List of human blood components

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CompoundCommentsIn whole blood (g/cm3)In plasma or serum (g/cm3)
Water Solvent0.81-0.860.93-0.95
Acetoacetate Produced in liver8-40 ×10−74-43 ×10−7
Acetone product of bodyfat breakdown3-20 ×10−6
Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system 6.6-8.2 ×10−8
Adenosine triphosphate Energy storage
total3.1-5.7 ×10−4
phosphorus5-10 ×10−5
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone Stimulates the adrenal cortex2.5-12 ×10−11
@ 6AM, mean5.5 ×10−11
@ 6AM, maximum12 ×10−11
@ 6PM, mean3.5 ×10−11
@ 6PM, maximum<7.5 ×10−11
Alanine Amino acid2.7-5.5 ×10−52.4-7.6 ×10−5
Albumin Blood plasma protein3.5-5.0 ×10−2 [1]
Aluminum 1-40 ×10−81-88 ×10−8
Selenium 60–150 ng/mL
Aldosterone Regulates electrolyte balance
supine3-10 ×10−11
standing, male6-22 ×10−11
standing, female5-30 ×10−11
Amino acids Protein building blocks
total3.8-5.3 ×10−4
nitrogen4.6-6.8 ×10−53.0-5.5 ×10−5
alpha-Aminobutyric acid 1-2 ×10−61-2 ×10−6
δ-Aminolevulinic acid 1.5-2.3 ×10−7
Ammonia nitrogen 1-2 ×10−61.0-4.9 ×10−7
cAMP Intracellular signal transduction molecule
male5.6-10.9 ×10−9
female3.6-8.9 ×10−9
Androstenedione Steroid hormone
male >18 yrs2-30 ×10−10
female >18 yrs8-30 ×10−10
Androsterone Steroid hormone1.5 ×10−7
Angiotensin I Angiotensin II precursor1.1-8.8 ×10−11
Angiotensin II Vasoconstrictor 1.2-3.6 ×10−11
Alpha 1-antitrypsin Serine protease inhibitor7.8-20 ×10−4
Arginine Amino acid6-17 ×10−61.3-3.6 ×10−5
Arsenic normal range2-62 ×10−9
chronic poisoning100-500 ×10−9
acute poisoning600-9300 ×10−9
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)Important vitamin1-15 ×10−66-20 ×10−6
Aspartic acid Amino acid0-3 ×10−6
In WBCs2.5-4.0 ×10−49-12 ×10−6
Bicarbonate Buffer in blood5-5.7 ×10−4
Bile acidsDigestive function, bilirubin excretion2-30 ×10−63-30 ×10−6
Bilirubin Hemoglobin metabolite2-14 ×10−61-10 ×10−6
Biotin (Vitamin H) Gluconeogenesis, metabolize leucine, fatty acid synthesis7-17 ×10−99-16 ×10−9
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)8-23 ×10−5
Bradykinin 7 ×10−11
Bromide 7-10 ×10−9
Cadmium normal1-5 ×10−9
toxic0.1-3 ×10−6
Calciferol (vitamin D2)Maintain calcium and phosphorus levels1.7-4.1 ×10−8
Calcitonin (CT)Hormone<1.0 ×10−10
Calcium Bones, Ca2+
ionized4.48-4.92 ×10−54.25-5.25 ×10−5
total8.4-11.5 ×10−5
Carbon dioxide Respiratory gas
arterial8.8-10.8 ×10−43.0-7.9 ×10−5
venous9.8-11.8 ×10−43.3-8.3 ×10−5
Carboxyhemoglobin(as HbCO)nonsmokers0.5-1.5% total Hb
smokers, 1-2 packs/day4-5% total Hb
smokers, 2 packs/day8-9% total Hb
toxic>20% total Hb
lethal>50% total Hb
Carcinoembryonic antigen <2.5 ×10−9
beta-Carotene Vitamin A dimer3-25 ×10−7
Carotenoids Antioxidant2.4-23.1 ×10−7
Cephalin 3-11.5 ×10−40-1 ×10−4
Ceruloplasmin 1.5-6 ×10−4
Chloride, as NaCl4.5-5 ×10−33.5-3.8 ×10−3
Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)1, 25-dihydroxy2.5-4.5 ×10−11
24,25-dihydroxy1.5 ×10−9
25-hydroxy1.4-8 ×10−8
Cholecystokinin (pancreozymin)Stimulates fat and protein digestion6.04 ×10−11
Cholesterol Steroid lipid
LDLC0.5-2.0 ×10−3
HDLC2.9-9.0 ×10−4
total1.15-2.25 ×10−31.2-2 ×10−3
Choline, total1.1-3.1 ×10−43.6-3.5 ×10−4
Chorionic gonadotropin Progesterone secretion during pregnancy
Menstrual0-3 ×10−11
Pregnancy, 1st trimester5-3300 ×10−10
Pregnancy, 2nd trimester20-1000 ×10−10
Pregnancy, 3rd trimester20-50 ×10−10
Menopausal3-30 ×10−11
Citric acid 1.3-2.5 ×10−51.6-3.2 ×10−5
Citrulline 2-10 ×10−6
Coagulation Factors Fibrinogen 1.2-1.6 ×10−32-4 ×10−3
Prothrombin 1 ×10−4
Tissue thromboplastin 1 ×10−6
Proaccelerin 5-12 ×10−6
Proconvertin 1 ×10−6
Antihemophilic factor 1 ×10−7
Christmas factor 4 ×10−6
Stuart factor 5 ×10−6
Plasma thrmb. anteced.4 ×10−6
Hageman factor 2.9 ×10−5
Fibrin-stabilizing factor 1 ×10−5
Fibrin split products <1 ×10−5
Fletcher factor 5 ×10−5
Fitzgerald factor 7 ×10−5
von Willebrand factor 7 ×10−6
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)Needed for nerve cells, red blood cells, and to make DNA6-14 ×10−101-10 ×10−10
Cocarboxylase 7-9 ×10−8
Complement system C1q5.8-7.2 ×10−5
C1r2.5-3.8 ×10−5
C1s (C1 esterase)2.5-3.8 ×10−5
C22.2-3.4 ×10−5
C3( b1C-globulin)8-15.5 ×10−4
factor B (C3 proactivator)2-4.5 ×10−4
C4 (b1E-globulin)1.3-3.7 ×10−4
C4 binding protein1.8-3.2 ×10−4
C5 (b1F-globulin)5.1-7.7 ×10−5
C64.8-6.4 ×10−5
C74.9-7 ×10−5
C84.3-6.3 ×10−5
C94.7-6.9 ×10−5
Properdin 2.4-3.2 ×10−5
Compound S 1-3 ×10−9
Copper 9-15 ×10−7
male7-14 ×10−7
female8-15.5 ×10−7
Corticosteroids Steroid hormones1-4 ×10−6
Corticosterone 4-20 ×10−9
Cortisol Inhibits CRH secretion3-23 ×10−8
8 AM6-23 ×10−8
4 PM3-15 ×10−8
10 PM~50% of 8 AM value
C-peptide fasting0.5-2.0 ×10−9
maximum4 ×10−9
C-reactive protein Plasma protein6.8-820 ×10−8
Creatine Assists muscle cell energy supply
male1.7-5.0 ×10−6
female3.5-9.3 ×10−6
Creatinine male0.8-1.5 ×10−5
female0.7-1.2 ×10−5
Cyanide nonsmokers4 ×10−9
smokers6 ×10−9
nitroprusside therapy10-60 ×10−9
toxic>100 ×10−9
lethal>1000 ×10−9
Cysteine Amino acid6-12 ×10−61.8-5 ×10−5
Dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA)Steroid hormone
aged 1–4 yrs0.2-0.4 ×10−9
aged 4–8 yrs0.1-1.9 ×10−9
aged 8–10 yrs0.2-2.9 ×10−9
aged 10–12 yrs0.5-9.2 ×10−9
aged 12–14 yrs0.9-20 ×10−9
aged 14–16 yrs2.5-20 ×10−9
male0.8-10 ×10−9
female, premenopausal2.0-15 ×10−9
DHEA sulfate male1.99-3.34 ×10−6
newborn1.67-3.64 ×10−6
pre-pubertal children1.0-6.0 ×10−7
premenopausal8.2-33.8 ×10−7
pregnancy2.3-11.7 ×10−7
postmenopausal1.1-6.1 ×10−7
11-Deoxycortisol 1-7 ×10−8
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)male3-8 ×10−9
female1-10 ×10−10
Diphosphoglycerate (phosphate)8-16 ×10−5
DNA The molecule of heredity0-1.6 ×10−5
Dopamine Neurotransmitter<1.36 ×10−10
Enzymes, total<6 ×10−5
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)<1 ×10−11
Epinephrine Neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system
after 15 min rest3.1-9.5 ×10−11
when emitted3.8 ×10−92-2.5 ×10−9
Ergothioneine 1-20 ×10−5
Erythrocytes (#/cm3)adult male, avg. (range)5.2 (4.6-6.2) ×109
adult female, avg. (range)4.6 (4.2-5.4) ×109
children, varies with age4.5-5.1 ×109
reticulocytes25-75 ×106
Erythropoietin adult, normal0.5-2.5 ×10−10
pregnant2.7-6.2 ×10−10
hypoxia or anemia0.8-8.0 ×10−8
Estradiol (E2)male8-36 ×10−12
female, follicular(days 1-10)1-9 ×10−11
female, mean5 ×10−11
female, pre-fertile (days 10-12)10-15 ×10−11
female, fertile (days 12-14)35-60 ×10−11
female, luteal (days 15-28)20-40 ×10−11
female, pregnancy3-70 ×10−7
female, postmenopausal1-3 ×10−11
Estriol (E3)nonpregnant<2 ×10−9
pregnancy, weeks 22-303-5 ×10−9
pregnancy, weeks 32-376-11 ×10−9
pregnancy, weeks 38-4125-170 ×10−9
Estrogen male4-11.5 ×10−11
female, prepubertal<4 ×10−11
female, 1–10 days6.1-39.4 ×10−11
female, 11–20 days12.2-43.7 ×10−11
female, 21–30 days15.6-35 ×10−11
female, postmenopausal<4 ×10−11
Estrone (E1)male2.9-17 ×10−11
female, follicular2-15 ×10−11
female, 1–10 days of cycle4.3-18 ×10−11
female, 11–20 days of cycle7.5-19.6 ×10−11
female, 20–29 days of cycle13.1-20.1 ×10−11
pregnancy, weeks 22-303-5 ×10−9
pregnancy, weeks 32-375-6 ×10−9
pregnancy, weeks 38-417-10 ×10−9
Ethanol social high0.5 ×10−3
reduced coordination0.8 ×10−3
depression of CNS>1 ×10−3
confusion, falling down2.0 ×10−3
loss of consciousness3.0 ×10−3
coma, death>4 ×10−3
Fatty acids nonesterified (free)8-25 ×10−5
esterified2.5-3.9 ×10−37-20 ×10−5
total1.9-4.5 ×10−3
Ferritin male1.5-30 ×10−8
female0.9-18 ×10−8
alpha-1-Fetoprotein 0-2 ×10−8
Flavin adenine dinucleotide 8-12 ×10−8
Fluoride 1-4.5 ×10−71-4.5 ×10−7
Folate 2.2-17.3 ×10−9
in erythrocyte1.67-7.07 ×10−7
Folic acid 2.3-5.2 ×10−81.6-2 ×10−8
Fructose 0-5 ×10−57-8 ×10−5
Furosemide glucuronide 1-400 ×10−6
Galactose children<2 ×10−4
Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)<1.25-4.0 ×10−10
Gastrin mean7 ×10−11
maximum<20 ×10−11
Globulin total 2.2-4 ×10−2
alpha-1-Globulin1-4 ×10−3
alpha-2-Globulin4-10 ×10−3
beta globulin 5-12 ×10−3
gamma globulin 6-17 ×10−3
Glucagon range5-15 ×10−11
mean7.1-7.9 ×10−11
Glucosamine fetus4-6 ×10−44.2-5.5 ×10−4
child5-7 ×10−45.2-6.9 ×10−4
adult6-8 ×10−46.1-8.2 ×10−4
aged7-9 ×10−47.0-8.9 ×10−4
Glucose newborn2-3 ×10−4
adult6.5-9.5 ×10−47-10.5 ×10−4
diabetic14-120 ×10−4
Glucuronic acid 4.1-9.3 ×10−58-11 ×10−6
Glutamic acid 2-28 ×10−6
Glutamine 4.6-10.6 ×10−5
Glutathione reduced2.5-4.1 ×10−40
Glycerol free2.9-17.2 ×10−6 [2]
Glycine 1.7-2.3 ×10−58-54 ×10−6
Glycogen 1.2-16.2 ×10−50
Glycoprotein, acid4-15 ×10−4
cGMP 0.6-4.4 ×10−9
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1-80 ×10−12
Guanidine 1.8-2.3 ×10−6
Haptoglobin 3-22 ×10−4
Hemoglobin 1.2-1.75 ×10−11-4 ×10−5
newborn1.65-1.95 ×10−1
children, varies with age1.12-1.65 ×10−1
adult, male1.4-1.8 ×10−1
adult, female1.2-1.6 ×10−1
inside erythrocyte~3.3 ×10−1
per red blood cell27-32 picograms
Hexosephosphate P1.4-5 ×10−50-2 ×10−6
Histamine 6.7-8.6 ×10−8
Histidine 9-17 ×10−61.1-3.8 ×10−5
Hydrogen ion(pH 7.4)4 ×10−11
beta-Hydroxybutyric acid 1-6 ×10−61-9 ×10−6
17α-Hydroxycorticosteroids 4-10 ×10−8
17α-Hydroxyprogesterone male20-250 ×10−11
female, follicular20-80 ×10−11
female, luteal80-300 ×10−11
female, postmenopausal4-50 ×10−11
female, child20-140 ×10−11
Antibodies Immunoglobulin A (IgA)5-39 ×10−4
Immunoglobulin D (IgD)0.5-8.0 ×10−5
Immunoglobulin G (IgG)5.0-19 ×10−3
Immunoglobulin M (IgM)3.0-30 ×10−4
Immunoglobulin E (IgE)<5 ×10−7
Indican 8-50 ×10−7
Inositol 3-7 ×10−6
Insulin 2.0-8.4 ×10−10
Insulin-like growth factor 9.9-50 ×10−8
Iodine total2.4-3.2 ×10−84.5-14.5 ×10−8
Iron adult4-6 ×10−46-18 ×10−7
Isoleucine 9-15 ×10−61.2-4.2 ×10−5
Ketone bodies 2.3-10 ×10−61.5-30 ×10−6
alpha-Ketonic acids adult1-30 ×10−6
L-Lactate arterial<11.3 ×10−54.5-14.4 ×10−5
venous8.1-15.3 ×10−54.5-19.8 ×10−5
Lead normal1-5 ×10−71-7.8 ×10−8
toxic>6-10 ×10−7
Lecithin 1.1-1.2 ×10−31-2.25 ×10−3
Leptin 1.2 ×10−8
Leucine 1.4-2 ×10−51.2-5.2 ×10−5
Leukocytes (#/cm3) Total:total, birth9.0-30.0 ×106
total, pediatric4.5-15.5 ×106
total, adult, range4.3-11.0 ×106
total, adult, median7.0 ×106
Neutrophil granulocytes, birth6.0-26.0 ×106
Neutrophils, pediatric1.5-8.5 ×106
Neutrophils, adult, range1.83-7.25 ×106
Neutrophils, adult, median3.65 ×106
Eosinophil granulocytes birth0.4 ×106
Eosinophils, pediatric0.2-0.3 ×106
Eosinophils, adult, range0.05-0.7 ×106
Eosinophils, adult, median0.15 ×106
Basophil granulocytes, adult, range0.015-0.15 ×106
Basophils, adult, median0.03 ×106
Lymphocytes, birth2-11 ×106
Lymphocyte, pediatric1.5-8.0 ×106
Lymphocyte, adult, range1.5-4.0 ×106
Lymphocyte, adult, median2.5 ×106
Monocytes, birth, range0.4-3.1 ×106
Monocytes, birth, median1.05 ×106
Monocytes, pediatric0.4 ×106
Monocytes, adult, range0.21-1.05 ×106
Monocytes, adult, median0.43 ×106
Phagocytes, birth, range6-26 ×106
Phagocytes, birth, median11 ×106
Phagocytes, pediatric, range1.5-8.5 ×106
Phagocytes, pediatric, median4.1 ×106
Phagocytes, adult, range3.5-9.2 ×106
Phagocytes, CD4 cell count0.5-1.5 ×106
Lipase P1.2-1.4 ×10−4
Lipids total4.45-6.1 ×10−34-8.5 ×10−3
Lipoprotein (Sr 12-20)1-10 ×10−4
Lithium 1.5-2.5 ×10−8
Lysine 1.3-3 ×10−52-5.8 ×10−5
Lysozyme (muramidase)1-15 ×10−6
alpha 2-macroglobulin pediatric2-7 ×10−3
male, adult0.9-4.0 ×10−3
female, adult1.2-5.4 ×10−3
Magnesium 3.2-5.5 ×10−51.8-3.6 ×10−5
Malic acid 4.6 ×10−61-9 ×10−6
Manganese 0-2.5 ×10−70-1.9 ×10−7
Melatonin Day1.35-1.45 ×10−11
Night6.07-7.13 ×10−11
Mercury normal<1 ×10−8
chronic>20 ×10−8
Methemoglobin 4-6 ×10−4
Methionine 4-6 ×10−61-15 ×10−6
Methyl guanidine 2-3 ×10−6
beta-2-microglobulin 8-24 ×10−7
MIP-1a 2.3 ×10−11
MIP-1b 9 ×10−11
Mucopolysaccharides 1.75-2.25 ×10−3
Mucoproteins 8.65-9.6 ×10−4
Nerve growth factor (NGF)6-10 ×10−9
Niacin 5-8 ×10−62-15 ×10−7
Nitrogen respiratory gas8.2 ×10−69.7 ×10−6
total, nonrespiratory3-3.7 ×10−2
Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system
after 15 min rest2.15-4.75 ×10−10
when emitted8.1 ×10−98.5 ×10−9
Nucleotide total3.1-5.2 ×10−4
Ornithine 4-14 ×10−6
Oxalate 1-2.4 ×10−6
Oxygen (respiratory gas)arterial2.4-3.2 ×10−43.9 ×10−6
venous1.6-2.3 ×10−41.6 ×10−6
Oxytocin male2 ×10−12
female, nonlactating2 ×10−12
female, pregnant 33-40 wks32-48 ×10−12
Pancreatic polypeptide 5-20 ×10−11
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)1.5-4.5 ×10−76-35 ×10−8
Para-aminobenzoic acid 3-4 ×10−8
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)2-4 ×10−10
Pentose phosphorated2-2.3 ×10−5
Phenol free7-10 ×10−7
Phenylalanine 8-12 ×10−61.1-4 ×10−5
Phospholipid 2.25-2.85 ×10−35-12 ×10−5
Phosphatase acid, prostatic<3 ×10−9
Phosphorus inorganic, adult2-3.9 ×10−52.3-4.5 ×10−5
inorganic, children4.0-7.0 ×10−5
total3.5-4.3 ×10−41-1.5 ×10−4
Phytanic acid <3 ×10−6
Platelets (#/cm3):range1.4-4.4 ×108
median2.5 ×108
Platelet-derived growth factor 5.0 ×10−8
Polysaccharides total7.3-13.1 ×10−4
Potassium 1.6-2.4 ×10−31.4-2.2 ×10−4
Pregnenolone 3-20 ×10−10
Progesterone (female)female, follicular0.4-0.9 ×10−9
female, midluteal7.7-12.1 ×10−9
pregnancy, weeks 16-1830-66 ×10−9
pregnancy, weeks 28-3070-126 ×10−9
pregnancy, weeks 38-40131-227 ×10−9
male12-20 ×10−11
Proinsulin fasting0.5-5 ×10−10
mean1.42-1.70 ×10−10
Prolactin (male) <20 ×10−9while awake1-7 ×10−9
during sleep9-20 ×10−9
Prolactin (female)follicular<23 ×10−9
luteal5-40 ×10−9
Proline 1.2-5.7 ×10−5
Prostaglandins PGE3.55-4.15 ×10−10
PGF1.26-1.56 ×10−10
15-keto-PGF2a5 ×10−10
15-keto-PGE2<5 ×10−11
Protein total1.9-2.1 ×10−16.0-8.3 ×10−2
Protoporphyrin 2.7-6.1 ×10−7
Prostate specific antigen 0-5 ×10−9
Pseudoglobulin I8-19 ×10−3
Pseudoglobulin II 2-8 ×10−3
Purine total9.5-11.5 ×10−5
Pyrimidine nucleotides 2.6-4.6 ×10−52-12 ×10−7
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)3.6-90 ×10−9
Pyruvic acid 3-10 ×10−63-12 ×10−6
RANTES 7 ×10−11
Relaxin day <100 preparturition<2 ×10−9
day 100 to 2 days preceding5-40 ×10−9
day preceding parturition100-200 ×10−9
day following parturition<2 ×10−9
Retinol (Vitamin A)1-8 ×10−7
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)1.5-6 ×10−72.6-3.7 ×10−8
RNA 5-8 ×10−44-6 ×10−5
Secretin 2.9-4.5 ×10−11
Serine 3-20 ×10−6
Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine)1.55-1.81 ×10−70.8-2.1 ×10−7
Silicon 1.4-2.95 ×10−62.2-5.7 ×10−6
Sodium 3.1-3.4 ×10−3
Solids, total2-2.5 ×10−18-9 ×10−2
Somatotropin growth hormone 4-140 ×10−10
Sphingomyelin 1.5-1.85 ×10−31-4 ×10−4
Succinic acid 5 ×10−6
Sugar, total7-11 ×10−4
Sulfates inorganic8-12 ×10−6
Sulfur total3.8-5 ×10−23.1-3.8 ×10−2
Taurine 3-21 ×10−6
Testosterone (male)free5.6-10.2 ×10−11
total275-875 ×10−11
Testosterone (female)free0.24-0.38 ×10−11
total23-75 ×10−11
pregnant38-190 ×10−11
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)3-10 ×10−81-9 ×10−8
Thiocyanate 5-14 ×10−6
nonsmoker1-4 ×10−6
smoker3-12 ×10−6
Threonine 1.3-2 ×10−50.9-3.2 ×10−5
Thyroglobulin (Tg)<5 ×10−8
Thyroid hormones 4-8 ×10−8
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 5-60 ×10−12
Thyroxine (FT4)free8-24 ×10−12
total4-12 ×10−8
Thyroxine-binding prealbumin 2.8-3.5 ×10−4
Thyroxine-binding globulin 1.0-3.4 ×10−7
Tin 0-4 ×10−70-1 ×10−7
alpha-Tocopherol (Vitamin E)5-20 ×10−6
Transcortin male1.5-2 ×10−5
female1.6-2.5 ×10−5
Transferrin newborn1.3-2.75 ×10−3
adult2.2-4 ×10−3
age >60 yrs1.8-3.8 ×10−3
Triglycerides 8.5-23.5 ×10−42.5-30 ×10−4
Triiodothyronine free2.3-6.6 ×10−12
total (T3)0.75-2.50 ×10−9
Tryptophan 5-10 ×10−69-30 ×10−6
Tyrosine 8-14 ×10−64-25 ×10−6
Urea 2-4 ×10−41.5-4.7 ×10−4 [1]
Uric acid child2.0-6.7 ×10−5 [3]
adult, male3.4-7.2 ×10−5 [1]
adult, female2.4-6.1 ×10−5 [1]
Valine 2-2.9 ×10−51.7-4.2 ×10−5
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)6-16 ×10−12
Vasopressin hydrated4.5 ×10−13
dehydrated3.7 ×10−12
Zinc 5-13 ×10−67-15 ×10−7

In blood banking, the fractions of Whole Blood used for transfusion are also called components.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Middletown, Ohio</span> City in Ohio, United States

Middletown is a city located in Butler and Warren counties in the southwestern part of the U.S. state of Ohio, about 35 miles (47 km) north of Cincinnati. The population as of the 2020 census was 50,987. It is part of the Cincinnati metropolitan area.

A blood bank is a center where blood gathered as a result of blood donation is stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. The term "blood bank" typically refers to a department of a hospital usually within a Clinical Pathology laboratory where the storage of blood product occurs and where pre-transfusion and Blood compatibility testing is performed. However, it sometimes refers to a collection center, and some hospitals also perform collection. Blood banking includes tasks related to blood collection, processing, testing, separation, and storage.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hematocrit</span> Volume percentage of red blood cells in blood

The hematocrit, also known by several other names, is the volume percentage (vol%) of red blood cells (RBCs) in blood, measured as part of a blood test. The measurement depends on the number and size of red blood cells. It is normally 40.7–50.3% for males and 36.1–44.3% for females. It is a part of a person's complete blood count results, along with hemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count and platelet count.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Uranium-235</span> Isotope of uranium

Uranium-235 is an isotope of uranium making up about 0.72% of natural uranium. Unlike the predominant isotope uranium-238, it is fissile, i.e., it can sustain a nuclear chain reaction. It is the only fissile isotope that exists in nature as a primordial nuclide.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Prothrombin time</span> Assay for evaluating the extrinsic pathway & common pathway of coagulation

The prothrombin time (PT) – along with its derived measures of prothrombin ratio (PR) and international normalized ratio (INR) – is an assay for evaluating the extrinsic pathway and common pathway of coagulation. This blood test is also called protime INR and PT/INR. They are used to determine the clotting tendency of blood, in such things as the measure of warfarin dosage, liver damage, and vitamin K status. PT measures the following coagulation factors: I (fibrinogen), II (prothrombin), V (proaccelerin), VII (proconvertin), and X.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Toivakka</span> Municipality in Central Finland, Finland

Toivakka is a municipality of Finland. It is located in the Central Finland region, near Jyväskylä. The municipality has a population of 2,386 (31 December 2021) and covers an area of 413.94 square kilometres (159.82 sq mi) of which 52.44 km2 (20.25 sq mi) is water. The population density is 6.6 inhabitants per square kilometre (17/sq mi). The municipality is unilingually Finnish.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Granitoid</span> Category of coarse-grained igneous rocks

A granitoid is a generic term for a diverse category of coarse-grained igneous rocks that consist predominantly of quartz, plagioclase, and alkali feldspar. Granitoids range from plagioclase-rich tonalites to alkali-rich syenites and from quartz-poor monzonites to quartz-rich quartzolites. As only two of the three defining mineral groups need to be present for the rock to be called a granitoid, foid-bearing rocks, which predominantly contain feldspars but no quartz, are also granitoids. The terms granite and granitic rock are often used interchangeably for granitoids; however, granite is just one particular type of granitoid.

Montauk Air Force Station was a US military base at Montauk Point on the eastern tip of Long Island, New York. It was decommissioned in 1981 and is now owned by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation as Camp Hero State Park.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Miyazaki Station</span> Railway station in Miyazaki, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan

Miyazaki Station is a JR Kyushu railway station located in Miyazaki, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. The central station of the prefectural capital is served by the Nippō Main Line connecting Fukuoka Prefecture and Kagoshima Prefecture. The station opened on December 15, 1913.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">ZNF238</span> Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens

Zinc finger protein 238 is a zinc finger containing transcription factor that in humans is encoded by the ZNF238 gene.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Japan National Route 236</span> Road in Hokkaido, Japan

National Route 236 is a national highway connecting Obihiro, Hokkaido and Urakawa, Hokkaido in Japan.

Kallithea, is a village and a community in the municipal unit of Alykes in the island of Zakynthos, Greece. In 2011 Kallithea's population was 238 people. It is situated at the eastern foot of the Vrachionas mountains, at about 60 m (200 ft) elevation. It is 3 km (1.9 mi) southeast of Katastari, 3 km (1.9 mi) southwest of Ano Gerakari, 3 km (1.9 mi) northwest of Agios Dimitrios and 12 km (7.5 mi) northwest of Zakynthos city. The farm of the Science Park Zakynthos, a Norwegian-Greek institute that focuses on sustainable water use, is situated in Kallithea. The village suffered great damage from the 1953 Ionian earthquake.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Wyoming Highway 238</span>

Wyoming Highway 238 is a 12.08-mile-long (19.44 km) Wyoming state road located in north-central Lincoln County, Wyoming.

The 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Division was an Aviation Division of the Soviet Air Forces, active from 1942 to 1998. Originally activated in 1942 as the 258th Fighter Aviation Division from the Air Forces of the 14th Army, then the 258th Mixed Aviation Division 27.2.43; redesignated in accordance with NKO Decree No. 264 as the 1st Guards Composite Aviation Division от 24.08.43; redesignated 16th Guards Fighter Aviation Division 11 November 1944.

Cold sensitive antibodies (CSA) are antibodies sensitive to cold temperature. Some cold sensitive antibodies are pathological and can lead to blood disorder. These pathological cold sensitive antibodies include cold agglutinins, Donath–Landsteiner antibodies, and cryoglobulins which are the culprits of cold agglutinin disease, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria in the process of Donath–Landsteiner hemolytic anemia, and vasculitis, respectively.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rani Khera, Sareni</span> Village in Uttar Pradesh, India

Rani Khera is a village in Sareni block of Rae Bareli district, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is located 27 km from Lalganj, the tehsil headquarters. As of 2011, it has a population of 1,451 people, in 278 households. It has one primary school and no healthcare facilities. It belongs to the nyaya panchayat of Murarmau.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Fibrinopeptide</span> Chemical compound

The fibrinopeptides, fibrinopeptide A (FpA) and fibrinopeptide B (FpB), are peptides which are located in the central region of the fibrous glycoprotein fibrinogen and are cleaved by the enzyme thrombin to convert fibrinogen into covalently-linked fibrin monomers. The N-terminal FpA is cleaved from the Aα chains of fibrinogen and FpB from the Bβ chains of fibrinogen, with FpA released before FpB. Subsequent to their formation, fibrin monomers are converted to cross-linked fibrin polymers by the action of thrombin-activated factor XIII, and these fibrin polymers form the backbone of a thrombus. Hence, the fibrinopeptides are sensitive markers of fibrinogenesis, thrombin activity, and coagulation.


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