brueys D'Aigalliers - Dakhla Oasis - Dalida - Damnatio memoriae - Darius the Great's Suez Inscriptions - Dedun - Deir el-Medina - Deir el-Bahri - Demographics of Egypt - Demotic - Demotist - Divine Adoratrice of Amun - Dodi Al-Fayed - Bernardino Drovetti


Early Dynastic Period of Egypt - Eastern Berber languages - Georg Ebers - Ebers papyrus - Economy of Egypt - Edfu - Edwin Smith papyrus - Egypt - Egypt–Israel peace treaty - The Egyptian - Egyptian calendar - Egyptian Campaign - Egyptian chronology - Egyptian Civil Code - Egyptian hieroglyph - Egyptian Islamic Jihad - Egyptian language - Egyptian languages - Egyptian mathematics - Egyptian Museum - Egyptian mythology - Egyptian pyramids - Egyptians - Egyptian Sand Sea - Egyptian soul - Egyptologist - Egyptology - Egypt under Muhammad Ali and his successors - Eileithyiaspolis - El Alamein - Mohamed ElBaradei - El-Lahun - El-Lisht - El-Mahalla El-Kubra - Elephantine - Elephantine papyri - Embalming - Ennead - Eratosthenes - Esna - Euclid - Exodus - Exodus Decoded


Faience - Farouk of Egypt - Fatimid - Al Fayyum - Fayum - Fedayeen - Bonner Fellers - First Battle of El Alamein - First dynasty of Egypt - First Intermediate Period of Egypt - Fivefold Titulary - Foreign relations of Egypt - Fostat - Four sons of Horus - Fuad I of Egypt - Fuad II of Egypt


Gama'at Islamiya - Gamal Abdel Nasser - Gates of Cairo - Geography of Egypt - George Syncellus - Gerzeh - Giza - Giza pyramid complex - God's Wife of Amun - Governorates of Egypt - Great Hymn to the Aten - Great Pyramid of Giza - Great Sphinx of Giza


Mamdouh Habib - (Queen) Hatshepsut of Egypt - Zahi Hawass - Heb Sed - Heliopolis (ancient and modern) - Herakleopolis Magna - "Heron"->Bennu->Phoenix (mythology) - Hierakonpolis - Hieratic,"script" - Egyptian hieroglyph - History of Egypt - 1 History of ancient Egypt - 2 Ptolemaic Egypt - 3 Aegyptus (Roman province) - 4 History of Egypt Under Achaemenid Persian Domination - 5 History of Arab Egypt - 6 History of Ottoman Egypt - 8 History of Modern Egypt - Suad Husni - Hyksos - Haytham Abbas


Salima Ikram - Imhotep - Ipuwer papyrus - Irsu - Islamic Cairo


Jebel Barkal or Gebel Barkal - Junit


Karnak - Khafre's Pyramid - Kharga Oasis - Kohl - Kom Ombo - Temple of Kom Ombo - Umm Kulthum - Kush - KV (Egypt) - KV1 - KV3 - KV4 - KV5 - KV6 - KV9 - KV14 - KV17 - KV20 - KV34 - KV35 - KV39 - KV42 - KV43 - KV46 - KV55 - KV60 - KV62


Lake Mareotis - Lake Nasser - Miles Lampson - Land of Goshen - Land of Punt - Late Period of Ancient Egypt - Leonardo da Vinci Art Institute - Karl Richard Lepsius - Levant - Library of Alexandria - Libyan Desert - List of Ancient Egyptian sites - List of cities in Egypt - List of Coptic Popes - List of Egyptians - List of Egyptian dynasties - List of Greek Orthodox Patriarchs of Alexandria - List of pharaohs - List of solar deities - Long Range Desert Group - " Lord Carnarvon " - "Blue" Lotus - "White" Lotus=Tiger Lotus - Luxor - Luxor Museum - Luxor Temple


Naguib Mahfouz - Étienne-Louis Malus - Mameluks - Manetho -Auguste Mariette - Mark Antony - Mark the Evangelist - Marsa Matruh - Gaston Maspero - Mastaba - Matheos I of Alexandria - Medinet Habu (location) - Medinet Habu (temple) - Mediterranean Sea - Meidum - Memphis, Egypt - Mendes - Menkaure's Pyramid - Merneptah Stele - Mersa Matruh - Meshwesh - Milan Papyrus - Military history of Egypt during World War II - Military of Egypt - Mizraim - Mnewer"Mnevis" - Muhammad Abdul Moneim - Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III - Moses - Mount Sinai - Gamal Mubarak - Hosni Mubarak - Muhammad Ahmad - Mummy - Mummification Museum - Egyptian Museum - Museum of Islamic Ceramics - Luxor Museum - Muslim Brotherhood


Nabta Playa - Nag Hammadi - Nag Hammadi library - Muhammad Naguib - Mustafa an-Nahhas Pasha - Napata - Naqada - Gamal Abdel Nasser - Necropolis - Nile - Nile crocodile - Nile Delta - Nile Perch - Nile Quay Texts - Nilo-Saharan languages - Nilometer - Nomarch - Nome (Egypt) - Nubia - Nubian languages - Nymphaea ="Lotus" - "Egyptian Blue 'Lotus'"=Nymphaea caerulea - "Egyptian White" = Tiger Lotus= Nymphaea lotus


Obelisk - Richard O'Connor - Operation Compass - Origen - Ostracon - Oxyrhynchus - Oxyrhynchus Gospels - Ozymandias


Pachomius - Palestine (region) - Papyrus - Papyrus Harris I - Papyrus of Ani - Papyrus P52 - Passage of Red Sea - Pelusium - Patriarch Peter of Alexandria (disambiguation) - Pope Peter of Alexandria (disambiguation) - William Matthew Flinders Petrie - Pharaoh - Philae - Politics of Egypt - Polybus of Thebes - Port Said - Precinct of Amon-Re - Precinct of Mut - Princess Fawzia Fuad of Egypt - Ptolemaic Egypt - Decree of Canopus - Decree of Memphis (Ptolemy IV) - Rosetta Stone - Land of Punt - Pylon (architecture) - Pyramid - Bent Pyramid - Egyptian pyramids - Khafre's Pyramid - Menkaure's Pyramid - Red Pyramid - Step pyramid - Pyramid of Djoser - Pyramid of Unas - Pyramid Texts - Pyramidion - Pyramidology


Qattara Depression - Qetesh - Qubbet el-Hawa - Queen Ahmose - Queen consort - Valley of the Queens - QV44 - QV66


Ra - Rahab - Ramesseum - Red Pyramid - Red Sea - Reformed Egyptian - Rhind Mathematical Papyrus - Rhinocolura - David Rohl - Erwin Rommel - Rosetta - Rosetta Stone - Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum - Royal Wadi and tombs - Rylands Library Papyrus P52


Anwar Sadat - Sahara Desert - Saint Catherine's Monastery - Sais, Egypt - Salec - Abdel-Razzak Al-Sanhuri - Sarcophagus - Satis - Scarabaeus sacer - Scaraboid seal - Scribe - Second Battle of El Alamein - Sehel Island - Senet - Serabit el-Khadim - Serapeum - Shabti - Ushabti - Shai - Shardana - Omar Sharif - Sharm el-Sheikh - Shasu - Shenouda III of Alexandria - Sinai Peninsula - Sistrum - Siwa Oasis - Siwi language - Six-Day War - Sobek - Southern Tomb 25 - Cave of Artemis/"Speos Artemidos" - Sphinx - Stargate - Stela - Stella (beer) - Step pyramid - The Story of Sinuhe - Story of Wenamun - Suez - Suez Canal - Suez Crisis - Syenite - Syriac


TT71 - Taba (Egypt) - Talatat - Tanis, Egypt - Temple of Kom Ombo - Tewfik Pasha - Mohammed Ali Tewfik - The Egyptian - The Ten Commandments (1956 movie) - Theban Necropolis - Thebes, Egypt - Tiger Lotus (see Nymphaea's) - " Tombs of the Nobles " - Tombs of the Nobles (Amarna) - Transliteration of ancient Egyptian - Transportation in Egypt - TT71 - Tutankhamun and the Daughter of Ra


Umm Kulthum - Umm el-Qa'ab - Uneg - United Arab Republic - Upper and Lower Egypt - Shabti - Ushabti - Uto/Buto


Valley of the Kings - Valley of the Queens - Via della Vittoria


Wady el-'Arish - Wagh el Birket - Kent R. Weeks - West Nile virus - Western Desert Force - Winter Palace Hotel, Luxor - Workmen's Village, Amarna - WV22 - WV23 - WV25


Xerxes I of Persia - Xerxes II of Persia


Yom Kippur War - Thomas Young (scientist)


Ahmed H. Zewail - Zahi Hawass

See also

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The history of Egypt has been long and wealthy, due to the flow of the Nile River with its fertile banks and delta, as well as the accomplishments of Egypt's native inhabitants and outside influence. Much of Egypt's ancient history was a mystery until Egyptian hieroglyphs were deciphered with the discovery and help of the Rosetta Stone. Among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Giza</span> City in Greater Cairo, Egypt

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Index of Egypt-related articles</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Outline of ancient Egypt</span> Overview of and topical guide to ancient Egypt

The following outline is provided as an overview of a topical guide to ancient Egypt:

This page list topics related to ancient Egypt.

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<i>The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia</i> 19th century travelogue by painter David Roberts

The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia is a travelogue of 19th-century Palestine and the magnum opus of Scottish painter David Roberts. It contains 250 lithographs by Louis Haghe of Roberts's watercolor sketches. It was first published by subscription between 1842 and 1849, in two separate publications: The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea and Arabia and Egypt and Nubia. William Brockedon and George Croly wrote much of the text, Croly writing the historical, and Brockedon the descriptive portions.

The archaeology of Ancient Egypt is the study of the archaeology of Egypt, stretching from prehistory through three millennia of documented history. Egyptian archeology is one of the branches of Egyptology.